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快乐之旅作文快乐之旅今年暑假,妈妈带我去了我梦寐以求的旅游胜地-鸳鸯溪。This summer vacation, my mother took me to my dream Resort - Yuanyang river.出发的前一天晚上,我高兴得不得了,翻来覆去睡不着觉,一心想着天快点亮。天刚亮,我们连忙刷牙洗脸,简单地扒了几口饭,就匆匆忙忙地乘车到五一广场去了。到了那儿,我们乘着旅游大巴直冲“人间仙境”-鸳鸯溪。The night before I left, I was so happy that I couldnt sleep over and over, thinking that the sky would soon light up. Just after dawn, we quickly brushed our teeth and washed our faces, simply picked up a few meals, and hurriedly drove to May day square. When we got there, we took the tour bus to the fairyland on earth - Yuanyang river.鸳鸯溪可真美啊!争奇斗艳的野花左一蔟,右一蔟,风一吹过,便悄悄地跳起了拉丁舞,真可爱!娇嫩的小草懒洋洋地躺在地上晒太阳,吸收着充足新鲜的空气,还不停地喊着:“真舒服,真舒服。”强壮的大树也挥舞着粗壮的枝干欢迎我们,和野花、小草一起组成一道道亮丽的风景线。Yuanyang river is so beautiful! The wild flowers, one on the left and one on the right, are so cute that they quietly dance in Latin as soon as the wind blows! The delicate grass lolls on the ground to bask in the sun, absorbs enough fresh air, and keeps shouting: its so comfortable, its so comfortable. Strong trees also waved thick branches to welcome us, and wild flowers, grass together to form a beautiful landscape.听妈妈说,到了冬天,有成千上万只鸳鸯飞到这儿过冬,因此而得名的。Its said by my mother that there are thousands of mandarin ducks flying here for the winter, so its named.鸳鸯溪有许多瀑布,看着那从高山上飞奔而下的一道道瀑布,我终于感受到了“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”这两句诗描写的意境了。太壮观了!There are many waterfalls in Yuanyang river. Looking at the waterfalls running down from the mountains, I finally feel the artistic conception described in the two poems: the river flows down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky way falls into nine days. What a spectacle!我们继续往前走,在导游的引导下,我们朝前望去,一座笔陡的山峰耸立在我的眼前。抬头望去,高高的山峰被一条又细又长的栈道拦腰劈成两半。导游告诉我们,等会儿大家就要挑战那条栈道。我一听,吓得浑身发抖,心都要跳到嗓子眼了:这也太恐怖了吧?在妈妈的鼓舞与保护下,我战战兢兢地走上了栈道,一步一步地向前挪动。慢慢的,我发现栈道其实也没有那么可怕。它旁边坚固的护栏给了我极大的安全感。我慢慢地放眼向下望去,郁郁葱葱的树林中夹杂着一条清澈的小溪,好象给大地披上了一套亮丽的绿装,漂亮极了!We went on, under the guide of our guide, we looked forward, and a steep mountain stood in front of me. Looking up, the high mountain was split in two by a long and thin plank road. The guide told us that we would challenge that plank road later. When I heard it, I trembled with fear. My heart would jump to my throat: is this too horrible? Inspired and protected by my mother, I walked up the plank road gingerly and moved forward step by step. Slowly, I found that plank road is not so terrible. The strong guardrail beside it gives me a great sense of security. I slowly looked down, the lush woods mixed with a clear stream, as if to the earth covered with a set of bright green, beautiful!过了栈道,我们来到了出口处,稍作休息,便依依不舍地离开了鸳鸯溪,结束了我们的快乐之旅。After the plank road, we came to the exit, had a rest, and reluctantly left Yuanyang River, ending our happy journey.
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