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介绍家乡美食风景英语范文7篇介绍家乡美食风景英语范文 第一篇 I always imagine, if I can fly, I am so free, I can fly to where I want to go, if I have wings, I will fly to my hometown to see its beautiful scenery, the trees must be so green, the water must be so clean, I also want to fly to the Great Wall, I have heard of it, I want to enjoy its beauty. 中文翻译: 我总是想象,如果我能飞,我是如此的自由,我可以飞到我想去的地方,如果我有翅膀,我会飞到我的家乡去看它美丽的风景,树木一定是那么的绿,水必须是那么干净我也想飞到长城,我早就听说过它,我想欣赏它的美丽。 介绍家乡美食风景英语范文 第二篇 Great changes have taken place in my hometown. I used to live in a small town surrounded by trees. There are no tall buildings. The only street is very narrow. Just outside the town, there is a river. You can see all kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People live a life here. Great changes have taken place here. You can see high-rise buildings, department stores and factories everywhere With the development of industry, we have fewer and fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. We must take measures to stop pollution and make our town more beautiful. 中文翻译: 我的家乡发生了巨大的变化我曾经住在一个四周都是树的小镇没有高楼,唯一的街道很窄就在小镇的外面有一条河你可以看到各种各样的鱼在清澈的水中游动人们在这里过着简单的生活发生了巨大的变化这里你可以看到高楼大厦很大各处的百货公司和工厂各种各样的汽车和公共汽车在大街小巷里行驶,但是随着工业的发展,我们的树木越来越少了。空气和水污染越来越严重。我们必须采取措施阻止污染,使我们的城镇更加美丽。 介绍家乡美食风景英语范文 第三篇 People in different parts of China have different opinions on what to eat. For example, people in the south like to eat rice, while people in the North like to eat bread or noodles. People in Hunan or Sichuan like to eat hot food, while people in Shanghai or Suzhou prefer sweet food. Even if people live in the same area of the country, their tastes vary greatly. Old people and young people have different tastes. In restaurants, men and women also have different preferences. Some customers order thick soup, while others drink light and light soup. A few people only eat vegetables, fish or chicken they dont like. Its not easy for restaurants to meet the needs of all customers to increase their business. Restaurants in cities try to prepare different kinds and styles of food, They constantly add new dishes to the menu to meet the needs of customers with different tastes. 中文翻译: 我国不同地区的人对吃什么好有不同的看法,例如南方人喜欢吃米饭,而北方人喜欢吃面包或面条。湖南人或四川人喜欢吃热菜,而上海人或苏州人则会选择甜食,即使人活着在全国同一地区,他们的口味差别很大。老人和年轻人有不同的口味。 在餐馆里,男人和女人也有不同的喜好,一些顾客点的汤浓而浓,而另一些人喝的汤清淡而清淡,少数人只吃他们不喜欢的蔬菜,鱼或鸡,饭店要想满足所有顾客的需求来增加他们的生意不是一件容易的事,城市里的餐馆尽可能地准备不同种类、不同风格的食物,他们不断地在菜单上增加新的菜名,以满足不同口味的顾客的需要。 介绍家乡美食风景英语范文 第四篇 聚效家乡的美食作文500字一:家乡的美食(518字)我的家乡最著名的小吃非美味的云吞莫属了。每当品尝这令人垂涎三尺的美食时,我就心旷神怡。吃云吞时要有耐心,你如果心急,想一口吃掉一个,云吞非把你烫的满嘴是泡。吃云吞也很有讲究,你既可以把皮和陷分开来吃;也可以扎破了皮再漫漫吃。喜欢吃辣的客人可以放些胡椒粉再吃。国庆长假的一天,妈妈特意带我去黄师傅云吞店品尝那美味的云吞。开始吃云吞了。只见这云吞皮包肉厚,色泽诱人,各个长的鼓鼓的,让人看了真想一口猛吃一个。这时。我先拿起胡椒瓶往云吞汤里撒胡椒粉,再挑一个最大的,小心翼翼地用筷子扎破皮,顿时一阵香气袅袅地钻进我的鼻孔里,我忍不住流下了口水。我先咬了一口皮,真是嚼劲十足。接着一团红色的肉从云吞皮中顽皮地跑了出来。它似乎在调皮地看着我。这时,我再也抵挡不住肉陷的诱惑了迫不及待地咬上一口,那嫩嫩的、滑滑的感觉油然而生,让我不忍心把那美味多汁的云吞咽下去,只想让云吞在口中漫漫回味。我一连吃了七个,吃得我的肚皮涨得鼓鼓囊囊的。妈妈见我吃得这么香,说我是个贪吃鬼。诶,谁让云吞这么地方好吃呢!我宁愿是贪吃鬼,也要品尝这人间美食。回到家,云吞的香气还溢满在口中呢!怎么样,听了我的介绍,大家一定流口水了吧!大家快来品尝这令人回味无穷的美食云吞吧! 英语作文家乡的特色菜60字 Pig fillet meat 300 grams, green pepper, carrot each 30 grams, onion 2, garlic 2 grains, egg-yolk 1, soy sauce 1 big spoon, starch 1 small spoon, ketchup 2 big spoons, white . 我家乡的美食很好吃英文 我家乡的美食很好吃 The food in my hometown is very delicious. 我家乡的美食很好吃 The food in my hometown is very delic. 家乡的一道菜英语作文 After the green pepper goes to the peduncle and the seed cleans,cuts the scrap; The carrot goes to the skin,the cleaning,the slice; The onion cleaning,the garlic goes to the . 初二英语第二单元的作文我的家乡要求要描述家乡的特点,美食 My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and . They lived a hard 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes . 我最爱家乡的食物的英语作文 Speaking of crabs, it may be terrific, in the past a lot of literati or even rise to the life alone in seeking the height of the Li Yu Speaking of crab food itself simply is . 关于江西玉山食物介绍的英语作文 welcome to my hometown! shanghai is my hometown. it is a modern and busy town. it has a long history. there are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good . my hometown street food英语作文 s we all know,fruit is delicious and healthy has many kinds,such as apples,pears,oranges,lemons and so ,nearly every one have fruit every has a . 求一篇关于介绍家乡的英语作文. My Hometown My hometown is beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of . they are going all out to build socialism. 我的家乡 我的家乡是个美丽的地方。它座落. 介绍美食英语作文如何 Chinese Food Chinese food varies by region. In northern China, Mongolian influences are evident especially in the use of the fire pot. Rice is not grown in the north, so . 介绍家乡美食风景英语范文 第五篇 Beijing is the capital of China with a long history. There are many places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the summer palace. Because it is lo
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