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2014学年第一学期陈村镇初级中学七年级英语(上册)导学案主备教师: 审核人:_ 学案编号:017班别:_ 学生姓名:_ 组别号:_课题Module5 My school dayUnit3 Language in use课时第1课时课型语法课学习目标M5 语法 考点1 行为动词的一般现在时非三单(第一、二人称及复数)三单(第三人称单数、单个的人或物,不可数名词)1 We have Chinese at eight oclock 2 We dont have maths.3 Do you like maths?4 Yes, I do. No, I dont.5 What classes do you have on Monday?She has Chinese at eight oclock.The boy doesnt have maths. Does he like maths?Yes, he does No. he doesntWhat classes does he have on Monday?小结:1 一般现在时定义:经常性或习惯性的动作,用一般现在时。 2 一般现在时动词结构:肯定句:主语+谓语(动词原形)+宾语 或主语+谓语(动词S)+宾语否定句:主语+谓语(dont+动词原形)+宾语 或主语+谓语(doesnt+动原+宾语一般疑问句:谓语(DO)+主语+谓语(动原)+(宾语)?或 谓语Does+主语+谓语(动原)+宾语? 3.一般现在时时间标志:often ,usually,always,sometimes,every morning如:1我通常在晚上7点做作业。 I_ at 7 in the evening。2 我周日不去学校,去公园。I_ on Sunday,I_ on Sunday。3 Tony周一上体育课吗? 上。_Tony_PE on Monday? Yes, _.考点2 区别介词at,on,in 的用法:时间类型表示法例读法整点基数词(+0clock)1:00One(oclock)30分钟(60分钟)+To+(小时+1)4:48Twelve to five分钟逢15即一刻钟a quarter5;10a quarter past five分钟逢15即一刻钟a quarter6:45a quarter to seven(at+时间点;On+具体某一天和某一个特定的早午晚; in+年,月,季节和泛指的早午晚)如:4 We go to school _the morning. 7 We dont go to school _ Sunday.5 We dont have a science lesson _ Wednesday. 8 I get up_ seven oclock.6 We go home _ the afternoon. 9 We have dinner _ half past six.考点3时间表达法:1.顺读法(如7:50 seven fifty) 2逆读法9(见下表)如;10.用英语表达下列时间:3:00_ 6:30_ 4:15_ 7:45_ 5:20_ 9:40_学习过程反馈练习一、选择填空。( )11 I leave school _half past nine _ the evening. A at, in B in, at C in, in( )12 -What time is it -its_.A in the morning B on Sunday C half past two( )13 They go to the cinema _ six oclock _ Saturday evening. A in, on B on, in C at, on( )14 -_is your swimming lesson?-In the afternoon. A Where B When C What( )15 What time is it-Its3;00.That is _.A three oclock B three thirty C thirty to three二、选词填空 big, has, doesnt like, or, watch, for, healthy, glassesRich is a fat man. He gets up latein the morning. he has a_breakfast every morning. He has some meat three_four eggs and some pieces of bread. He drinks two _ of milk, some apple juice, a cup of coffee and fruit. His wife Vicky,_a cup of tea, a piece ofbread and a banana_ breakfast. Rich _ any ball games. He thinks they are too difficult, but he likes listening to music andVicky does sports every day. She is often in swimming club. So she is very_.三、综合填空。 In America, we go to s_from Monday to Friday. On school days, I g_ up at seven and have my breakfast at halfp_ seven. Our lessons_ at eight. And we d_ have many lessons in a day. At half past eleven, we have ab_and then we have ourl_ in the dining hall. In the afternoon, wef_ school at about three. Then we can go home. But many boys in my schooll_to play football on the play-ground after school .Whata_ your school day?四、书面表达。初中的学习生活是紧张而丰富多彩的。请以“My school day”根据要点写一篇短文介绍自己的在校一天。词数60个左右,开头给出,不计入总次数内。每天早上6;30起床,6;30吃早餐,6;45去上学,7;10开始上课,12;00吃午餐,12;30休息。下午2;10开始上课,5;30放学回家,晚上6;00吃晚餐,7;10-9;00写作业,10;00睡觉 My school dayHi! Im Tony, _
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