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Unit Two Section A Text One The Tell-Tale HeartI. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions provided, making some change when necessary.1. well up 2. refrain from 3. look in upon 4. conceive 5. ridof 6. dismembered 7. by instinct 8. at ease 9. depute 10. at length 11. by degrees 12. chuckle 13. cut off 14. spring up 15. foul playII. Use the appropriate form of the words given in the brackets to fill in the blanks1. dissimulate 2. vexing 3. hearty 4. conceal 5. cunningly 6. distraction 7. precautionary 8. pulsating 9. healthily 10. causelessIII. Paraphrase1. The disease had made my senses keener instead of ruining or weakening them.2. I was kindest to the old man during the week before I killed him.3. I spent an hour putting my head within the hole until I could see the old man lying upon his bed.4. I saw the eye very clearly. It was a pale blue with a terrible film over it that made me panicked/scared.5. The neighbor had suspected murder/crime and reported it to the police office, so the police officers were sent/appointed to search the house.IV. Test your general knowledge 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. CV. Proofreading the following passageThere is at present a high degree of uncertainty about the roleof literature in a school foreign-language course. Changes in educational and social conditions have shaken the once unquestioning status of 1. unquestionedliterary study amongst our educational goals, and it also plays an everproblematic role in a new pattern of language teaching which aims 2. moreprimarily to impart practical communicative skills. Recent discussionsin advanced courses in schools have generally advocated less emphasis 3. abouton literature in favor of language, and a revision of the principles governingthe selection of texts in order to include great consideration of pupils 4. greateractual ability, experience, and interests. Nevertheless, there is still comparative little clarity about what 5. comparatively role these texts should perform, and it is not uncommon to find a situationthat the teacher translates passages and dictates notes, in an examination 6. where-centered approach which largely ignores the deeper insights or skills that pupils might gain from their confrontation with literature. On the other hand, it is clearly not possibly to think in the terms of one singe role 7. thewhich literature should perform. A group of pupils aiming at a functional command of a language may read a modern novel because of its linguisticcontent, unless a group of future academic specialists may discuss the 8. whilebasic human issues portrayed in a classical play. These are the two differentactivities in two different situations, each equally justifiable in its 9. own context but not to be confused: different pupils aims require literature toserve different functions, which is best performed by different literary 10. arework.Section A Text TwoColonel CathcartI. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions provided, making some change when necessary1. backfire 2. furious 3. get on - nerves 4. insulate against 5. vicissitudes 6. indebted to 7. embellish 8. aptitude for 9. take command of 10. impervious to 11. on the alert 12. contaminate 13. indispensable 14. enliven 15. apprehensionII. Use the appropriate form of the words given in the brackets to fill in the blanks1. administrative 2. unappeasable 3. adroitly 4. unswerving 5. infallible 6. pathetically 7. overwhelming 8. ingeniously 9. affluence 10. displeasureIII. Translate the short paragraph paragraphs into Chinese卡思卡特上校聪明圆滑,事业一帆风顺,但却衣着邋遢,满腹忧愁。他三十六岁,走起路来步伐沉重,一心想当将军。他有股子冲劲,但又容易泄气;他处事泰然自若,但又时常懊恼;他自鸣得意,但对自己的前程又没有把握;他无所顾忌地采用各种行政计谋以博取上级的青睐,但又害怕自己的计谋会弄巧成拙。他长相不错,但缺乏魁力;他强壮如牛,但又有些虚张声势,而且还很自负。他已经开始发胖,为此他时常感到担忧,想挥也挥不去,所以,长期以来他一直受着它的折磨。卡思卡特上校很自负,因为他才三十六岁就成了一名带领一支战斗部队的上校军官;但他又感到沮丧,因为他虽然已经三十六岁了还只不过是个上校。 V. Proofread the following passageAlthough important events often reflect themselves quickly in the literature of a country, the effect of World War I with American writing was delayed. The War promptly 1. onproduced some mediocre prose and poetry, and distinguished 2. butworkmainly in the form of novelsappeared only some years later. The best came from Ernest Hemingway. He hadalready written some very good short stories and one first-classnovel, The Sun Also Rises , but he did not publish a novel fullyinvolved in the war till 1929. It proved worth waiting for. A 3. withFarewell to Arms, the moving story of the love affair of a woundedAmerican lieutenant and an English nurse, outstanding among 4. isliterary works relating to World War I. Hemingway had served 5. related with an ambulance group in France and then tra
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