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大学英语听力训练:相遇MRS RAMIREZ: I told you, Carlos! It”s impossible to understand that map! Why don”t we go by cab? MR RAMIREZ: But I want to go by subway, Conchita!Look, were here in Washdon, so we should go on the subway once! Come on, my dear! MRS RAMIREZ: Very well. But it looks so dirty! MR RAMIREZ: I”ll ask this lady. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to GLOOKESTER PLACE? PASSER-BY: Sorry honey, I”ve never heard of it. MR RAMIREZ: Excuse me, I”m trying to get to GLOOKESTER PLACE. PASSER-BY: No, I don”t think I know that name. Sorry, I can”t help you. MR RAMIREZ: Excuse me, which train do I get to go to GLOOKESTER PLACE? GERMAN STUDENT: Hmm. How do you spell that,please? MR RAMIREZ: G-L-O-U-C-E-S-T-E-R. GERMAN: Ah-ha! You pronounced it wrongly. It”s Gloucester; that”s how you say it: Gloucester. MR RAMIREZ: Yes, alright! Look, I don”t care how you pronounce it; I just want to get there! GERMAN: Take the train from Track 2, and change at Worcester Place. Now that”s another very interesting word:“Worcester”. It”s spelt W-O-R-C-E-S-T-E-R and pronounced “Worcester”. I”ll say it again, if you like - MR RAMIREZ: Thank you, thats enough, goodbye! MR RAMIREZ: Come along, my dear, lets get on the train. We dont want to be late for our Juanita! JUANITA: You shouldn”t smoke so much, David! It”s not good for you. DAVID: Sorry, honey. I”m just a bit nervous, that”s all. JUANITA: There”s nothing to be nervous about; you”re with me. JUANITA: Ah, that must be them. I”ll open the door. MRS RAMIREZ: My darling little girl! JUANITA: Mummy! Daddy! MR RAMIREZ: My own little Juanita! MR RAMIREZ: So, you”re the young man who wants to marry my little flower? DAVID: That”s right! MR RAMIREZ: Because you”re so madly, passionately in love with her that nothing else in the world matters a damn to you, right? DAVID: Er, yes, exactly! MR RAMIREZ: You”re not the first young man who”s fallen in love with my little flower, you know! There have been many others - and most of them are dead! DAVID: Oh dear! MR RAMIREZ: Her brother killed them; you haven”t met him yet. Well, what do you say? DAVID: Oh, er well, I er MR RAMIREZ: Calm down, my boy. I”m joking! Ha-ha! I know you”re really only after her money. DAVID: Oh no, really sir, you”ve got quite the wrong idea about me! Honestly, I - MR RAMIREZ: Be quiet, young man, and listen to me. Here, have a cigar. MR RAMIREZ: I am one of the richest men in Mexico. Anything I want I get. And if anyone gets in my way, I make them move. That”s who I am. Tell me about you, then; you”re a professor, aren”t you? DAVID: Well - MR RAMIREZ: Well? DAVID: Sorry, my cigar”s gone out. Could I have a light,please? MR RAMIREZ: I like it, I like it! The boy has a sense of humor! Here, you can have my lighter. Now - what was I saying? Ah yes; we were talking about your work. You”re a professor, aren”t you? What subject do you teach? DAVID: I”m not exactly a professor; I”m just a teacher, actually. I teach English. MR RAMIREZ: That”s what I said: a professor! You teach in a University, right? DAVID: It isn”t exactly a University, it”s just a language school. But I did go to a University. I”ve got a degree in French and German. JUANITA: David is very clever; he should have a much better job than he has. DAVID: Thank you, dear. MR RAMIREZ: I see. Well, what do you think of the young man, Conchita? MRS RAMIREZ: I think he”s sweet! I want to have lots and lots of grandchildren who are just as handsome as David! DAVID: Thank you. MR RAMIREZ: If I let you marry my little flower I guess you”ll give up working, won”t you? I guess you”ll just sit around doing nothing all day. You”ll be happy to live off my money, which I made through my hard work - isnt that right? DAVID: Of course not, sir. I”ll keep on working. I love my work. JUANITA: David”s a wonderful teacher! He just needs a hance, that”s all. MR RAMIREZ: A real man doesn”t wait for someone to give him a chance; he takes it! Still, I like this boy. So -should I say yes, or no? Well, I”ve decided, young man. You can marry my daughter! JUANITA: Thank you daddy, that”s wonderful. We”re so happy, aren”t we David, darling! MRS RAMIREZ: A big Mexican kiss for a handsome young American! MR RAMIREZ: Now, let”s talk about the wedding. My little flower must have the most magnificent wedding possible. I want the best and nothing but the best for my little Juanita, is that clear? JUANITA: Before we talk about the wedding there”s something else we should do. You should tell your father the good news, David. DAVID: Ah yes, good idea. I”ll call him at his office. MR RAMIREZ: Ask him
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