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译林版英语五年级(下)译林版英语五年级(下)Unit 3 Ask the wayGrammar time&Fun timeLets playWarming up 一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。turn rightLets playWarming up 一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。get onLets playWarming up 一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。go alongLets playWarming up 一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。get offLets playWarming up 一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。一人比划,另一人猜英文表达。turn left I go to the park I go to the park by bikeby bike.=I I ride a bike ride a bike to to the park.the park.Read and find Mike Mike goesgoes to the library to the library by metroby metro.=Mike takes a metro to the library.Read and find SheShe go goes es to to XiamenXiamen by shipby ship.=She takes a ship to Hainan.Read and find We go to the cinema We go to the cinema by taxiby taxi.=We We take a taxi take a taxi to the cinema.to the cinema.Read and find同义表达注意Read and findtake+交通工具交通工具by+交通工具交通工具动词短语,动词短语,位于句中位于句中介词短语,介词短语,位于句末位于句末l 表达乘坐某种交通工具(去某地)同义表达注意Read and findtake+交通工具交通工具by+交通工具交通工具l 表达乘坐某种交通工具(去某地)by后表示交通工具的后表示交通工具的名词只能用单数;名词只能用单数;by与名词之间不能加与名词之间不能加冠词或物主代词。冠词或物主代词。take在句中作谓语动词;在句中作谓语动词;交通工具前通常有冠词交通工具前通常有冠词a/an/the。Read and findWang Ming goes to Wang Ming goes to schoolschool on footon foot.=WWang Ming ang Ming walks walks to to schoolschool.Read and find同义表达注意l 表达步行(去某地)walkon foot作谓语动词,作谓语动词,位于句中位于句中介词短语,介词短语,位于句末位于句末Lets sayRetell the way from Yang Lings home to Su Hais home.Its late.Yang Ling wants to go home now.Lets sayLets thinkDo you know how to ask the way?Do you know how to show the way?Lets learnAsk the wayShow the way&HowdoI go to thecinema?bookshophospitalzoolibraryGrammar timeAsk the wayGoalongthis street.Grammar timeTurnleftat the traffic lights.rightShow the wayGrammar timeGetonthe metroatPark Station.offthe busCity Library StationYoucansee the bookshopon your right/left?Show the way其他用于问路的常见句型:其他用于问路的常见句型:拓展延伸1.Where is+地点?在哪里?2.Is there a/an+地点(+其他)near here?这附近有吗?3.Which is the way to+地点?哪条路是去的?4.Can you tell me the way to+地点?你能告诉我去的路吗?例句例句拓展延伸1.Where is Xinxin Bookshop?2.Is there a park near here?3.Which is the way to the zoo?4.Can you tell me the way to the hospital?其他用于指路的常见短语:其他用于指路的常见短语:拓展延伸on ones lefton ones left在某人的左侧在某人的左侧go straightgo straight直走直走on ones righton ones right在某人的右侧在某人的右侧其他用于指路的常见短语:其他用于指路的常见短语:拓展延伸at the crossingat the crossing在十字路口在十字路口at the at the traffic lightstraffic lights在交通灯处在交通灯处at the other at the other side of the roadside of the road在路的另一端在路的另一端其他用于指路的常见短语:其他用于指路的常见短语:拓展延伸go across go across the bridgethe bridge横过桥横过桥walk up the walk up the overpass overpass 走上天桥走上天桥walk alongwalk along沿着沿着走走Fun time找出表示场所的建筑,并读出其对应的单词。找出表示场所的建筑,并读出其对应的单词。LibraryLibraryHospitalHospitalCinemaCinemaParkParkBookshopBookshopSupermarketSupermarketsupermarketn.n.(名词)超市(名词)超市The supermarket is near my home.这个超市离我家很近。这个超市离我家很近。supmktNew wordsFun timeHow do I get to the supermarket.Go along Street.Turn at the traffic lights.Then,The supermarket is on your A:Excuse me,_ do I _ to the supermarket?.B:Go _ Mango Street,Turn _ at the traffic lights.Then go along Apple Street,You can see the cinema on your _.A:Thanks.B:Not at all.howalongleftrightgetFun time根据图示信息,补全对话。根据图示信息,补全对话。Fun time找出表示场所的建筑,并读出其对应的单词。找出表示场所的建筑,并读出其对应的单词。LibraryLibraryHospitalHospitalCinemaCinemaParkParkBookshopBookshopSupermarketSupermarketFun timeI am here now.How do I get to the bookshop?Fun timeI am here now.How do I get to the cinema?Fun timeI am here now.How do I get to the park?Fun timeI am here now.How do I get to the hospital?问路时的礼貌用语问路时的礼貌用语拓展延伸1.问路前别忘了加问路前别忘了加“Excuse me”2.得到回应后别忘了说得到回应后别忘了说“Thank you”Lets learnAll roads lead to Rome.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。条条大路通罗马。条条大路通罗马。条条大路通罗马。Practice 1根据图片提示,判断正误。()The cinema is far from the post office.Apple StreetMoon StreetSun StreetPractice 1根据图片提示,判断正误。()Lisa is at the post office now.She wants to go to the bookstore.She can go along Moon Street and turn left.Apple StreetMoon StreetSun StreetPractice 1根据图片提示,判断正误。()Mike is in his school.He walks along Apple Street and turn right at the first crossing.Then,the park is on his right.Apple StreetMoon StreetSun StreetPractice 1根据图片提示,判断正误。()John is on Sun Street.He is near the park.He can go along Sun Street from the park and turn right at Moon Street.Then he can see the hospital.Apple StreetMoon StreetSun Street1._,how do I _ the zoo?Its near here.Go along this street and _ left.Then,you can see it _ your right.Thank you.Not at all.Practice 2 在横线上填入适当的词,补全句子。Excuse meget toturnon2.How do I get to your new house,Joe?You can _ the metro.You can get on the metro _ Star Station and _ at Bingo Road Station.Then,you can see a big hotel.My house is next to it.If you cant find that,you can ask someone _.All right.Practice 2 在横线上填入适当的词,补全句子。takeatget offfor helpPractice 3根据图示,创编对话。Homework 0103完成作业课件中的相关练习。完成作业课件中的相关练习。完成作业课件中的相关练习。完成作业课件中的相关练习。绘制一幅你家附近或学校附近的地图,绘制一幅你家附近或学校附近的地图,绘制一幅你家附近或学校附近的地图,绘制一幅你家附近或学校附近的地图,用英语说一说从不同地点出发可以如用英语说一说从不同地点出发可以如用英语说一说从不同地点出发可以如用英语说一说从不同地点出发可以如何到达另一个地点。何到达另一个地点。何到达另一个地点。何到达另一个地点。02查阅资料,尝试搜集一些其他的查阅资料,尝试搜集一些其他的查阅资料,尝试搜集一些其他的查阅资料,尝试搜集一些其他的常见问路和指路用
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