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Unit 6 Detective Lesson 17 A Detectives Story 教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语八年级下册教材Unit 6 Lesson17,话题是请求和对请求做出回应。作为本单元的第二课是16课一个侦探的故事(上)的继续。本课是听力课。听力内容为人物对话。共分两部分,前一部分是侦探温特斯和死者13年前失踪不久前又出现的儿子丹尼斯之间的一个对话。后半部分是温特斯侦探告诉霍桑医生自己对丹尼斯所说的话的可信度的判断。通过阅读激发学生对侦探类小说的好奇心,培养学生的阅读兴趣。听力文本较长,两个人物又都是男性,从声音上区分度不强。教学内容对学生来说相对较难。本课的教学设计将分为两个课时。第一课时采取任务型教学模式通过听力任务的设置,让学生在不断了解听力内容的前提下,对文本进行深层次的理解。第二课时通过对温特斯侦探的问题的理解,体会直接引语和间接引语在意义的区别从而引出间接引语。引领学生归纳和练习功能句和对请求做出回应。最后,在完成任务并进行小组讨论的过程中运用这些功能句。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures【过程与方法目标】1.认读本课的新单词2.利用关键词、利用上下文等听力认知策略,听录音获取对话中温特斯和丹尼斯对话的主要信息。【情感态度价值观目标】能够通过所听到的信息用间接引语的形式复述故事内容。 教学重难点【教学重点】利用关键词、利用上下文等听力认知策略,听录音获取对话中温特斯和丹尼斯对话的主要信息。【教学难点】能够通过所听到的信息用间接引语的形式复述故事内容。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1. Have you ever read any detective stories?Whats your favorite one?2. T shows Ss two photos and ask Ss:Do you know them? What do they do? (Conan and Holmes. They are detectives.)Step 2 Pre-listening1. Ask Ss to say out the characters and setting from the mystery. 2. Have students get into pairs.Ask what clues do you remember form the story in the last lesson?3. Ask Ss to predict the questions asked in a listening.Step 3. Listening1. Check students predictions.Ask Ss to listen to the second part of the story and number the questions.Ask Ss to listen to the story and find out the answers What happened?Ask Ss to listen to the story and find out the answers of other questions.Try to retell what Daniel happened and why he came back now2. Ask Ss to Listen to the third part of the story and answer questions.Does detective believe Daniel?What does he saw on Daniels arm?Why Daniel did always wore long sleeves?Who had made that special silk shirt?1. Ask Ss to listen and read the listening material2. Ask Ss to retell whats happened so far in the story.Step 4. Reading1. Fast reading:Read and List the charactersMain charactersDetective Winters Doctor Hawthorne Daniel Lister2. Careful reading: Read and Complete the tableMain characters Detective Winters Doctor Hawthorne Step 5 Homework1. Read the listening material2. Write down A Detective Story to use reported speech. 教学反思略。
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