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PEP小学英语六年级上册第三单元教案课题Unit 3 What are you going to do?第(1)课时教学内容Lets startA lets learnpair work教学目标1Able to use the sentences :What are you going to do? Im going to .2Learn the new words and expression_rs in A and B教学重点难点What are you going to do ?Where are you going ?Im going to do sth./spl.教学准备Tape recorder ,word cards教学过程1Warm-upLets chantEveryday English : How do you go to school/go home ?How can I get to the cinema?PresentationA: Lets learnShow the theme sentence:What are you going to dothis evening?Im going tothe cinema./buy abookB: Show the card : take a trip , and say : Im going totake a trip ,then write it on the Bb “ take a trip” . In the same way teach these read a magazine / go to the cinemaC:Show the words: tomorrow, tonight, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, next week. Read and make sentences.D: Play agame:E: Pair work3Consolidation and extension1Do the exercises of the workbook修改意见教学感受
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