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硕士学位论文认知无线电终端的改进设计与实现及OFDM峰均比抑制算法的研究申请人: 学科专业:信息与通信工程指导教师: 2008年05月论文题目:认知无线电终端的改进设计与实现及OFDM峰均比抑制算法的研究学科专业:信息与通信工程申请人:罗俊平指导教师:罗新民 副教授摘 要 本研究得到国家高技术研究发展“863计划”资助项目(2005AA123910);陕西省科技攻关计划项目(2005K04-G11);陕西省自然科学基金资助项目(2006F41)资助。认知无线电(Cognitive Radio, CR)是一种用于提高无线通信频谱资源利用率的智能技术,为解决当前效率低下的频谱管理方式与不断增长的频谱资源需求之间的矛盾提供了一种新的途径。目前对CR的研究才刚刚起步,为了消除争议,验证CR理论,为CR的研究以及标准的确立提供参考,本课题组设计了一套基于软件定义无线电架构的的标准化、模块化通用CR实验系统。本文的主要工作是CR实验系统终端的硬件和软件框架设计与实现以及对降低CR实验系统终端发送信号峰均比算法的研究。论文首先介绍CR实验系统终端硬件的设计与实现。提出基带处理母板和中频子板、控制子板分离的结构设计方案,针对基带处理母板提出3DSP+FPGA的硬件架构,为实验系统提供强大的基带计算能力,并且设计了中频子板和基带处理母板高速通信扩展插槽,有效的提高了实验系统的数据传输速率。接着论文介绍CR实验系统终端软件框架设计与实现。在发送和接收DSP中基于DSP/BIOS设计了实时多任务系统程序框架,较好地满足了各个算法任务的执行时序和实时性要求,提高了DSP的CPU工作效率。论文随后针对CR实验系统终端发送信号峰均比过高导致误码上升的问题提出一种新的改进限幅算法并成功应用于CR实验系统,有效的降低了发送信号峰均比,提高了系统误码性能。论文中设计的CR实验系统终端软、硬件均已实现并调试成功,文中最后给出了调试结果。基于实验系统终端的组网实验以及认知无线电算法验证实验正在逐步开展,基本实现了CR实验系统终端的设计目标。关 键 词:认知无线电,CR实验系统终端,OFDM峰均比,改进限幅算法论文类型:应用研究Title: Improved Design and Implementation of Cognitive Radio Terminals and Research on Algorithm Reducing PAPR of OFDMSpeciality:Information and Communication EngineeringApplicant:Junping LuoSupervisor:Associate Prof. Xinmin LuoABSTRACT Funded by: “The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program, No.2005AA123910)”, “The Science and Technology Plan Foundation of Shaanxi Province” (No.2005K04-G11) and “The Natural Science Fundation of Shaanxi Province(No.2006F41)”.Cognitive radio is an intelligent technology used to improve the utilization of spectrum resource. It provides a novel solution for the contradiction between the inefficiency of spectrum management and the growing demand for spectrum resource. The research of CR has just begun. So a standardized and modular CR expermental system is designed by our project team in order to propose remarkable academic achivements and standards of CR. This thesis mainly focuses on design and implementation of hardware and software of CR terminals and the research on reducing PAPR of CR terminals.The thesis firstly presents the design and implementation of hardware of CR terminals. A novel hardware architecture of 3DSP+FPGA is proposed to provide a powerful base-band digital signal processing ability. A high-speed expanding slot connecting the base-band board and the IF boards is proposed to increase the data rate of CR expermental system. Then the thesis secondly presents the design and implementation of software framework of CR terminals. A realtime multi-task software framework based on DSP/BIOS is proposed to improve the efficiency of DSP and meet the requirement of timing of all algorithms. Finally, a novel improved clipping algorithm is presented and implemented in CR terminals in order to solve the problem caused by high PAPR of transmitting signals. This algorithm has reduced PAPR efficiently and improved the BER performance of CR expermental system.The hardware and software of CR terminal presented in this thesis are already implemented and debugged. The results of debugging are presented at the last of the thesis. Now a new expermental network and correlative algorithms are being developing based on the CR terminals.KEY WORDS: Cognitive radio; CR terminal; PAPR of OFDM; Improved clipping algorithmTYPE OF THESIS: Applied Research目 录1 绪论1 认知无线电研究现状1 课题背景及认知无线电实验系统概述2 论文的主要工作和内容安排52 认知无线电实验系统终端的硬件设计与实现7 基于软件定义无线电的实验系统终端硬件架构设计7 基带处理母板硬件电路设计与实现8 主要芯片选型分析9 硬件接口设计9 硬件电路实现13 中频子板电路设计与实现21 中频发送子板21 中频接收/检测子板24 射频模块选型28 本章小结283 认知无线电实验系统终端软件框架设计与实现29 认知无线电实验系统终端算法任务流程29 基带算法任务分配293.3 DSP算法流程设计32 基于DSP/BIOS的多任务程序框架设计34 实时多任务系统及DSP/BIOS简介34 基于DSP/BIOS的程序设计方法36 发送DSP实时多任务程序框架设计36 接收DSP实时多任务程序框架设计39 本章小结424 认知无线电实验系统降低信号峰均功率比算法的研究与实现434.1 OFDM传输技术的峰均功率比问题43 峰均功率比定义434.1.2 OFDM信号峰均功率比统计规律44 高峰均功率比对认知无线电系统造成的影响45 常见的降低信号峰均功率比算法比较47 信号预畸变技术47 编码类技术48 概率类技术48 改进限幅滤波算法降低OFDM信号峰均功率比49 限幅算法思想49 改进限幅算法50 改进限幅算法参数的选择52 改进限幅算法仿真结果53 改进限幅算法在认知无线电实验系统中的实现54 本章小结565 认知无线电终端的硬件和软件框架测试57 认知无线电实验系统终端硬件测试57 电源模块测试57 时钟信号测试59 高速数字信号传输的信号完整性测试61 认知无线电实验系统软件框架测试62 底层硬件配置测试62 各算法模块间的接口测试63 任务时序和算法实时性测试64 本章小结646 结论与展望65 工作总结65 后续工作及展望65致 谢66参考文献67附 录 认知无线电实验系统终端实物图69攻读学位期间取得的研究成果70声明CONTENTS1 Preface11.1 Reasearch Status of Cognitive Radio11.2 Thesis Background and Brief Introduction of CR Experimental System21.3 Main work and the Arrangement of Contents52 Design and Implementation of Hardware in CR Terminals72.1 Design of Hardware Framework Based On SDF72.2 Circuit Design of the Base Band Processing Board8 Selection of the Key Devices9 Circuit Design of Interface9 Circuit Implementation132.3 Circuit Design and Implementation of the IF Boards21 IF Transmitter Board21 IF Receiver Board242.4 Selection of Radio-Frequency Modul
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