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人教版九年级英语第一单元Unit 1 Section A学案Unit 1How do you study for a test学习目标1通过交流和表达,进一步掌握学习英语的技巧与方法。2掌握下列知识点:重点词汇:f1ashcard,vocabulary,pronunciation,a1oud重点短语:study formake flashcardmake vocabulary listsask the teacher for helpread aloudstudy with a group重点句型:How do you study for a test?What abou tlistening to tapes?语法:by+ing的用法预习导学预习单词,完成下列各词。1抽认卡2词汇3Aloud(近义词)4发音(名词)5ever(反义词)61isten(现在分词)7study(过去分词)8(如何)do you study for a test?合作研讨一、重点单词与短语1pronunciation n发音;发音法,其动词形式pronounce【跟踪训练】(1)她认识很多法语单词,但发音不正确。She knows a lot of French;words,butthem incorrectl.2Aloud adv出声地;大声地例如:read aloud大声朗读【辨析】aloudloudloudlyaloud出声地;大声地。常与read,cail等动词连用,loud高声地;大声地;喧闹地。常用于talk,speak等动词之后;loudly高声地;喧闹地。一般可以和10ud互换,但含有“吵闹”的意思。【跟踪训练】(2)老师要求我大声朗读课文。The teacher asked me tothe text.(3)请大声点说,以便我能听清楚。Pleaseso that I can hear you clearly.(4)不要这么大声说,婴儿在睡觉。Dontso.The baby is sleeping.3asksbfor向某人请求例如:ask the teacher for help向老师请求帮助(拓展)ask sbto do sth请求某人干某事ask sbnot to do sth请求某人不要干某事【跟踪训练】(5)他们向我求助,Theymehelp.4too. to.太而不能【拓展】tooto.可以与so.that(如此以至于)或Enough to do.(足够以至于)转换。【跟踪训练】(6)The problem is so difficult that I cant work it out。(同义句转换)Theproblem isdifficultwork out5a lot表示程度,作状语,意为“很;非常”【拓展】a lot oflots of许多;很多。修饰可数名词复数与不可数名词。【跟踪训练】(7)我有许多有趣的书。I haveinteresting books二、重点句型与语法句型What about reading a1oud to practice pronunciation?通过大声朗读来练习发音怎么样?【精解】What/How about?用来征求意见或询问有关情况,意为“怎么样”,about后跟名词、代词或动名词。【拓展】提建议的其他表达方式有:(1)Lets do.(2)Shall we do?(3)Why dont you/Why not do.?(4)Would you mind doing?(5)You should(6)Youd better(not)do【跟踪训练】(8)出去散散步好吗?going out for a walk?(9)那个电视剧怎么样?the TV play?(10)我是北京人,你呢?I am Beijinger.you?语法“by+ing短语“by+ing短语的含义是“通过;凭借”,其中by为介词,后面常接动名词短语,表示通过做某事而得到某种结果;在句中常用作方式状语,表示的方法、手段等比较抽象。例如:The old woman makes a living by collecting and selling wastes那个老妇人以收废品和卖废品谋生o【跟踪训练】(11)How do you study English So well?reading 1ots of books。A.ToB.OfC.AtD.By当堂检测.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.We study by(work)with a group2.It is agreat way(1earn)a 1anguage3.What about(read)a1oud(practice)pronunciation and intonation?根据汉语提示完成句子4Have you ever(和朋友一起练习对话)friends?5I study English(通过制作)f1ashcards6(怎么样)1istening to tapes?7这个问题太难了,我理解不了。Itshardmethis question8朗读能提高你的口语。canyour spoken English课后练习1.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.I cant get the pof the word right2.Reading ain the morning is a good way to 1earn English well3He 1earns English bymaking v1ists。4Do you 1earn English by wEnglish-1anguage videos?5I often listen to tapes to imy listening skills。阅读理解ManyChinese students dont paymach attention to(注意)spoken English at schoolThey think it necessary to practicespeaking English in class,but not out of classHere is a story to show you how important it is to speak the Eng1ish language freely in daily lifeA foreigner once got hungry and went into a restaurant in LondonHe sat down at a table.When the waiter came,he opened his mouth,put his nngers into it and took them out again in Order to express that he wanted something to eat forhe could not speak EnglishThe waiter soon brought a cup of teaThe man shook(摇动)his head。The waiter then took away the tea and brought a cup of coffeeThe man shook his head again.He tried again and again,but he wasnt able to make the waiter understand him.Finally,nother man came inHe spoke English clearly and fluentlyIn a few minutes,there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table before him.Sl you see a man often goes hungry if hedoesnt master(掌握)a foreign language根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)()6Chinese students pay little attention to spoken English.()7The students only practice speaking English in class()8The story happened in a restaurant in New York()9The man wanted to eat something because he was hungry()10Another man spoke English very wellUnit 1Section A(3a-4)学习目标1掌握学好英语更多的方法。2掌握下列知识点:重点词汇:memorize,differently,frustrate,frustrating,quickky重点短语:the best ways to 1earn more Englishfor examplehave funnot at alldo a surveyend upget excited about重点句型:She said that memorizing the words 0f pop songs also helped a littleHes been learning English for six years and really loves it.语法:动名词作主语、宾语预习导学.预习单词,完成下列各词的变化。1different(adv.)(n.)2frustrate
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