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地理信息科学专业本科培养方案一、专业名称和专业代码:地理信息科学(Geographical Information Science), 070504二、学科门类:理学三、学制与学位:学制:4年,修业年限可为37年学位:理学学士四、培养目标和专业特色培养目标:毕业生应掌握地理信息系统及相关领域的基本原理、基本知识、专业技能。基础扎 实,知识面宽,能力强,素质高,有创新意识,能够从事地理信息系统设计、应用、开发、研究、 管理等工作。专业特色:人才培养模式采用基础、应用、提高三个层次,具有以下特色:1 .强调测绘知识背景:学生具有较强的空间概念以及空间数据获取及处理能力。2. 依托城市规划、建设与管理行业:根据学校定位,紧密结合学校优势学科,专业教学中突 出地理信息科学在城市规划、建设与管理中的应用。3. 注重学生开发能力的培养,加强面向对象程序设计语言的教学,学生具备从事高层次开发 的基础;突出GIS网络化、移动化GIS的应用及开发能力。五、培养规格和基本要求1. 热爱中国共产党,热爱祖国,具有正确的世界观、人生观和价值观以及高尚的道德品质。2. 掌握数学、物理、计算机科学等方面的基本理论和基本知识。3. 掌握地理信息科学及相关学科的基本理论与方法,了解地理信息科学的发展前沿和发展动 态。具有空间数据采集、建库、分析的能力;GIS系统二次开发能力;地图编绘制作能力;掌握资 料查询、文献检索的基本方法;具有一定的实验设计、创造实验条件,归纳、整理、分析实验结果, 撰写论文,参与学术交流的能力。4. 具有良好的人文素质与科学素质,具有健全的人格和良好的心理素质,具有一定的体育和军 事基本知识,并接受必要的国防教育和军事训练;达到国家规定的大学生身体素质、心理素质要求。六、主干学科;测绘科学与技术、地理学、计算机科学与技术。七、主干课程1. 主干基础课程(5门)(1)专业导论(2)数字地形测量学(3)地图学(4)遥感原理与应用(双语)(5)摄影测量 基础2. 主干专业课程(8门)(1)自然地理学(2)地理信息系统原理(3)空间数据库(4)卫星导航定位技术(5)空间分析与建模(6)地理信息系统设计(双语)(7)地理信息系统开发(8) WebGIS概论八、主要实践性教学环节1. 主要实验(1)空间分析与建模(2)空间数据库(3) C#程序设计(4)地理信息系统开发2. 主要实践环节遥感原理与应用 地理信息系统设 (12)毕业设计(1)数字地形测量学实习(2)地图学实习(3)地理信息系统原理实习(4) 实习(5) C#程序设计实习(6)摄影测量基础实习(7)空间分析与建模实习(8) 计实习(9)卫星导航定位技术实习(10)地理信息系统开发实习(11)综合实习九、毕业合格标准本专业要求的毕业最低总学分为175学分,且每学期最低修读17学分。其中:课内理论教学1984学时,129.5学分(包括课内实验及上机606学时,折合实践教学38学分) 单独设置的实践教学环节37.5学分;校级选修课最低修读8学分,具体参见北京建筑大学本科学生学业修读管理规定。十、教学进程表(见附表)H、教学安排一览表(见附表)十二、实践教学环节安排一览表(见附表) 十三、课程结构比例:1.课内理论教学包括:百分比30.5%百分比19.3%百分比13.5%百分比18.9%通识教育39.5学分,基础教育25.0学分,学科基础17.5学分,专业技术23学分,百分比17.8%实践教学共计75.5学分,占总学分45.2%O必修/选修比例2.专业基础24.5学分,3.必修课总学分109.5,占理论教学总学分比例为79.6%;选修课28学分,占理论教学总学分比 例为20.4% o2014 Undergraduate Program for GeographicalInformation ScienceI. Program Name and CodeGeographical Information Science, 070504IL DisciplineBachelor of ScienceIII. Length of Schooling and DegreeDuration: 4 yearsDegrees Conferred: Bachelor of ScienceIV. Program Objectives and CharacteristicsProgram ObjectivesThe graduates should know well the basic principles, knowledge and technologies in geographical information system and related fields. They will also possess the firm foundation, wide range of knowledge, high competence and quality. They can perform very well in jobs of design, program development, scientific research, and management in the field of geographical information system.Program CharacteristicsThis program aims to nurture talents with three levels: basic, application and advanced.1. Stressing on the background of surveying and mapping knowledge; the students are skillful at spatial concepts, data acquiring and processing.2. Based on urban planning, construction and management industry, combining with orientation and preponderant discipline of university, the major teaching highlights3 applications in urban planning construction and management.4. This major will pay more attention on the programming development education, stressing on object-oriented programming language education, particularly its application in web GIS and mobile GIS. The graduates can perform very well in advanced programming.V. Student Learning Outcomes1. Love the communist party of China and the motherland. Possess a correct outlook of the world, life, and values along with noble moral character.2 Knowing well about the basic knowledge in math, physics and computer science.3 Being skillful at basic theory and methods in geographical information system as well as related discipline; knowing of the front along theories and development dynamics. Having the capabilities of spatial data acquiring, database foundation and analysis as well as map compilation. Capability to second develop about GIS system; Grasping the basic methods of document retrieve and data; having abilities of experimental design, induction, data processing, paper writing and academic exchanges.4. Have the humanity quality and scientific spirit, healthy life and good mental character; basic knowledge of sports and military with necessary national defense and military training education; to meet the requirements of physical quality, psychological quality of college students as stipulated by the state.VI. Major DisciplinesSurveying science and technology、Geography、Computer science and technologyVIL Major Courses1. Basic Courses in General Education(1) Introduction to Majors (2) Digital Topographic Surveying (3) Cartography (4) Principles and Applications of Remote (5) Photogrammetry Fundamental2 Courses in Specialty(1) Physical geography (2) The Principle of Geographic Information System (3) Spatial Database(4) Technology of Satellite Navigation and Positioning (5) Spatial Analysis and Modeling (6) GIS Design (7) Programming for GIS (8) WebGIS GeneralityVIII. Major Practical Training1. Main Experiments(1) Spatial Analysis and Modeling (2) Spatial Database (3) C# Programming (4) Programming for GIS2. Main Practical Training(1) Digital Topographic Surveying
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