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八年级英语上册 第五单元 Grammar 教学设计镇江市大路实验学校初中部 马伟辉 1、 课题:8A unit5 Grammar2、 教材简解:本课是八年级英语上册第五单元中grammar这一课时。在本课中,主要涉及到的知识点为二个方面:1)关于情态动词may表示可能性的用法。2)关于动词后跟上带有to的动词不等式的用法。3、目标预设: 1)掌握并能正确使用may来表示可能性。其中特别是要求学生掌握maybe的使用细节以及may所表现出来的语气强弱。 2)掌握并正确使用动词不等式。尤其学生要熟练掌握不定式的否定结构 3)了解更多有关野生动物的信息。4、重、难点 1)重点:(1)may表示猜测可能性,这样的可能性最好由学生来总结,不是靠教师直接去传授。比如:The bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller. What do you think may happen to pandas?这一句中的may的含义带有开放性,启发学生去思考竹林的减少对熊猫生存的可能影响。(2)may be的分开使用与副词maybe的联系、区别之处。如:He may be afraid of them=Maybe he is afraid of them. (3)让学生熟悉后跟动词不等式的常用动词:agree begin decide fail forget hope learn plan prepare remember try want need 2)难点:(1)may没有must的语气来得肯定。如:Who is at the door? It may be Mr Wu (也许是吴老师) Who is at the door? It must be Mr WU.(肯定是吴老师)(2)may be plus 动词ing的形式。如:The horse is standing with its eyes closed. It may be sleeping. (3)正确使用动词不等式的否定形式。如:He tried not to make(not make) any noise when his parents are sleeping.5、设计理念:1)拓展学生的生活化视野,本课通过帮助学生掌握may和动词不等式的用法为载体,在授课中渗透珍爱野生动物的思想,增强他们的环境意识。2)优化教学方式,拓展教学资源。本着课标“创造性使用教材”的理念,围绕着wild animals的主题,适当拓展了导入材料,实现了课内知识与课外知识的融合,。3)加强对学生学习策略的指导,在本课时通过课前知识点推测,总结重难点等学习策略的渗透,引导学生结合语境进行语法学习。4)关注学生情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。6、设计思路: 1)通过故事情节(走失的天鹅寻找家园)的介绍导入到may 的使用 2)教师与学生分别扮演天鹅路途中所遇到的其他动物,通过在不同的语境中让学生练习may的各种句型。 3)让学生自己来总结may的具体用法中的重、难点。 4)在明确天鹅无法找到自己的家园后,请同学们各自给出不同的帮助(小组讨论-给出不同情境的任务进行讨论,情境设计中含有不同的动词不定式的词例)。 5)各组上前台进行汇报。 6)总结和本课有关的动词不等式的用法。 7)情感教育:珍爱生命。7、教学过程:Step1.Guide Boys and girls, today I will introduce you a new friend. Her name is Blue sky. She is a beautiful swan. One day, she went out for food. But sadly, she was hurt by a hunter. Luckily, she hid among some grass, and the hunter didnt find her. so she was safe. Several weeks later, she was all right.When she could flew back home, she found her family and friends werent there again. So she had to look for them. Do you know what happened next?Step2.Presentation(on screen)1、 first, she met a swallow nearby. she asked: I want to find my family, dont where they are. I cant meet any humans. They _(可能伤害)me. what may I_(need)? It answered, your family may_(be flying)far away. Several weeks ago, many people came here to take your land. M_ They wanted to build a big factory here. your family may _(look)for a new home. So she had to look for them by herself.2、 Second, she met a missing squirrel by a river. She was surprised, and asked,“ you _(may not be) playing by the river. You should be playing in the trees”. The squirrel answered there werent big trees for him at all.So it goes on and on , she met several wild animals one by one, and each of them may not be happy(也许都不快乐) because they also lost their living areas. And none of them could help her find her family and friends. She _(也许)afraid of going on and didnt know what to do.Step3.rules. So lets work out the rules of may. Please discuss in groups and find out them. If they have any difficulty, help them work.1、 We use may to say something is possible.2、 The use of may not be and may be doingThe differences between maybe and may beStep4.Discussion. So Blue sky cant find her home and family. What can we do to help her? Lets discuss and find out some good ways. First I can present my idea.I want to ask one of the newspapers for help. Whats your ideas? Please discuss in groups. 1、 Group One should use agree/forget/prepare to do something2、 Group Two should use begin/hope/remember to do something3、 Group Three should use decide/learn/try to do something4、 Group Four should use fail/plan/want to do somethingStep5 Report Some of the students come to the blackboard to report. Step6 Work out the rules Ask students discuss and find out the structure of verbs +to-infinitivesAnd let students think about negative forms. for example:He tried not to make(not make) any noise when his parents are sleeping. Step7 emotional education Today we helped a missing swan. Tomorrow we should try to help more and more wild animals. Because both humans and animals are lives. helping animals is just to help ourselves. Step8 Homework1、 Finish some exercises of May and verbs +to-infinitives2、Read more articles about wild animals and prepare to report to class next time.
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