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鲁科版五四制小学英语三年级上册Unit 1 Greetings Lesson 3 Nice to meet you.教学设计来源:学#科#网II. Analysis of the lessonLesson 3 of Unit 1 in Book 1 mainly talks about greetings. Its part of students daily life. Students are expected to talk about them with teachers and friends for the first time. The teacher is to increase students manners sense and interest in learning English.III. Analysis of the learnersThe students in Grade Three are very active in class. Theyre also very interested in learning English. They have the interest and desire of learning this lesson. Let the students fully integrated into the real life and make it more convenient to attract the attention of students.IV. Learning goals1. Knowledge goals:1)All the students will be able to read and say the following words and sentences: afternoon, Miss, nice, meet, too. Good afternoon. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.2)The students will be able to imitate the text.3)The students will be able to act out the roles. 2. Ability goal: Students will say some daily greetings, using the words and sentences they learn in this class. 3. Emotion goal: Develop good manners and habits, and further stimulate students interest in learning English.V. Key points and difficult pointsKey point:Students can read and use the new words and sentences. Difficult point:The achievement of the emotion goals.VI. Teaching proceduresStep1. Warm-up1. Sing a song: .2. Greetings.【Purpose】Warm up the students and lay a foundation for the new lesson.Step2. Presentation1. Introduce the title of this lesson. Demonstration: Show the title of this lesson and learn the two new words “nice” and “meet”.2. Introduce the characters of this lesson. (Li Ming, Danny, Miss Zhang.)Demonstration: Learn the new word “Miss”.【Purpose】Lay a good foundation for the new lesson.3. Watch and answer: (1) Does Li Ming know Miss Zhang?(2) Does Danny know Miss Zhang?Demonstration: Students watch the text for the first time and try to answer the two questions:(1) Does Li Ming know Miss Zhang? Students answer “Yes” .How do you find it?Li Ming says to Miss Zhang: “Good afternoon, Miss Zhang.”They know each other.What do they greet each other?“Good afternoon, Miss Zhang.”“Good afternoon, Li Ming.”Learn the new sentence “Good afternoon.”(2) Does Danny know Miss Zhang? Students answer “No”. How do you find it?Danny says to Miss Zhang: “Good afternoon, Im Danny.”Danny introduces himself to Miss Zhang. They meet for the first time.【Purpose】Students can grasp the scene of the text.4. Watch again and answer:What does Miss Zhang say to Danny?Demonstration: Lead the students to watch the text again and answer this question. What does Miss Zhang say to Danny?Miss Zhang says: “Good afternoon, Danny.” “Nice to meet you.”Danny says: “Nice to meet you, too.”Learn the new word “too”.来源:学_科_网【Purpose】Students can grasp the details of the text.5. Retell the whole text.Demonstration: Lead the students to summary the text. When we meet in the morning, we can say: “Good morning.”When we meet in the afternoon, we can say: “Good afternoon.”When we meet our friends for the first time, we can say: “Nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you, too.”【Purpose】Students can understand the contents of the text very well.6. Listen and imitate. 【Purpose】 Practice reading and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Step3. Practice1. Play roles.Demonstration: Lead the students to try to act out the text.1) Read the text in groups. (Miss Zhang, Danny, Li Ming)2) Show time.【Purpose】Practice and consolidate the text.2. Lets talk.Demonstration: Ask the students to talk about part2 of P7. 1) Introduce the characters. (Jenny, Guo Yang)2) Can you guess: “What will they say?”3) Listen carefully.4) Read together.5) Practice in pairs. Suppose you meet for the first time. Suppose you meet in the afternoon.6) Show time. (5-6groups) For example:T: Good afternoon. Im Miss Ma. S: Good afternoon. Im.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.【Purpose】Consolidate and evaluate the learning effect.3. Lets enjoy a chant: Demonstration: Strengthen the key sentences in a different way. 1) Enjoy the chant and find four friends.2) Lets talk with the new friends.3) Sing the chant.【Purpose】Students get more interested in singing the chant .Step4. Production 来源:1. Lets do: A little guide.Demonstration: Students can apply the sentences theyve learned in life.1) T: Look, This is our new school. Its very beautiful. Its 3 oclock in the afternoon. A visitor will come to our school.guide (T): Good afternoon. Im Miss Ma. Welcome to our school. visitor: Good afternoon, Im. guide (T): Nice to meet you. visitor: Nice to meet you, too. pupil: Good afternoon. Im visitor: Good afternoon. Im. pupil
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