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Unit 1 My names Gina.执教老师龙美兰授课日期授课类型巩固课学 时 数The 3rd period (Section B 1a 2c)教学目标1 Teach the numbers. Get the students to use the numbers freely.2 Have the students know the meaning of some numbers like 110, 121, etc.3 Get the students to learn to filling the information box.教学内容 New words: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine - Whats your phone number? - Its 重点难点1、了解英语与汉语中姓与名的位置不同,准确掌握英语的姓与名的表达;2、听懂并能说出电话号码,培养学生的英语意识。3 重点句型。 学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Warming-up and revision1. Daily greetings to the studentsT: Good morning, everyone. My name is Peter. Whats your name, please? S1: My name is Lily. T: Hello, Lily. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: And whats your name?S2: My name is2. RevisionPart one:T: S1, whats his name? S1: His name is T: S2, whats her name?S2: Her name is Part two:S1: Good morning. Whats your name, please? S2: My name is Jack. Whats your name, please?S1: My name is Susan. And whats your name, please?S3: My name is Tony. S1: S4, what his name? (point to S2 ) S4: His name is 教学步骤及主要内容II. PresentationT: Please tell me how to say it in English? (show the Ss the number cards, one by one)III. Game1. T: We have 10 groups. Every group has a number. When I show the number card, the group must stand up and say the number loudly. Ready? (Every time, T shows the Ss one card. The group must stand up.)Ss: Five./Seven./Three.2. T: Now, this time, Ill show you the number card, but the next number group must stand up and say the number loudly. eg: T: (Show the card2)Ss: Three. (Group 3 stands up and say the number loudly)3. T and the Ss play the game again, but this time, not the next group, but the number before. eg: T: (Show the card5)Ss: Four. (Group 4 stands up and read the number loudly)课堂练习IVPracticeT shows the Ss some numbers (car number, room number etc), asks them to read out. e.g. T: (show a car number) 湘AS0827 Ss: Xiang-A-S-zero-eight-two-seven.T: (Show a room number)1508Ss: Room one-five-o-eight.V. Work on 1bT asks the Ss how the number is divided up. Guide them to understand that three numbers come before the hyphen and four numbers after it Then get the students to listen to the tape and ask them to write the phone numbers in the blank VIWork on 1cT: Now please work with your group (four students in one group) and ask each other questions about phone numbers.e.g. S1: Whats your telephone number, S2? S2: Its 356-9865.S1: 356-9865. Thanks.VIIWork on 2a,2bT: Point to the numbered names. Read each one aloud along with the number that comes before it. Then say each number and ask a student to read the name after that number.Point to the blanks in the four telephone numbers. Tell the Ss that the last two numbers of each telephone number are missing. Listen to the tape and then fill in these numbers.Play the tape then check the answers. VIIIWork on 2cT: (Point out the address book headings “names” and “phone Numbers”.) Let the Ss ask other four students in the class these questions to complete the chart.( the four students who are asked should not be in his/her group)小结与作业课堂小结本课作业1. Listen and read after the tape for thirty minutes.2. Recite the second conversation of Section B, 1b.3. Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and sentences, translate them into English.
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