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P51 Dianas Anniversary 戴安娜周年纪念It has been ten years since Diana, Princess of Wales, was killed in a car crash with Dodi Al Fayed in Paris, yet she remains an iconic figure in the UK, whose image continues to dominate magazine covers and newspaper headlines.Dianas death triggered an outpouring of national grief and a decade of conspiracy theories, linking her death to the British security forces and even the royal family.And she remains a media phenomenon with thousands of articles and stories appearing about her in the British press each year.Interest in the princess is rising again as her sons, Princes William and Harry, prepare to mark the tenth anniversary of her death with a memorial service at Guards Chapel in Londons Wellington Barracks on Friday.The princes are to give readings at the service, which will be attended by 500 guests, including more than 30 royals headed by the Queen, and celebrities such as Sir Elton John and UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown.One person who wont be attending is Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, who Princess Diana famously described as “the third person” in her marriage to Prince Charles.Camilla, who married Prince Charles in 2005, said she feared her presence at the service “could divert attention from the purpose of the occasion”.As well as the memorial service, Diana is being remembered with a photographic exhibition documenting her life at the National Portrait Gallery in London.Even ten years on it seems Britain is unwilling to let go of “the peoples princess”, and that her enduring legacy is to maintain the fascination of the British people, and indeed the world.iconic figure偶像人物headlines头条outpouring倾泻conspiracy theories阴谋论press报纸chapel小教堂give readings诵读(经)文divert attention转移视线photographic exhibition摄影展maintain保持dominate垄断;统治triggered触发grief悲痛media phenomenon媒体现象memorial service悼念仪式barracks军营duchess女公爵purpose of the occasion活动的目的enduring legacy持久的遗产fascination吸引力;魅力P81A Great Musical Tradition 伟大的音乐传统Where can you hear some of best western classical and contemporary music in Britain? The answer is at the annual Proms concerts. Every summer for the past 111 years people have enjoyed the widest possible range of music, performed to the highest standards.The home of The Proms is The Royal Albert Hall in London, and the name comes from the seasons official title: The Henry Wood Promenade Concerts.The Proms was the brainchild of the impresario Robert Newman, manager of the newly built Queens Hall in London.Together with Henry Wood, the organist, accompanist and conductor, the two man team created a particular philosophy that set the tone of the Proms in the years to come.I am going to run nightly concerts to train the public in easy stages, explained Newman. Popular at first, gradually raising the standard until I have created a public for classical and modern music.From the late 1920s the BBC has organised the Proms concerts. Since 1961 the BBC has commissioned a number of new works each season, offering Proms audiences a chance to hear the latest in musical trends from contemporary composers.The festival now includes over 70 main Prom concerts every year. 1996 saw the launch of Proms in the Park, where huge TV screens show the concerts to audiences in the open air. There have been special events such as Choral Day (1998), and 1000 years of music in a day (1999).A total of ten Proms are broadcast on the BBC World Service in English on Saturdays from 1900 China time until the 8th September 2007. Try 11750 and 9740 short wave, or download the latest Prom at www.bbcworldservice.com - enjoy!contemporary当代的impresario乐团经理accompanist伴奏(唱)者philosophy宗旨;哲学created a public开创一批受众群audiences观众;听众the widest possible range应有尽有organist风琴手conductor指挥set the tone定调commissioned委托the open air露天torrential downpours 暴雨;倾盆大雨 evacuated 疏散worst hit 受打击最严重的 washed away 被冲走a months worth 够用(值)一个月的 muddy 泥泞的revellers 喜欢凑热闹的人 delayed 被拖延frequent showers 经常性的阵雨 unpredictable 难预测的 to burst their banks 决堤 floods 洪水fatalities 死亡(事故) issued 发布chaos 混乱 wellies 惠灵顿长靴a mud bath 泥澡 halted 停顿;停止glorious sunshine 灿烂的阳光 devastation 毁灭性的破坏P137An American Creation 一个美国人的创意Happy Fathers Day!Fathers Day is a fairly new celebration in the British calendar compared with Mothers Day, which has been a very popular and well celebrated festival in the UK for a very long timThe origins of the celebration are American and it was inspired by the actions of a man named William Smart. He was a veteran of the US Civil War and his wife died giving birth to their sixth child. He raised six children alo
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