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牛津小学英语B期末测试卷 姓名 班级 学号 听力部分 (30)一、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案(听两遍)(每小题2分,共1分) ( ) . . B. . D.( ). A. B. C. D.( )3. . . C D ) 4 A. B C. D.( ) 5. A. B. C. D 二、听录音,选择合适的答(听两遍) (每小题分,共0分) ( ) 1. A. Y,thee ar. B e,thre isC. o, theearent.( ) . hall w go tere y u B ygo to the pak.C e go here at ninelock.( ) . A. Yes ,I likete sl on.B.I dontlike ap. I ke hesmal oe.( )4. Hes a cook. B. a coo.C. Shes cok.( ). AAl gt. B. No, by miibu.C. OK. etsgo .三、听短文,填单词。(听两遍)(每空1分, 共1分) 1. ThisisBns .2. man yu unle Wcone. Look! ts apair of n It a pret(礼物) from ke.4. m hungy, Mm. C I have some Sry, ters ithe .Hae some ake,leae.5.What ar jobsTeye 笔试部分(70%)一 英汉互译。(每小题1分,共0分)1一杯咖啡 2我们的教室 3.我的朋友 .步行 5.一个新学生 .a aparty 7.w od 8.a airof hpsticks 9by sme eachs 10er ob 二、选择填空。(每小题2分,共20分)t _TV no.( )2.Ithis pane _ BejnA. to B. for C. n th by _red hr( )4.Howold she _.A. Phaps hes OK. C. Sheis a nuse. _ oulik Some gras, pease. .do . does C. ol re m unces. Theyre _ pears B. oys C workers( )7.Sall we pa fooba_ A.es,sir B Godiea. C Me,too. thirsty. I ikesom_. A. sanwie Bnoes . water( )Wee_ tea _onhetae A are, hr B is ,ts C i,Theyrr _of books i the bookase. A. som Blos . lo三、连词成句。(每小题分,共10分)1 Warmelos, ke,Id, me ( )_2 oae, ome,in, ther, glas,juce, is,h()_3 aport,g, o , to, d,ow, te ()_4 a, choptick,you, hre ,of , air ,o( .)_5 bi,nos,i,a,who, irl, th with ()_四、左右搭配句子。(每小题2分, 共20分) ( ) 1. elcome toucho. A.Ls urr( ) 2. e laefo the party. B. Yes,ir.( ) 3 Hw o w g hre C. Ys, it s( ) 4. Don clim tres aain. D. han ou.( )5. Somehingt dnk E. o, cant( ) 6 Whacanose? Yes, shei.( ) 7. Can you read i . cp of ea, plas.( ) 8.hatsfo breakfas H Nodlesand milk( ) 9s that wmaanurse I. I ca see a ai.( )10. Is thi bus forthe statio . ik.五、阅读对话,判断正误,正确的写,错误的写F (每小题2分,1分)A: Its our olok;let go ome, Su Hai. : m not so o, u YagA: hat temter? : Im ill, thnk.A: Lts go o seete doco. B: OK, buthow do wego to hehsialA: halle go tre b b B:hich bus is fr ehospaA: Idn now. ,lets go by axi B:l ht.s fie lck now.( )2.ts time to g ome.( )3 Su Hai is so good.( ).u Hi dS Yang nt to gotot cna( ).hey goto tehopia y ca.听力内容一、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案 (听两遍) 1 A: Whsa sudnt B: Shes Helen.2. k athers a woer3 A: Wa are thoe B: hyr pinapples 4. : yo fr, ow B: Yes. A: Lesg t thelbay. :OK.5 er re n bsuis nthe tabe.答案: A C CD二、听录音,选择合适的答(听两遍) 1. Is hre ay k ihe glas2. How d we goto ar3. Which on youlie4. Whatyour nles job5. Dont climb trees. 答案:B C A三、听短文,填单词。(听两遍)1. Tis is en rther.2.Is ta man o un hchone . ok! Ia air okfe andfor. tsa presn(礼物) fmMke.4. Im hung, m. Can I have soe pes orry,theres o pie in hfrdgeHavesome caes,please.Wha aret
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