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M9U1 单词拼写姓名_班级_学号_1. If you expect different countries to have the same customs and food as what you are accustomed to, then you are b_ to be disappointed.2. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he ha a f_ attitude.3. Its important to know your strengths and w_ in study.4. The d_ of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying.5. There is nothing a_ about his ability to make his work successful.6. He is interested in all subjects, but he has a p_ for English in particular.7. While a high p_ of Australians may be people who watch sports rather than do them, it is indeed a great sporting nation!8. Having retired from business, he now o_ himself with his garden.9. After lengthily talks the two sides finally reached a _.(和解) 10. I will look into the case as soon as possible Just have little p_.11. The dead artists paintings are a p_ reminder of his great talent.12. Nowadays children are e_ with a good education.13. L_ at the foot of the mountain is a beautiful village.14. Whenitcomes toenergy_ (安全),ourpolicyisnotdirected againstany singlecountry.15. Itisunacceptabletosaypopularityistheonlyc_ ofagoodnovel. 16. Inmostschools,computercoursesarenow_(必须的). 17. How could they possibly help someone learn a skill that they themselves cantg_? 18. Therearedoubtsabout howeasyitwould beto_ ( 输出)ittootherparts of theworld.19. Infrontoftheoldfort (堡垒 )there ism_ totheheroeswho diedthere. 20. Theyarethoughttobeaimed atprinciplesratherthan_ (具体的) proposals. Key:41. bound 2. flexible3. weaknesses4. devotion5. ambiguous 6. preference7. percentage 8. occupied9. compromise10. patience11. permanent12. equipped13. Located14. security15. criterion16. compulsory17. grasp18. export19. monument20. concreteM9U2 单词拼写姓名_班级_学号_1. The new hotel is finished, but it is not yet f_.2. The new tourist hotel will provide a_ for more than five hundred people.3. Too much e_ to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.4. Yetmuchoftheirsuccessreflectsgoodmanagementandgood_(规章制度 ).5. The problem has been _ (困扰) me for several days.6. I w_ $ 500 from a bank account lat week.7. The judge s_ him to do hard labour.8. They sent flowers as a g_ of sympathy to the parents of the child.9. He was a_ as chairman of the committee.10. The company _ (赞助) the football match.11. She put some d_ on the Christmas tree.12. Our football team d_ theirs this time and won the first place.13. Helaterofferedtwootherexplanationsformissingthed_.14. Butthere areplentyofpotentialsourcesof_ (摩擦)betweenthetwoPacific powers.15. On thelatest_ (一致意见 )offorecasts,thatwill nothappen.16. The governmentinsistsitis simply goingafter_ (腐败的)officials.17. He was at the dangerousa_of over eight thousand four hundred meters. 18. The donation is being madeinr_ofthe growing importanceof knowledge for development.19. Educationwould bethebestandfinalp_againstsocialevils.20. The president wants the United States tor_the worlds highest college graduation rates, especially in math and science.Key: 1. furnished2. accommodation3. exposure4. regulation5. bother6. withdrew7. sentenced8. gesture9. appointed10. sponsored11. decorations12. defeated13. deadline14. friction15. consensus16. corrupt17. altitude18. recognition 19. prevention20. regainM9U3 单词拼写姓名_班级_学号_1. An economic crisis usually comes in c_ with serious unemployment.2. The magician picked several persons at r_ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.3. We should not s_ our personal feelings for the partys policy.4. As a result of certain news in the media, several senior officials lost face and were forced to r_.5. He is strongly o_ to the plan made at last Fridays meeting.6. Everybody enjoys working with Tom because he is c_ with others and easygoing.7. The poor old man died of s_.8. From what is said above, we can draw a c_.9. All three children have e_ in our family and the are all treated in the same way.10. Our teacher wont t_ any cheating on exams.11. He was e_ of chairman of the meeting.12. The goods do not c_ to the samples you sent me.13.
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