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My First Ride on a Train导学案预习目标:1. Get the main idea of the passage.2. Find out the knowledge points in the text.3. Write some sentences about the first experience.重点:New words and the knowledge points.难点:Use the knowledge points to do exercises.一、预习检测1.Whats the passage about?A. a train ride to SydneyB. taking the train to AustraliaC. traveling to the central part of AustraliaD. a child visiting her grandmother2.According to the text,we can know that_.A.it was sunny during Alice Thompsons journeyB.the fields were covered with red sand all the wayC.the travel lasted 36 hoursD.Alice Thompson and her friend travelled from Alice Springs to Sydney3.Alice Thompson_on the train.A.didnt like to talk to other passengersB.sometimes learned ChineseC.only read books during the dayD.always watched the night sky4.Camels were brought to Australia because_.A.camels ran faster than horsesB.camels could carry more food and supplies than horsesC.camels could travel a long distance and bear the hot weatherD.trains cost too much then5.Why is the train called the Ghan? Because of_.A.camelsB.camels from desertsC.camels from AfghanistanD.Afghanistan6.They shot camels because_.A,they used horsesB.they passed a new lawC.camels brought many problemsD.they built a new railway line and they didnt need the camels any more.根据课文内容填空Alice had her first ride on a_when she was 18 years old. They got on in_and got_in Alice Springs. The train was wonderful and the_was great. She enjoyed the_outside of the train. Sometimes she read_and talked to other_. At night, she watched the night_. The train which she took is called the Ghan. Ghan is_for Afghanistan. In the past, the Afghans used_for traveling a long distance. In the 1920s, the government built a new_line, so they didnt need the camels any more.二、展示交流 Find out the knowledge points.三、课堂小测汉译英1.上火车2.直到20世纪30年代3.是的缩写形式4.下飞机5.不仅仅;多于6.在半夜7.骑马8.一个被遗弃的孩子9.在远处10.尝试做某事用所给词的正确形式填空helicopter;camel;cassettes;tram;diamond;expert;products;scenery;soil;journey1. The_here is so beautiful that many tourists are attracted.2. Most plants grow best in rich_.3. They succeeded in rescuing the man trapped in the mountain, using a_.4. A_is an animal that is used to the life in the desert.5. It is a _of one day from Paris to China.6. She looks pretty with the_necklace on her neck.7. They must have new markets for their_.8. He is an_on foreign affairs. You can ask him for help.9. How will you get there? By bus or by_?10. I often listen to my Japanese_in my spare time.单句改错1. Mother doesnt allow to speak while eating.2. The accident happened on midnight.单项填空1. Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday?Thank you. Id love to, _Ill be out of town at the weekend.A. because B. and C. so D. but2. People dont know the value of their health_they lose it.A. after B. when C. as D. until3. He made another wonderful discovery_of great importance to science.A. which I think isB. which I think it isC. which I think itD. I think which is4. I will_in a car to go there.A. ride B. take C. catch D. took5. _she sings! So many young people are crazy for her.A. How wonderfullyB. WhatC. How badlyD. What good6. The man is famous_his novels_a writer, so he is famous_everyone here.A. as; for; byB. for; as; toC. to; as; forD. by; for; as7. He doesnt like living in the_of the city because it is too noisy.A. middle B. front C. centre D. corner8. They made a _across the ocean.A. journey B. travel C. tour D. voyage9. The sunrise is a beautiful_.A. scenery B. scene C. map D. pictures10. TV is_for television.A. short B. call C. stand D. called11. Since he isnt at home. I will come_.A. one dayB. some dayC. another dayD. a day12. I like to walk in a_street.A. desert B. deserted C. deserting D. deserts13. 21st Century School Edition is_a newspaper. It helps us to improve our English a lot.A. more than B. less thanC. no more thanD. no less than14. There are many_in the store.A. supply B. supplies C. a supply D. B and C15. The farmers brought their_to town early each Saturday morning.A. produce B. products C. productions D. produces四、作业 Preview the next period.
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