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Diven教你说美语-百度百科:一个广受欢迎的介绍中国特色词汇的美语表达方式的栏目。主要介绍一些风趣幽默,贴近生活,紧跟时尚的“新鲜热词”。Diven用他高超的翻译技巧,将中国的时尚热词“一个不剩”的转换成最in(潮),最cool(酷),最authentic(正)的美语表达方式。Diven用他那独特而“轻松俏皮”的讲解风格使人感受到前所未有的学习乐趣。他提供的学习内容也十分“实用”,学习者随时都可将学到的知识运用到实际生活中。Diven教你说美语19-俚语风暴(十二)“小肚鸡肠”怎么说? 本期主题:俚语风暴(十二)1. 非常昂贵 break the bankDiven-How much does your new BMW cost?Paul- 2,000,000 RMBDiven- Wow, that really breaks the bank.Diven注释: break the bank 非常昂贵。2. 酒后驾车 drunk drivingA crackdown on illegal black cabs has been ongoing for months in Shanghai, along with efforts to combat drunk driving and ensure orderliness at crosswalks.Diven注释:drunk driving 酒后驾车。crosswalk 人行道。3. 小肚鸡肠 pettyDiven- Are you still mad at Johnny for those trivial things he did?Rita-Of course not, Im not that petty.Diven注释:petty 小肚鸡肠,小心眼。trivial 琐事。注意:that 用于形容词前可表示该形容词的程度,是that 的副词用法,翻译为“那么”。4. 看人准 a good judge of characterTyler- Paul is a good judge of character.Diven- Right on.Diven注释:a good judge of character 善于判断别人性格的人。character一般指(人的)性格,角色,特征。5. 对极了 right on Rita- Diven Teaches You American English is an excellent program.Diven-Right on.Diven注释:right on 对极了,是right的强调形式,美国人常用right on 代替 right。6. 检查拉链 XYZ Diven- Hey, Paul. XYZ.Paul- OMG!Diven注释:XYZ 是 Check your zipper. (检查你的拉链)。注意:这里的XYZ 的 X所代表的是check。Y 代表的是 Your, Z 代表的就是 Zipper 。OMG是“Oh,my god”的缩写,表示惊讶的感叹语。Paul发现自己“门户”大开的时候,当然很“惊讶”咯。7. 糟糕 that sucks Paul- Man, you know what disaster happened to me this morning? I lost my wallet ,within which are all my money and cards.Tyler- Oh,that really sucks.Diven注释:that sucks 糟透了。8. all set 准备就绪Paul- Is the dinner ready yet?Diven- Yep! Just need to get some more good wines and itll be all set.Diven注释:all set 准备就绪,万事俱备。9. 君何所忧? Whats eating you? Diven- Youve been so blue all day,tell me,whats eating you?Tyler- I bombed in my driving test.Diven注释: Whats eating you? 询问某人“为何不开心?时的句型。blue 指忧伤,形容词。特别拓展:音乐中的“布鲁斯”(blues)指的就是那种带有“忧伤,阴郁”感情色彩的音乐风格。driving test 驾考。10. bad-mouth 讲坏话 Diven- Dont bad-mouth Paul like that,he is my friend.Tyler- I wasnt badmouthing him. I was only telling you the truth.Diven注释:bad-mouth 作动词,说某人坏话,和gossip类似,但是性质更加恶劣。今天的学习到此为止。Lets call it a day. Have fun!IM DIVEN. THANK YOU FOR BEINGWITH ME.注意:以上作为例句的所有原文、译文均属Diven原创,版权所有。欢迎转载以供学习交流之用,但禁止用于任何商业目的。Note: All texts and translations for example uses are originally created by Diven. All rights reserved. Transshipments from &to anyone are welcomed but any form of commercial uses should be avoided.友情提示:本栏目每日更新一次。亲,如果觉得本栏目内容不错,请果断转载吧,你的回应和支持是对作者们辛勤劳动最大的肯定。Diven教你说美语全体编者将努力向上,争取创造出更有品位、更有风格的英语知识分享栏目。
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