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冀教版英语九年级Lesson 10教学设计课题 Touch the World单元Unit 2学科英语年级九年级学习目标知识目标:1. To master the new words: blind, deaf, sight, courage, greatly, Planetary Post, well-known=famous, writer(作家); 2. To master the phrases: learn from, be well-known for = be famous as, at the age of, have a high fever, between and能力目标:Improve their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing.情感目标:To be hard work and never give up.重点Development their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing.难点How to use the phrases and structures of sentences.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Lead-in1.Introduce some great people in our country (with their pictures).2.Free talk: How can you touch the world without hands, legs or even the ability to see and hear?Have you heard of Helen Keller?What can you learn from her?说出这些名人的名字和事迹。四人一组,自由讨论话题。 让学生思考这些名人生命的价值所在,引出课文内容。创设轻松的学习氛围,导入本课内容。讲授新课Presentation1.Show the new words.Explain “blind、deaf、illness、ability、progress、community”2.Listen to the tape and tell us true (T) or false (F).(1) Helen Keller is a famous writer and educator.(2) Helen Keller was a hero to healthy people around the world.(3) Helen Keller was born in 1880 in England.(4) A high fever made Helen blind and deaf.(5) When she lost her sight and hearing, she became difficult and wild.3.Language pointsat the age of、fall ill、ability、while, when, as4.Read and answerWho is Helen Keller?What happended to Helen Keller when she was nineteen months old?How did Anne Sullivan teach Helen Keller?What was the first word that Helen Keller learned?What was Helen Keller famous for?5.Practice6.GrammarAttributive Clauses7. Group workHave you heard of Stephen Hawking, Zhang Haidi or Huang Yangguang? What do you know about them? What can you learn from them? Talk about them.8.Practice9.SummaryWords and phrases:blind、deaf、illness、ability、progress、communityat the age of、fall ill、ability、while, when, as10.HomeworkWriting: My Hero.通过老师的讲解掌握单词的发音、含义及用法。听课文,判断正误。学生在书上标注重点短语、句型以及用法。通读课文,回答问题。总结课文内容并填空。根据例子写句子。学习定语从句。小组讨论这些迎难而上的人。综合练习。帮助学生掌握重点单词。增加对课文的熟悉程度,提升学生提取关键信息的能力。帮助学生了解课文内容,提高学生的阅读理解能力。教师引导学生找出本课的重点短语和句型,进行讲解 , 扫清了学生理解文章的障碍。总结课文内容、检测学生对本节课重点知识的掌握情况。总结定语从句规则。通过他们的事迹陶冶学生的情操。考查学生的综合能力。课堂小结本节课的教学目标一能掌握重点的单词、短语并能够运用,二是能够谈论自己崇拜的名人或英雄的基本概况;三是能够遇到困难不退缩,勇往直前,从不放弃。板书Lesson 10 Touch the Worldblind、deaf、illness、ability、progress、communityat the age of、fall ill、ability、while, when, as
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