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EEC小学英语四年级下册 Unit7 Wheres the Post Office? 教学设计(综合技能拓展) 电工小学 连君教材分析EEC小学英语教材四年级下册的第七单元的主要故事内容是孩子们向警察询问去邮局的路,然后在邮局邮寄包裹。这一单元的知识扩展巩固了三年级下册第七单元Wheres Wangwang?的内容;故事则承接了本册第六单元的内容。本节课的教学任务就是如何操练相关的词汇和句型,将知识有效的运用在实际的生活中。教学目标1. 知识目标:帮助学生梳理本单元的重难点内容,尽力体现语言交际性。2. 能力目标:使学生能够听懂并简单谈论几个生活中常用地点且在此地能做的事情。能在小组内表演并完成任务。3. 情感目标:能在互相交流中,体会语言交际的快乐,并学会自主学习,自我总结。通过参与课堂活动,学会相互合作,培养乐于助人的精神。教学重难点重点是听懂并能谈论几个地方和能在那里做的事情,难点是能小组合作表演,合作完成任务。教学流程. PreparationGood morning, class. How are you?Lets sing a song. Wheres the post office?. Practice1. 复习本单元故事。Do you remember how many persons in the story?Now lets go!Look! Are these true or false? Lets check up.2. Look! Here come Ken and Robo!Ken: Thanks to Robo, I send a thank-you card to my aunt!Robo: Youre welcome.Ken: Look! There are some presents from my friends. Its a book from Lili. Is it good? Lets read together! I should share it with my friends.(任务一)听故事,排排序。Oh, there are some mistakes with the pictures. Can you number them?(任务二)记一记,说一说。Robo: To share with others is great! I want to invite you and your friends to come to my town.Ken: Thats great!Robo: There are 6 places. Can you remember them in 5 seconds? Ready? Go! (5秒钟内快速记忆6个地点)Excuse me. Wheres the _?What can you do in the _? (将教室布置成街道,将不同地点的单词卡分撒到学生中间,以问路的方式同桌间互相谈一谈要去哪里,在该地点能做的事情)(任务三)大侦探,写一写。Robo: Look! My friends are in my town. Where are they going? What do they want to do? Can you see that? Please write down.(Kate, Jimmy, Jess, Lili, Ken and Dad他们在哪里?在做什么?完成表格填写。)(任务四)看一看,说一说。Now lets see a chant. Childrens Day is coming. Where are you going?(小组内简单谈一谈自己想去的地方、想做的事,并小组汇报). SummaryKen收到了Aunt的封信。Dear Ken,Please come to my house on Childrens Day. I have a surprise for you. Your aunt, KellyCan you guess what the surprise is?A big spider? A big house? Or a cartoon-Tom and Jerry?Please find the answer in Unit 8 In the Bathroom. Homework1. Preview the story about Unit 8.2. Read the whole story again and do the exercise on the net.(以上两项都在一起作业上)
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