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Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys 教案 教材版本:PEP小学英语五年级下册教学内容:Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys Part B. Lets learn & Lets talk一、 教学目标1.能够听、说、读、写动词和动词短语的ing形式:sleeping,climbing,fighting,swinging,drinking water.2.能够听懂,会说句子:“What are doing? Theyre”并能在情境中应用。3.能够按照老师的演示,自己补全对话。4.能够懂得热爱动物并保护动物二、 教学重、难点1.重点:五个动词(短语)的ing形式以及句型“What aredoing? Theyre”2.难点:在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。三、 教学过程.Greetings .Warm up Lets chant1. Chant with teacher2. Chant with actions.New Contents 1教授五个动词(短语)的ing形式 教授fighting lightfightfighting 教授sleepingSheepsleepsleeping同法教授climbing swinging drinking water Read after me Read by yourselves Read by groups Read and do the actions Play a game 2教授句型What aredoing? Theyre呈现动画,并提问What aredoing?引导学生回答 Theyre3. Lets talk Listen and look (观看课文对话) Listen again and repeat Read after me Read by yourselves Role plays.Consolidation1.Make a new dialogue 用老师提供的图片2.Lets write T:Boys and girls. Can you write them down ? Now try please.Emotion Education.欣赏可爱的动物,接下来看到动物被人类残害.So we should love and protect animals .Homework1.Read the new words to your parents.2.Make a dialogue with your partner talking about animals.
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