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班级: 姓名: 学号: 4B字母单词辨音归纳:a /ei / cake、grape、make、skate、Kate、name、table、timetable、snake、safe、take、play、playground、lakea / / bag、cap、hamburger、sandwich、snack、Dad、cat、 match、Saturday、Maths、back、apple、happy、sad、black、 jacket、have、has、can、bad、Sam、hande, ee / i: / me、she、he、green、sleep、three、tree、see、coffee、week、evening、fever、jeans、speak、creame / e / bed、desk、pen、red、ten、Ken、egg、let、when、 Wednesday、lesson、get、every、pencil、Ben、very、welcome、well、headache、dress、sweateri / ai / Chinese、Science、Friday、kite、like、time、white、 Mike、five、fine、night、right、ice、bike、ride、nice、nine、 tiger、life、climb、idea i / i / English、fish、him、music、pig、listen、tennis、dinner、evening、drawing、river、difficult、hill、pill、ill、spring、swim、swimming、picnic、winter、six、think、thin、fifty、big、hiso / u / close、go、home、no、nose、open、Joe、Rose、cold、old、 so、over、homework、boat、boating、snow 、snowman、coat、mangoo / coffee 、hot、dog、not、 sock、box、fox、short、shorts、doctor、 morning、forty、lot、orange、Bobby、sorry、oclock、door、cough4B知识点归纳:1. 一周的星期前用介词on,如:on Monday, on Monday morning2. 时间点前用介词 at, 如:at ten, at ten forty-five3. 一年四季用介词 in 如:in spring, in summer4. 第三人称单数,动词have变has, 或在单词后加s, 如:(1)She/He/David has a fever/has lunch.(2)She/He/David draws some pictures in the park.(3)My hand hurts.5. 在can, want to, dont后面加动词原形。如:(1)She/He/David can have lunch at twelve.(2)She/He/David wants to drink some juice.(3)Dont swim in the river, its very dangerous.(危险的)6. some一般用于肯定句和征求别人意见的疑问句中,如:(1)I can see some cakes on the table. 我在桌子上能看到一些蛋糕。(2)Can I have some cakes? 我可以吃些蛋糕吗?(3)Would you like some cakes? 你想要些蛋糕吗?any 一般用于疑问句和否定句中,如:(1)Do you have any cakes? 你有蛋糕吗?(2)Can you see any flowers under the tree ? 在树下你能看见花吗?(3)We dont have any lessons on Saturday. 我们在周六没有课。7. be动词am, is, are的用法。 am只和I搭配。is和一个人或一件物品 或it, this搭配,are 和两个及两个人以上或两件或两件以上物品或we,they, these, those搭配。如: (1)I am= Im very cold. ( 2 ) She/He/David is very hot. ( 3 ) The cat is very hungry. ( 4 ) It is a fine day. ( 5 ) Whose dress is this ? ( 6 ) We/ They are ill. ( 7 ) These/ Those cakes are very nice. ( 8 ) Helen and Mike are at home now. ( 9 ) Five books are on the table.8. 除了特定单词前用“ an” 表示,其余都是用“ a ” 表示。an apple 一个苹果 an elephant 一头大象 an orange coat 一件橙色外套 an ice cream 一个冰淇淋 have an Art lesson 上/有一节美术课 an English book 一本英语书 an egg 一个鸡蛋9in the tree表示外来物在树上,如小鸟、猴子、气球等。 on the tree 表示长在树上的东西,如树叶、果实等。 (1)I can see some birds/ monkeys in the tree. ( 2 ) I can see some apples/pears on the tree. 10夏天白天长,晚上短。 In summer, the day is long and the night is short. 冬天白天短,晚上长。 In winter, the day is short and the night is long.11. Whats the matter with +宾格?如:Whats the matter with me(我)/us(我们)you(你,你们)/him(他)/her(她)/them(他们) 怎么了?期末专项复习(一)辨音辨音题做题技巧:本册书主要是关于四个字母:a e i o 在不同单词中的不同读音而进行辨音。a e i o四个字母都有两种不同的读音,在做题时,要一读二辨三做题。一、 辨音,发音相同的写“S”,发音不同的写“D”。( )1. dog hot ( )2.bad grape ( )3.close not( )4. fish him ( )5.time fine ( )6. kite like( )7. bed she ( )8.green sleep ( )9.make cap( )10. idea river ( )11. fox no二、 找出画线部分发音不同的一项。( )1. A. playground B. Saturday C. table( )2. A. jacket B. Maths C. cake( )3. A. hamburger B. skate C. match( )4. A. fever B. Wednesday C. green( )5. A. lesson B. ten C. sleep( )6. A. tree B. headache C. dress( )7. A. tiger B. spring C. white( )8. A. tennis B. fine C. difficult( )9. A. winter B. ill C. night( )10. A. coat B. doctor C. close( )11. A. sorry B. sock C. Rose( )12. A. cold B. short C. home期末专项复习(二)词汇填写所缺字母,写出中文意思。1. sc_ o_ l ( ) 2. s_bj_ct ( ) 3. se _ ( ) 4. _on_ay ( ) 5. M _ s _c ( ) 6. _hin_se ( )7. M_ _hs ( ) 8. l_ss_n ( ) 9. T_ _sday ( ) 10.We_ne_day ( ) 11. m_y ( ) 12. _hu_sday ( )13. _om_work ( ) 14. h_t ( ) 15. _a_k ( )16. h_a_ ( ) 17.d_a_( ) 18. F_ _day ( )19.fl_w_r ( ) 20. _ _nday ( ) 21.b_ _t ( )22.r_v_r ( ) 23. _ak_( ) 24.se_ _on ( )25.d_e_s ( ) 26.s_r_ng ( ) 27. _a_ty ( )28.w_ _m ( ) 29.c_a_ ( ) 30.w_ _ter ( )31.c_ _d ( ) 32.sh_ _t ( ) 33.s_m_er ( )34.s_ea_er ( ) 35. _ut_mn ( ) 36.h_n_ ( )37. S_tur_ay ( ) 38. i_ _ ( ) 39.c_ _l ( )40.th_r_ty ( ) 41.w_t_r ( ) 42. _ap_y ( )43.t_ _ed ( ) 44. u_ua_ly ( ) 45. _rt ( )46.Helen and her sister are ill, they should(应该) _. (保重)47.He is not a_ s_ _ool, too.48.Bobby cant _et _p at five thirty.49.Can you _(看电视) with me in the _ (晚上/傍晚)?50.Its four forty. Its time to _.(回家)
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