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本科生毕业论Analysis the Symbolic Meanings of The Little Prince浅析小王子中的象征意蕴姓名学号20084020110专业外国语言文学系指导教师2012年5月30日Analysis the Symbolic Meanings of The Little PrinceA Thesis Submitted toForeign Languages Department ofHenan University of Economics and Law inPartial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of ArtByJin YanyanSupervisor: Guo LimeiMay 30, 2012所在系:外国语言文学系 专 业:英 语学 号:20084020110 姓 名:金岩岩毕业论文题目:Analysis the Symbolic Meanings of The Little Prince浅析小王子中的象征意蕴1. Aim and Significance:Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-1944) was born in Lyons, France. A year after the publication of The Little Prince, Saint-Exupery disappeared over the Mediterranean while flying a reconnaissance mission for his French air squadron. Best known throughout the world as the author and illustrator of The Little Prince, Saint-Exupery wrote several other books that also have become classics of world literature such as Night Flight and Wind, Sand and Stars.The Little Prince has been republished several times since it was published in New York in 1943. It has been translated into more than 100 languages and becomes one of the most popular books which circulation only second to Bible. Symbolism is the best successful factor of the novel. There are few works of studies about symbolism in the perspective of love and responsibility. Their studies are mainly concerned in the following aspects: 1) study symbolic meaning of the images. 2) the relationship between symbolism and philosophy in the work. 3) the realistic meaning of symbolism in the work. This essay tries to explore the realization of love and responsibility of the little prince through symbolism.So the aim of the essay is to seek the theme of love and responsibility through symbolic meanings in the book. It is a great significance to search love and responsibility in nowadays that full of apathy among people.2. Main Methods and Ways of Studies: This essay mainly uses the methods of literature reading and theoretical analysis. It mainly separate into three parts. In the first part, mainly illustrate some theories of symbolism and the studies of symbolism in current situation of The Little Prince. In the second part, research the various symbolic meanings in the growing of the little prince, namely, the progress of realizing love and responsibility of the little prince.1).the symbolic meaning of leaving home of the little prince is escaping from love. 2) the symbolic meanings of residents in the six planets are “self-love” and “love others” .3) begin to understand love and responsibility through the foxthe symbol of the wise. 4)find the real meaning of life and self value, namely love and responsibility. In the third part, make a conclusion about the realistic meaning of this research.3. Literature Review:There are a large number of outstanding scholars who have made their studies on Analysis the Symbolic Meanings of The Little Prince. Among the foreign researchers, for example, Paul Webster focused on the research of the life and death of the little prince in 1967, he believes that the life and death of the little prince symbolize the experience of Antoine de Saint-Exupery; S L Ablon carried on the studies on Child analysis and The Little Prince in 1989, she researched the children psychology through behavior and thoughts of the little prince. In China, the study of this field has also got much attention. For instance, Ling Xuedong studied The Little Prince from the point of view of symbolism play an important role in developing the work; and Liao Shasha tried to find the realistic meaning of The Little Prince in 2005, she came to conclusion that The Little Prince reflects the era of the Second World War through studying symbolism in the work. On the basis of related studies in this field, the present thesis attempts to study love and responsibility through analysis symbolism of The Little Prince.4. Timetable of the Thesis Writing:Time arrangement for the writing plan is as follows:Before March19, 2012, hand in the presentation of the paper.Before April 16, 2012, hand in the first draft of the paper.Before May 14, 2012, hand in the second draft of the paper.Before May21, 2012, hand in the final paper.指导教师意见:指导教师签名:2012年 月 日iAbstractAntoine de Saint-Exupery was an aristocrat French writer, poet and pioneering aviator. He became a laureate of several of Frances highest literary awards,such as Prix Femina and Le grand prix de littrature de lAcadmie franaise and also won the U.S. National Book Award. He is best remembered for his novella The Little Prince. The Little Prince, known as “The French Rose” is loved by both children and adults since it was published. The work is so charm
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