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XXX交通职业技术学院 毕业设计论文XXX交通职业技术学院毕 业 设 计(论 文)论文题目: 奥迪A6 01J无级变速器检测与诊断所属系部: 汽车工程系 指导老师: xxx 职 称: 讲师 学生姓名: XXX 班级、学号: 汽电0823班28号专 业: 汽车电子技术 2011年 5 月 30 日 XXX交通职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文)任务书题目: 典型轿车自动变速器检测诊断任务与要求: 1、以奥迪(01J或01V无级变速器)、大众(01M)、通用(4T65E)、丰田(A系、U系或AA80等)、本田(平行轴)、三菱(F4A42或F5A51)、现代典型自动变速器为案例。 2、简述自动变速器结构和原理。3、控制电路分析。4、分析结构特征和性能特点。5、故障诊断程序和诊断方法介绍。6、系统和主要部件的检测方法。7、故障案例分析。8、严格执行学院毕业设计(论文)撰写规范。9、正文不得少于1.2万字。时间: 2011 年 3 月 7 日至 2011 年 5 月20日共 11 周所属系部: 汽车工程系学生姓名: XXX 学 号: 专业: 汽车电子技术指导单位或教研室: 机电教研室指导教师:XXX 职 称: 讲师2011 年 5 月 30 日毕业设计(论文)进度计划表姓名日 期工 作 内 容执 行 情 况指导教师签 字2010.12.10确定论文题目完成2010.12.4编写论文提纲完成2010.12.22确定论文提纲完成2010.12.24修改论文提纲完成2011.1.15提交论文提纲初稿完成2011.1.30修改论文提纲初稿完成2011.2.7 确定论文提纲完成2011.2.16撰写论文完成2011.4.10论文初稿完成完成2011.4.11提交论文初稿完成2011.4.23修改论文初稿完成2011.5.30完成论文完成教师对进度计划实施情况总评 签名 年 月 日 本表作评定学生平时成绩的依据之一。摘要一汽-大众奥迪A6自1999年上市以来,始终走在技术的前沿,2002北京国际车展,一汽-大众又推出了配置无级变速器(Multitronic)的新车型,从而代替了2.8技术领先型成为国产奥迪A6的领跑车型。驾驶灵活、低油耗和低噪音要求变速器的挡位越多越好,这种思想进一步延伸就是无级变速器。无级变速传动(Continuously Variable Transmission,简称CVT)指无级控制速比变化的变速器。它能提高汽车的动力性、燃油经济性、驾驶舒适性及行驶平顺性。电控的CVT可实现动力传动系统的综合控制,充分发挥发动机的特性。Multitronic无级变速器技术是奥迪公司在变速器领域获得的革命性成果,它采用了独一无二的双锥形轴和钢链设计,操控上完美地结合了自动挡的简单和手动挡的快捷。同时它的智能化更高,能精确理解驾驶者的意念,发挥出最好的行驶状态。另外Multitronic也克服了两者的缺憾,经济性更好。奥迪的Multitronic无级变速器既可与较小排量的1.8T、2.0发动机也可与6缸的3.0升发动机相匹配,但却不能同奥迪另一项顶尖科技Quattro四驱系统相匹配。作为国产惟一一款与世界同步的高档轿车品牌,一汽-大众奥迪A6不断升级,本次北京车展上见到的Multitronic无级变速器和“极地白”车身颜色在国内均属头回亮相,再加上去年年底刚刚推出的驻车加热/通风装置、氙气大灯及高度自动调节装置、宽胎、舒适性底盘等新技术和装备,奥迪A6将继续捍卫它无可动摇的领导地位。奥迪A6轿车Multitronic无级变速器是新型无级传动的领航者,它结构紧凑、性能优良、易于控制,同时提高了整车的经济性、动力性,操纵方便和舒适性。未来,Multitronic无级变速器将以其众多的结构形式,更大的功率输出特性、更多可靠的运动型式占领现代传动技术市场。本文主要介绍了奥迪A6轿车Multitronic无级变速器的结构及其链轮组件:(1)国内外无级传动技术状况及重要意义。(2)奥迪A6轿车Multitronic无级变速器的结构和该变速器主要电子液压控制部件的结构。(3)奥迪A6轿车Multitronic无级变速器链轮组件的结构和性能参数。关键词:无级变速器;检测;诊断;自适应AbstractFew Volkswagen Audi A6 since 1999, always go since listing in technology, 2002 (in the forefront of the Beijing international motor show, automaker few Volkswagen has a new configuration variator new vehicles, which replaces the 2.8 leading technology type become domestic Audi A6 ahead models.) Driving flexibility, low fuel consumption and low noise requirements transmission shift more is better, this kind of thought further extends is variator. Stepless speed Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) Transmission, the abbreviation of stepless speed change control means of Transmission. It can improve the dynamic performance and fuel economy car, driving comfort and ride comfort and sex. The CVT electric power transmission system can realize the comprehensive control, give full play to the characteristics of the engine. Multitronic step-less transmission technology is Audi company in transmission field revolutionary results obtained, it adopts unique double tapered axis and steel chain design, on the handling perfectly unite automatic-shift simple and manual block and quickly. At the same time it intelligent higher, accurately understanding to the drivers thoughts, best driving condition. In addition Multitronic has overcome both be short of regret, economy is better. Audis Multitronic variator already but with smaller displacement of 1.8 T, 2.0 engine with 6 cylinder of 3.0 liters engine, but cant match with Audi in another top technology - Quattro raider system matching. As the only one with domestic world synchronization luxrous cars brand, few Volkswagen Audi A6 escalated, the Beijing auto show, see Multitronic variator and polar white car color in China belong to the head back to appear, plus the end of last year has just launched in car heating/ventilation device, xenon headlamps and highly automatic adjusting device, wide tire, comfort chassis and other new technology and equipment, Audi A6 will continue to defend its undisputed sway leadership. Audi A6 cars Multitronic variator is a new type of step less drive pilot, it compact structure, good performance, easy control, while improving the whole car, drive ability, manipulation convenient and comfortable. The future, Multitronic variator with its numerous structure form, more power output characteristics, more reliable movement type occupied modern drive technology market. Audi A6 cars Multitronic variator structure, and study the sprocket component: One Introduces step lessly transmission technology condition and the important significance. Two Audi A6 cars are analyzed Multitronic variator structure and the transmission main
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