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初三英语基础练习三考生注意:1. 本卷总分100分。 2. 本卷所有答案包括写话必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening (第一卷 听力)I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) G1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6._II.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分)7. A) She liked the idea of learning 2 foreign languages. B) She didnt given the definite answer. C) She was surprised by the mans question. D) She didnt agree with the man.8. A) The blue bike looks prettier. B) She likes the white bike better. C) She prefers the blue bike. D) The white bike is better in design.9. A) Forty-two kilograms. B) Fourteen kilograms C) Forty-six kilograms. D) Fifty-eight kilograms.10. A) To the lake. B) To the zoo. C) To the park. D) To the Oriental Green Boat.11. A) Take the No.28 bus. B) Take the No.22 bus. C) Take a taxi. D) Both A and B.12. A) At home. B) In the classroom. C) In the street D) In the school.13. A) At eight. B) At ten to eight. C) At ten past eight. D) At ten.14. A) Both English and maths are hard. B) English is more difficult than maths. C) Neither of them is difficult. D) Both are difficult15. A) Yes, he can B) Yes, he does C) No, he cant D) No, he doesnt 16. A) By bike. B) On foot C) By bus D) By airIII. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)17. My neighbours children often play in the street.18. They are very careful when they are playing football.19. I was asleep when the boy knocked at the door.20. The boy wanted to get the ball and I let him in.21. Last Saturday afternoon the children broke his windows again,22. Last Sunday afternoon I stayed at home watching TV.23. The football wasnt in my room.IV.Listen to the dialogue and complete the form(听对话完成下列表格):(共7分)NameJohn 24 _Nationality25 _Birthday26 _Age27 _ years oldFavorite sports28 _ and swim hobbyListen to the 29 _ music and 30 _Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二卷 词汇和语法)V.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示): (共20分)31. There will be _ interview between the manager and his assistants this afternoon.A) an B) a C) the D) /32. Though I had spent much time _ maths. Still I got a “C” in the last test.A) for B) in C) on D) with33. Jack and Mary have tried, but _ has succeeded in getting the chance to study abroad.A) both B) neither C) all D) either34. Its good for her health if she can find a way to relax _ from time to time.A) she B) her C) hers D) herself35. The light music sounded very _. I enjoyed every minute of it.A) well B) beautiful C) wonderfully D) boring36. The headmasters praise for our group singing yesterday made us all _ happily.A) smile B) smiled C) smiling D) to smile37. The electric fan can hardly blow away the terrible smell in the hall, _?A) can it B) cant it C) does it D) doesnt it38. Would you please help _ with my English?A) I B) me C) my D) mine39. Mr. Green goes to work _ half past seven every day.A) of B) on C) in D) at40. I ran _ than Maria in the 400-metre race.A) much fast B) more fast C) much faster D) more faster41. About _ students in our school will attend the concert.A) three hundreds B) three hundred C) three hundred of D) hundreds of42. _ is more important, gas or electricity?A) What B) When C) Why D) Which43. The students of Class One _ football when I saw them.A) had played B) played C) were playing D) was playing44. They _ each other since 2002.A) wont see B) didnt see C) hadnt seen D) havent seen45. He has got two aunts. _ is a teacher, and _ is a nurse.A) Oneother B) One the other C) Oneanother D) Oneothers46. A: Jack Zhow is so cool. Im his fan.B: _. A) So do I B) So I do C) So am I D) So I am47. He wrote _ letter to his parents yesterday.A) a 800 words B) an 800-word C) an 800-words D) a 800-word48. Children always enjoy _ picturebooks.A) read B) to read C) reading D) read49.
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