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Title: Execution Without Excuses. Authoors: Sttewaart, Thhomaas AA.OBriien, Loouisse Sourcce: Harrvarrd BBusiinesss RReviiew; Maar20005, Vool. 83 Isssue 3, p1002, 10pp, 22c Docummentt Tyype: InnterrvieewDells ssusttainned commpettitiive advvanttagee iss duue tto mmoree thhan itss faamouus bbusiinesss mmodeel. Connsisstennt eexeccutiion reqquirres reaal-ttimee P&L mmanaagemmentt, aan eemphhasiis oon iingeenuiity rattherr thhan on invvesttmennt, andd a cullturre oof aaccoounttabiilitty. MICHAAEL DELLL FFOUNNDEDD thhe ccompputeer ccomppanyy thhat beaars hiss naame in 19884. Eigght yeaars latter, att thhe aage of 27, Deell beccamee thhe yyounngesst CCEO in thee Foortuune 5000. SSoonn thhe bbusiinesss wworlld wwas abuuzz witth ttalkk abboutt thhe DDelll buusinnesss moodell, wwhicch aalloows thee coompaany to byppasss miiddllemeen, selll ddireectlly tto ccusttomeers, annd aachiievee suuperriorr maanaggemeent of infformmatiion andd woorkiing cappitaal. Thhe PPoweer oof VVirttuall Innteggrattionn, HBRR caalleed iit iin aa 19998 inttervvieww wiith Micchaeel DDelll. SSincce tthenn, tthe commpanny hhas conntinnuedd too gaain marrkett shharee whhilee deelivveriing bettterr shhareehollderr reeturrns thaan aany of itss coompeetittorss. IInittiallly cappitaalizzed witth $1,0000, Deell is noww woorthh moore thaan $1000 biilliion.The ssecrret of Delllss suucceess goees bbeyoond itss faamouus bbusiinesss mmodeel. Higgh eexpeectaatioons andd diisciipliinedd, cconssisttentt exxecuutioon aare embbeddded in thee coompaanys DDNA. Deell is morre tthann ann effficciennt ffacttoryy - itts an orgganiizattionn thhat cann tuurn on a ddimee annd tthatt haas ddemoonsttratted imppecccablle ttimiing in entteriing neww maarkeets. Thhe ccomppanyy noow eemplloyss 533,0000 ppeopple andd opperaatess inn moore thaan 880 ccounntriies. Laast monnth, itts ffounnderr annd cchaiirmaan rreacchedd thhe rripee olld aage of 40. Keevinn Roolliins, a forrmerr Baain & CComppanyy coonsuultaant whoo beegann woorkiing witth DDelll baack in 19993 aand joiinedd thhe ccomppanyy inn 19996, waas aappoointted CEOO laast yeaar. Chaairmman andd CEEO wworkk inn addjoiininng ooffiicess. TThe walll bbetwweenn thhem is glaass, annd iit hhas a llargge ddoorr inn thhe mmidddle thaat iis nneveer cclossed.Whilee prroviidinng eextrraorrdinnaryy reewarrds to itss shhareehollderrs, Delll hhas creeateed aa cuultuure thaat eexpeectss grreatt peerfoormaancee frrom itss peeoplle. In ordder to douublee itts rreveenuees ooverr a fivve-yyearr peeriood, thee coompaany hass haad tto aadappt iits exeecuttionn-obbsesssedd cuultuure to neww deemannds, ass Roolliins andd Deell revveall. TTo ddisccusss hoow tthe commpanny hhas susstaiinedd itts aadvaantaage oveer ttwo deccadees, Thoomass A. Sttewaart, thhe eedittor of HBRR, aand Louuisee OBriien, ann HBBR cconssulttingg edditoor wwho serrvedd ass Deells VVP oof sstraateggy ffromm 19999 to 20002, mett wiith Rolllinns aand Delll aat tthe commpannyss heeadqquarrterrs iin RRounnd RRockk, TTexaas. In thiis eeditted inttervvieww, tthe twoo deescrribee hoow ttheyyvee woorkeed ttogeetheer tto rrefiine Delllss buusinnesss moodell, mmanaagemmentt-deevellopmmentt sttruccturre, andd cuultuure.The eelemmentts oof tthe Delll bbusiinesss mmodeel aare no seccrett: ggoinng ddireect, innforrmattionn ovver invventtoryy, wworlld-cclasss mmanuufaccturringg, aand supperiior cusstommer infformmatiion. Evveryyboddy kknowws tthesse, so whyy haavennt othher commpanniess beeen ablle tto ccopyy yoour moddel or beaat yyou at youur oown gamme? Rolliins: Thhe ssamee reeasoon wwhy Kmaart cannt imiitatte WWal-Marrt. Whaat WWal-Marrt ddoess issntt roockeet sscieencee - itts rettaillingg. WWhy cannt eveerybbodyy bee Waal-MMartt orr JeetBllue or Sammsunng oor wwhatteveer tthe besst ccomppanyy inn thheirr inndusstryy iss? BBecaausee itt taakess moore thaan sstraateggy. It takkes yeaars of connsisstennt eexeccutiion forr a commpanny tto aachiievee suustaainaablee coompeetittivee addvanntagge. So whiile Delll ddoess haave a ssupeerioor bbusiinesss mmodeel, thee keey tto oour succcesss iis yyearrs aand yeaars of DNAA deevellopmmentt wiithiin oour teaams thaat iis nnot reppliccablle ooutssidee thhe ccomppanyy. OOtheer ccomppaniies jusst ccant eexeccutee ass weell as we do.Dell: Cuultuure plaays a hhugee roole. Ass ouur iinduustrry ttrannsittionned to a sstanndarrds-bassed moddel froom aa prroprriettaryy moodell, wwithh itts 440% grooss marrginns, prootecctedd frrancchisses, annd ttierred disstriibuttionn, aa whholee neew sset of bussineess disscipplinnes beccamee immporrtannt. Thiingss liike cusstommer-cenntriicitty, suppplyy chhainn loogissticcs, andd caash floow mmanaagemmentt haa
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