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Unit 5 Whats your hobby? (第一课时 教学设计)一、学情分析 本教案的授课对象为高一年级学前教育专业学生女生班级。因为女生对语言学习有着比男生相对较浓的兴趣,但学生英语基础差异较大,总体语音基础不是很好,自信心不足。但她们生性活泼,能歌善舞,敢于表演。所以在设计中充分利用这个优点,通过多种课堂组织形式来调动她们的积极性,设计不同难易度的任务,唤起英语学习的欲望,从而达到教学目标。二、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第五单元的第一课时,本单元主要是是关于兴趣的话题,该话题与学生的生活联系密切,能引起学生的共鸣。第一课时的内容包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,主要内容是关于兴趣爱好的词汇和对话。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言的必要准备,也让学生知道表达兴趣爱好的部分短语,同时也为完成本单元的任务做语言上的准备。2教学重点、难点(1)教学重点通过对图片的理解,能听懂关于兴趣爱好的词汇和句型。通过对话学习,学生能够口头表达关于业余爱好相关的词汇和句型。(2)教学难点学生能在真实的情境中运用与兴趣爱好有关的词汇和句型。三、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能掌握关于兴趣爱好的词汇,如hobby, music ,fishing, stamp, chess, jogging, painting etc 。(2)学生能够掌握关于兴趣爱好的词组 如:play chess, go fishing, listen to music, collect stamps, fly kites ,play computer games etc。(3)学生能掌握讨论兴趣爱好时所使用的句型,如: Whats your hobby ? Do you like/love .? I like/love I am crazy about 2. 能力目标(1)学生能听懂关于个人喜好的词汇和对话。(2)学生能用I like, I love等句型口头表达个人爱好。3. 情感目标了解并明确自己在专业学习中所需的技能极其重要性。四、教学步骤Step One Lead-in ( 4 min ) 1. Brainstorming Teacher : “What are in your minds when you see the word hobby ? (Write the word “hobby” on the blackboard)hobbyStudents : Compete with each other and write the related words about “hobby ” on the blackboard . (设计意图: 激活学生已有的词汇知识。通过词汇比赛启发学生的主动思维,调动学生的积极性、主动性,也为后面的听说做好最基础的词汇铺垫。)Step Two Word Study (10 min)1. Matching game (Activity 1 )Teacher : Show the words and related pictures of different hobbies on the screen.Students: Work in pairs and match the words to make phrases as the example. 2. Listen and check (Activity 2 )Listen to the tape and check the answers in Activity 1.3. Listen and complete (Activity 3)Listen to the tape again and complete the sentences under each picture to talk about hobbies. (设计意图: 动词和名词的配对活动,以及将词汇学习与具体的图片相结合,帮助学生以较为生动的形式学习词汇。并通过听力和完成句子的书面活动让学生在听、写方面巩固词汇。)Step Three Listening (15min)1. Pre-listening Teacher: Ask several students about their own hobbies. The dialogue as follows : T: Whats your hobby ?S: .T: So your favorite is .Students: Make up dialogues in pairs according to the example presented by the teacher and student. (设计意图: 通过对话,联系学生的生活实际,巩固前两个活动中的重点词汇并引出另一重点词汇favorite,以帮助学生扫除在接下来的听力中的语言障碍。)2. While-listening (1)Listen and tick (Activity 4)Teacher: Lead students to look through the three pictures, and ask them what are the hobbies the pictures tell us. Students: First, look through the pictures and get the main idea of each picture by answering the teachers question. Then listen to the tape and tick out the picture of Li xiaonians hobby.(2) Listen and complete (Activity 5)Students listen to the tape again and complete the sentence in activity 5. If they cant, listen to the tape again. (设计意图:通过此活动,训练学生能根据图片提供的信息预测听力内容的能力以及在听的过程中把握材料的大意,获取主要信息的能力,同时为说的活动提供语言铺垫。)3. Post-listening ( class work and pair work )Teacher :Play the tape sentence by sentence and lead students to repeat them.Students : Listen to the tape again and repeat sentence by sentence.(设计意图:在句子的跟读中,使学生掌握关于谈论兴趣爱好的重要句型。为后面的说做好最基础的准备)Step Four: Speaking (15min)1. Read and underline (Activity 6) Students read the dialogue and underline the sentences about hobby. Teacher writes the sentences on the board. (1)Whats your hobby ? (2)I love. (3)Do you like ? (4) Theyre my favorite. (5)Im crazy about If students cant understand the words or sentences, teacher should explain them .(设计意图:阅读对话并划出关于兴趣爱好的语句,让学生重点关注这些句子。)2. Activity 7: Listen and repeat Students read the dialogue after the tape, focusing on the sentences talking about hobby. (设计意图:通过跟读对话,让学生对兴趣爱好的句型进行反复口头表达。为以下的对话操练做好语言上的准备。)3. Practice and act (1) First teacher makes short dialogues with several students. For example T: Whats your hobby, XXX? S: I like T: Do you like? S: Yes/ No. T: But I dont love. Im crazy about ? Students make dialogues in pairs, following the example. Then some of them act out their dialogue in the front to the class. (2)Students make dialogues with partner to talk about the hobbies related with their major to identify what kind of hobby should be developed to study their own major ( preschool education).(设计意图:通过简单的对话操练,运用兴趣爱好的句型。并结合学生的学前教育专业,让学生意识到该专业需要在业余时间培养怎样的兴趣爱好。)Step Five Homework (1min)1. Summarize and add the names of hobbies.2. Make a dialogue with the partner to express your hobby. (设计意图:归纳总结兴趣爱好的词汇并加以补充,以复习课堂词汇并扩散学生的思维。对话操练旨在巩固句型运用。)五、板书设计 Unit 5 Whats your hobby ? 1. Whats your hobby ? 2. I love. 3. Do you like ? 4. Theyre my favorite. 5.Im crazy about hobby
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