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2020年精编人教版英语资料www.ks5u.com双基限时练(一)Unit 1Part .单词拼写1Any _ (组织) that received money from the US government had to treat blacks equally.答案organization2How long will the _ (接通;连接) of the telephone take?答案connection3Their _ (举止) towards me shows that they dont like me.答案behaviour4I was _ (鼓舞) to work harder than ever before by what my teacher had said.答案inspired5I doubt if it is _ (值得) for you to read that book.答案worthwhile6She _ (支持) her husband on the money she earns from teaching.答案supports7An eye _ (专家) checked her eyes carefully and advised her not to use her eyes too much.答案specialist8Jane spent many years _ (观察) and recording their daily activities.答案observing9My parents _ (尊重) my own opinion on most subjects.答案respect10Now many theme parks are built for _ (娱乐)答案entertainment.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Dont spoil the children. Cant you make your little son behave _ (him)?答案与解析himselfbehave oneself“表现得有礼貌”。句意:不要宠坏孩子。你就不能让你的小儿子表现得有礼貌一些吗?2All the students felt _ (inspire) when they were hearing the _ (inspire) music.答案与解析inspired; inspiring句意:当听到那首鼓舞人心的音乐时,所有的同学都感到受到了鼓舞。inspired意为“受到鼓舞的”,常以人做主语; inspiring意为“鼓舞人心的”,常以物做主语或修饰物。3Since 1994, the glacier (冰川) in Antarctica has lowered by as much as 90cm, _ (cause) sea level to rise.答案与解析causing此处逻辑主语是前面的整个句子,与cause是主动关系,所以用cause的现在分词形式。4 Were you busy last week? Very. Instead of wasting time playing computer games as usual, I devoted myself to _ (make) some flash cards.答案与解析making句意:你上周忙吗?非常忙。我没有像往常一样浪费时间玩电脑游戏,而致力于制作幻灯片。devote oneself to“致力于”,其中to为介词,后面接名词、代词或动名词。5Although he was disabled, he tried to lead as normal _ life as possible.答案与解析a句意:尽管他残疾了,他却尽可能过一种正常的生活。lead a . life“过着的生活”,相当于live a . life。6At the moment, many problems crowded _ my head.答案与解析in句意:此刻很多问题涌上了我的心头。crowd in“(问题、想法等)涌上心头;涌入脑海”。7Though we spent a lot, we think _ worthwhile because we succeeded in the end.答案与解析itworthwhile作宾补,构成“think宾语宾补”。句意:虽然我们花费了很多,但是我们认为是值得的,因为我们最后成功了。8After the rest of the work _ (be) done, the rest of the students _ (go) home.答案与解析was; wentthe rest of the work中, the work是不可数名词,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。9The government will put the murderer to _ (die) by shooting him.答案与解析deathput . to death短语中的to为介词表示结果,故其后应当用名词death。10Her research showed the _ (connect) between chimps and human beings.答案与解析connectionsconnection为可数名词,根据题意人与猩猩之间的联系不止一个,故用复数形式。.根据课文内容,完成语法填空I am a student of African wildlife and my group and I are doing some research _1_ chimps. _2_(follow) Jane Goodalls way of studying chimps, we are all going to visit them in the forest. _3_(watch) a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. This means _4_ back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before. Everybody sits and waits _5_ the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move _6_. After a days observation we are all tired and dirty. But the evening makes _7_ all worthwhile. We watch the mother chimp and her babies play in the trees and see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. Now we _8_(realize) how hard, and rewarding to do all these for Jane. That is _9_ for 40 years she has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand _10_ respect the life of these animals.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案1.on2.Following3.Watching4.going5.in6.off7.it8.have realized9.why10.and.阅读理解ABuying books on the internet is a great way to save time and money. Online bookstores offer new books and used books that can save you lots of money. They are far better compared to traditional bookstores as they offer much broader kinds of books. Another advantage of shopping online is that you can also read the book reviews as well as readers reviews to get an idea whether the book is worth buying. Online bookstores offer great discounts (折扣) to regular customers which is a big attraction for book lovers.For book lovers, the most important thing is to get books on time. Therefore, you need to find a reliable (可靠的) online bookstore that will be able to provide fast deliveries (送货)Here are some tips to use when choosing an online bookstore. Some online bookstores are popular for fiction books; some are for nonfiction books or novels, etc. Understanding their specialization will help you get the right kind of books in time. Check whether you will be buying the books from a thirdparty seller or directly from the website. Although the website could be reputable(声誉好的),thirdparty sellers advertised on their site may not have a good reputation. Never jump at stores that offer super cheap prices, as books sold at such low prices cou
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