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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上附件3车辆购置税完税证明补办表填表日期: 年 月 日纳税人(车主)名称地 址证件名称证件号码联系电话车辆类别代码厂牌型号车辆识别代号(车架号)发动机号车辆登记注册前补办完税证明填写右侧项目合格证编号(或货物进口证明书号)完税凭证号码车辆登记注册后补办完税证明填写右侧项目机动车行驶证或者机动车登记证书号码车牌号码原完税证明号码纳税申报核发的完税证明号码补办核发的完税证明号码补办理由及有关情况:纳税人(车主)(签名或盖章):年 月 日 主管税务机关(章):接收人: 复核人: 接收日期: 年 月 日备 注: 车辆类别代码为:汽车;摩托车;电车;挂车;农用运输车。车辆购置税完税证明补办表填表说明1.车辆购置税纳税人(车主)或代理人申请办理补办车辆购置税完税证明提交本表。本表可由车辆购置税征收管理系统打印,交纳税人(车主)签章确认。2.“纳税人(车主)名称”栏,填写纳税人或车主名称。3.“证件名称”栏,单位纳税人填写营业执照或者组织机构代码证或者税务登记证或者其他有效机构证明;个人纳税人填写居民身份证或者其他身份证明名称。4.“证件号码”栏,填写营业执照或者组织机构代码证或者税务登记证或者其他有效机构证明、居民身份证或者其他身份证件的号码。5.“车辆类别代码”栏,按表下备注栏中“车辆类别代码”对应的数字填写。6.“合格证编号(或货物进口证明书号)”“厂牌型号”“车辆识别代号(车架号)”“发动机号”栏,分别按车辆合格证或中华人民共和国海关货物进口证明书或中华人民共和国海关监管车辆进(出)境领(销)牌照通知书或没收走私汽车、摩托车证明书中对应的编号、车辆品牌和车辆型号、车辆识别代号(车架号)、发动机号填写。7.“完税凭证号码”栏填写主管税务机关开具的车辆购置税缴税凭证号码。8.“机动车行驶证或者机动车登记证书号码”栏填写纳税人(车主)的机动车行驶证或者机动车登记证书的号码。9.“车牌号码”栏填写车辆的车牌号码。10.“原完税证明号码”栏填写纳税人(车主)遗失的车辆购置税完税证明号码。11.本表(一车一表)一式二份,一份由纳税人(车主)留存;一份由主管税务机关留存。Attachment 3 Form for Obtaining Retroactively the Tax Fulfillment Certificate of Vehicle Acquisition Tax Date of Filling: Date Month YearTaxpayers (Vehicle Owners )Name Address Certificate NameCertificate No.Contact No.Vehicle Class CodeBrand & ModelVehicle Identification Code (Frame No.)Engine No.When handling afresh the certificate of tax payment before vehicle registration, please fill in the items in the right sideQualification Certificates Serial No.(or Importation Certificates No. of Goods)Tax Payment Voucher No.When handling afresh the certificate of tax payment after vehicle registration, please fill in the items in the right sideMotor Vehicle Driving License or Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate No.License Plate No.Original Tax Payment Certificate No.Tax Payment CertificateNo. Verified and Issued after the Filing of Tax ReturnsTax Payment Certificate No. Verified and Issued When Handling Afresh the CertificateReasons for handling afresh the certificate and related situations:Taxpayer (Vehicle Owner) (signature or stamp):Date Month Year In-charge Taxation Authorities (stamp):Received by: Re-verified by: Date of Receiving: Date Month YearNotes:Vehicle class codes are: 1. Motor vehicle; 2. Motorcycle; 3. Trolleybus; 4. Trailer; 5. Farm transport vehicleInstructions on How to Fill in the Form of Handling Afresh the Certificate of Vehicle Acquisition Tax Payment1. The form shall be submitted by the payer of the vehicle acquisition tax (vehicle owner) or the agent when he/she re-applies for the vehicle acquisition tax payment voucher. It can be printed via the administrative system of the levy & collection of the vehicle acquisition tax and be handed to the taxpayer (vehicle owner) to sign or affix a seal for confirmation.2. The column of “ Taxpayers (Vehicle Owners )Name” shall be filled in with the taxpayers or the vehicle owners name.3. For the column of “Certificate Name”, the unit taxpayer shall fill in the Business License or the Organization Code Certificate or the Tax Registration Code or other valid organization certificates; the individual taxpayer shall fill in the name in his/her Resident Identification Card or in other identity certification.4. For the column of “Certificate No.”, the number in the Business License or the Organization Code Certificate or the Tax Registration Code or other valid organization certificates, the Resident Identification Card or other identity certification shall be filled in.5. The column of “ Vehicle Class Code” shall be filled in with the corresponding number of the “Vehicle Class Code” in the notes below the form.6. The columns of “Qualification Certificates Serial No.(or Importation Certificates No. of Goods)”, “Brand & Model”, “Vehicle Identification Code (Frame No.)” and “Engine No.” shall be respectively filled in with the corresponding codes, vehicle brands and models, vehicle names, vehicle identification codes (frame No.) and engine number in the vehicle qualification certificate or the Certificate of the Imported Cargos Issued by the Customs of the Peoples Republic of China or the Notice on Receiving (Writing-off) License Plates for Entering (Leaving) the Territory of the Vehicles Supervised and Managed by the Customs of the Peoples Republic of China or the Certificate of Confiscating Smuggled Cars and Motorcycles.7. The column of “Tax Payment Voucher No.” shall be filled in with the number in the vehicle acquisition tax payment v
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