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最新教学资料外研版英语MOUDLE 3 Slavery and the American Civil WarI模块教学目标技能目标 Skill Goal Talk about Slavery in the USA and the American Civil War Review the language in use: at, all, too, put, used, being Learn about the presentation skills: Writing a discursive composition Writing a composition discussing the statement: “All men and women deserve certain basic rights”II.目标语言功能句Giving written opinionsGive your own opinions:I believe / feel / think that In my opinion As I see it Disagree: On the other hand Introduce facts: It is certainly true that With regard to Contrast ideas: However Although Despite On the other hand Add more ideas: Also Furthermore, As a result of Give explanations: For this reason In other words For example, Give your conclusion: In conclusion,词汇1.四会词汇abolish, address, aim, anti-slavery, author, believable, cabin, capture, circus, collection, condition, cotton, create, critical, claim, deserve, elect, employ, establish, existence, former, free, freedom, identify, immediate, impolite, infamous, mean(v.), moving, numerous, opportunity, owner, part, perish, plantation, poisoned, reaction, reveal, review, reward, slave, slavery, stimulate, superb, surrender, sympathetic, terror, threaten, triangular, typical 2.认读词汇descendant,enslave, numerous,abundant,indigenous,resistance,obtain,textile, bandy,triangular, transatlantic,landscape,flourish,subsequence,mahogany,indigo,emerging, forcibly, exceed, abduct,dislocation,impact,dedicate,conceive, proposition,consecrate,hallow,detract,perish, controversial3.词组agree to, be born into, come to existence, in vain,with regard to,in conclusion,count on,more often than not,in my opinion,with regard to,furthermore,in the other hand, in other words, in return,take on,in large quantities,be engaged in,in a large sense, put into action4.重点词汇和短语abolish, capture, create, critical, deserve, elect, employ, establish, existence, identify, immediate, impolite, infamous, mean(v.), perish, reveal, review, reward, stimulate, surrender, sympathetic, threaten, agree to, be born into, come to existence, in vain,with regard to,in conclusion,count on,more often than not,in my opinion,furthermore,on the other hand, in other words, in return,take on,in large quantities,be engaged in语法Language in use: at, all, too, put, used, beingWe use at:(a) to talk about doing things well or badly(b) to show the time something happensWe use all:(a) all + (of ) + the + / this / my etc. + singular countable noun(b) all + (of ) + the + / these / my etc. + plural or uncountable nounWe use too:(a) clause + too(b) too + adjective / adverb + to + infinitiveWe use put:(a) put + NP + adverb(b) put + NP + preposition + NP(c) put + adverb + NPWe use used:(a) refer to the act of using something(b) refers to things that are not new to someone We use being:(a) am / is /was ect. +being + adjective / NP(b) being + adjective / NP(c) verb + +being + adjective / NP(d) am / is /was ect. +being + past participle重点句子1. The slave owner is threatening the slaves.2. All men deserve freedom.3. All men are created equal.4. The country we know as the United States of America came into existence towards the end of the 18th century.5. Slave ships carried slaves over from Africa, keeping them in such terrible conditions that many died during the long sea journey.6. By the first half of the 19th century, slavery had transformed the economy of the nation, making it very wealthy.7. Only the Southern states insisted on keeping it, mainly because they needed cotton more than the more industrialized North.8. The war lasted four years, ending in 1865.9. Lincoln was murdered by a man who was sympathetic to the Southern cause.10. As was the custom at that time, his father had taken the last name of his last owner.11. While there, Solomon became extremely ill.12. He was beaten and threatened with death if he ever revealed his true identity.III. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本模块以美国内战(18611865)为话题,阐述了美国的奴隶制度,美国内战的原因及“地下铁道”解放奴隶的运动。19世纪40年代以后,美国北部工业生产迅速发展, 以残酷剥削黑奴和大量消耗土地为基础的南部种植园奴隶制成为美国资本主义发展的严重障碍。两种社会制度的斗争日趋尖锐。美国内战是美国历史上第二次资产阶级革命,它不仅恢复和巩固了联邦的统一,摧毁了奴隶制,解放了生产力,为美国资本主义发展扫除了内部障碍,而且对欧洲革命、各国工人运动和黑人运动也产生了积极影响。1.1 INTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking以一幅美国奴隶主种植园里奴隶主恐吓奴隶的图画引入话题,使同学们通过讨论激活美国奴隶主制度的背景知识。设置了四个活动,第一活动:设置六个问题,要求同学们根据所给出的图画回答所提的问题。第二活动让同学们阅读所给出的四句话并回答所给出的五个问题。第三活动让同学们通过讨论用自己的语言把句子补充完整。第四活动让同学们通过讨论回答奴隶制度存在的原因。为本模块的学习作好了铺垫。1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY (1) 设置了两篇文章。即Causes of the American Civil War和The True Story of Solomon Northrup,a Black Slave的通过阅读这篇文章,同学们可以进一步了解美国内战的原因及美国奴隶的悲惨境遇。本部分设置了七部分练习。第一部分练习考察学生对文章的理解能力。第二、三部分练习考察学生对文章词汇的理解
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