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新概念一 Lesson75-76教案Teachi ng pla nClass : 4Teacher: Sylvia Students : 11 Time:周日 9:50 到 11:30Lesson75-76教 学 内 容words:ago,buy,pair,fashi on,un comfortable, wearkey points : like theseWe don t have any.in fashi onI m afraidgrammars: 宾语从句教 学 重 难 占八、一般过去时的概念以及应用;认识宾语从句。教 学 目 标准确拼读单词、词组和短语,将短文中的知识了解透彻, 学会使用一般过去时。教具单词卡片,电脑#第一节课1. GreetingGood morning , boys and girls2. Roll callLet s make a roll call.3. Warm-upLet s do a warm-up. (Exercise)4. ReviewLet s review some words.(hurriedly, cut, thirstily, go, greet phrase)5. DictationLet s dictate. Take out your copybook.6. New Wordsago: adv.以前,过去(一般过去时的标志)phrase: long ago很久以前synonym: before(常常和完成时连用)senten ce-maki ng:Thirty years ago, Jim was numbeone.Chi nese Tran slati on三十年以前,吉姆是第一名。 buy: v.买n.:交易,买卖;便宜货 past ten se: boughtantonym: sell 卖phrases: buy off 买通;buy out 买尽fixed match: buy sb. sth.二buy sth. for sb.sentence-making:I ll buy a toy dog for afriend s birthday .Chi nese Tran slation :我将会买一只玩具狗作为我一 个朋友的生日礼物。 pair : n.双,对 pairsphrase : a pair ofsentence-making:I bought a pair of socksyesterday after noon.Chi nese Tran slatio n:我昨天下午买了一双袜子。 fashion : n.(服装的)流行样式 ,时装adj.: fashi on able流行的 un fashi on able:过时的fixed match: in fashi on流行,时髦;out of fashi on不流行,过时senten ce-mak ing: The fashi on world does notmi nd the real world thi nks.Chi nese Tra nslatio n:时尚界并不在意现实世界的想法。 un comfortable: adj. 不舒服的 antonym: comfortable: 舒服的n.: comfort :舒服senten ce-mak ing: This chair is un comfortable.It makes me un comfortable.Chi nese Tran slatio n:这把椅子坐着不舒服。它使我不舒服。game: high and low voiceThe firststudent says uncomfortable (highvoice),next student says uncomfortable (lowvoice),andthen you say uncomfortable (highvoice),you say uncomfortable (low voice),yousay(边讲规则,边试一遍) wear: v.穿着(强调穿着的状态)synon ym: put on 穿上,戴上(强调“穿”这个动作)senten ce-mak ing: She wears a skirt.Please put on your coat.Chi nese Tran slatio n:她穿着一条裙子。请穿上你的外套。7. Check第二节课1. Review new words2. Listen to the tape then answer the questions. Let s listen to the computer. Liste n aga in. Let s read it together. Write dow n the Chin ese. 抢答: Read the sentence and tell me what meaning it is. Recite it . I will check.3. 句法聚焦:a. Do you have any shoes like these?像这样的鞋子你们有吗?Like these 像这样,like 在此是介词b. What size ?什么尺寸的?(1 ) 省略句 (2) =What size do you want ? What size常用来询问事物的尺寸。c. But my sister bought this pair last mon th.但是我姐姐上个月买了这样的一双。(1)this pair=this pair of shoes;(2) last month上个月(是一般过去时的标志性时间状语)d. We had someshoes like those a month ago, but we don t have any now. 一个月前我们有这样的鞋子,但现在没有了。(1)转折连词but连接的并列句;(2)前一个分词是一般过去 时,后一个分词是一般现在时。(1)a month ago 一个月前,这是一般过去时标志性时间状语(2)now现在,这是现在时的标志性时间状语。e. Can you get a pair for me, please?您能为我找一双吗?(1) Can you?表示一种委婉地请求。Could you?语气更委婉客气;(2) get sth. for sb.为某人找到,弄到。f. I m afraid that I can t.恐怕不行。(1)复合句;(2) that I can t是一个宾语从句。I m afraid (that)我恐怕4. Grammer:(1)常用一般过去时中的时间状语ago,如 many years ago, a week agobefore, 如 the day before yesterday, before Friday yesterday,如 yesterday evening last, 如 last week, last Mon day(2)ago和before用法比较ago多用于一般过去时;它所指的时间是从现在算起 before多用于过去完成时;它所指的时间是从过去某一时刻算起。5.practice教Less on75 Un comfortable shoes学words: ago, buy, pair, fashion,uncomfortable,wear板key points : like these书We don t have any.in fashi onI m afraid课本次课学习中,孩子们的上课积极性比较咼。因为讲的内后容是一般过去时,大部分学生没有学过,所以语法是重点。小课堂时间比较少,可布置一些练习让他们带回家做。 希望结加深理解。
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