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新人教版七年级上册英语语法总复习一、be(am、is、are)的基本用法:我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is用于他(he)她(she)它(it),单数用is复数用are。否定句在be后加not,一般疑问句将be提前。回答:Yes,人称代词+ be./ No, 人称代词+be + not. 如:1) He is Mr. Chen. He is not Mr. Chen.- Is he Mr. Chen? - Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.2) I am a student. I am not a student.- Are you a student? - Yes, I am. / No, I am not.3) They are teachers. They are not teachers.- Are they teachers? - Yes, they are. / No, they arent.练习:用系动词be( am, is, are)的正确形式填空1. _ you fine? 2. I _ Mr. Chen.3. _ he your mother? 4. - _ they from Japan? - Yes, they _.5. You _ a teacher and she _ a doctor.6. Where _ Jack from? 7. I _ fine, too. Thanks8. - Who _ this? - This _ Wang Kang.8. - Who _ this? - This _ Wang Kang.9. - _ you a student? - Yes, I _.10. - Where _ Beijing? - It_ in China.11. - _ Ronaldo a Brazilian? - Yes, he _ .12. “I” _ also a letter. 13. You and I _ students.14. He and she_ friends. 15. He and I_ teachers.二、可数名词的复数:(1)规则变化1)一般在名词词尾加s 如:car-cars; apple-apples2)以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词,在词尾加-es 如:box-boxes; bus-buses; watch -watches.3)以o结尾,加s potato-potatoes , tomato-tomatoes , hero-heroes4)以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,如:family-families.5)以fe、f结尾,变fe、f为v再加es,如:life-lives.(2)不规则变化:1)变元音字母 如:manmen,womanwomen,FrenchmanFrenchmen,toothteeth,footfeet;2)单复数同形 如:sheep ,fish,Chinese,Japanese,deer3)其他 如:child children , mouse - mice写出下列名词的复数形式1. teacher _2. class _ 3. name _ 4. orange_ 5. number 6. apple_7. bus_ 8. erase_ 9. photo_ 10.tomato_11.country 12.friend_13.knife_ 14.foot_ 15.boy_ 16.mouse_三、a, an的用法:a /an 都表示“一,一个”,单词以元音音素开始的,我们在前用an, 单词以辅音音素开始的,我们在前用a。如:an apple / an interesting book;/ an English boy/ an old man. A map/ ruler/bus/box选择填空1. -Whats that?. -Its _ egg. A. a B. the C. / D. an 2 .- -Whats that in English -Its _ car. Its_ orange car. A. a, an B. a, a C. an, aD. an, an -3. _ old man is _ English teacher. A. The; an B. An; an C. The; the D. A; a4. She is _ English teacher. A. an B. a C. the D. /四、重点句型和短语:(1) 地方(2) ( 3)-Whats this in English? - Its an orange.- Whats that? -Its an egg.-What are these? -They are buses.(4)where, who, what, how old, how many ,how much等特殊疑引导的特殊疑问句:1)- Whats your name? /Whats her name? - My/Her name is .2)-What class are you in? /What grade are you in? - Im in Class/Grade 3)- Whats your telephone number? - My telephone is 4)- How do you spell cup? - C-U-P, cup.5)- How old are you? - Im . years old.6) - Im from 练习:选择填空( )1. -Whos that girl? -_ my sister. A. This is B. Shes C. Its D. Thats_.u( )3. -_ are you in? - Class Five. A. What class B. What grade C. What color D. What number( )4. He is _ blue. A. to B. from C. under D. in( )5. -Whos the girl over there? - Which one? - _ under the tree. A. This B. That C. The one D. Ones( )6. The bag is _. A. Bruce is B. Bruce has C. Bruces D. Bruce does( )7. _, what color is the shirt? A. Sorry B. Im sorry C. Excuse me D. Thats right( )8. -What color is it? -_ . A. Its an orange B. Its orange C. Its a orange. D. An orange( )9. What color _ his pants? A. hasB. doesC isD. are( )10. He is old _ white hair. A. withB fromC under D in( )11. She looks like a doctor, _ she is a nurse.A. and B.or C.too D.but( ) 12.- I am afraid I dont know. - _.A. Thank you B. Thanks C. Thank you anyway D. Thanks very much.五: 区别has/have do/does的用法:(1)has/have表示“有”,即“某人有某物”,当主语是第三人称时,谓语动词用has,其他人称用have(2)有实义动词的一般现在时态中主语为第三人称单数,否定句,在动词前加doesnt, 再把动词改回原形,一般疑问句,在句首加does,再把动词改回原形,回答用:Yes,人称代词+does./ No,人称代词+doesnt. 如:She has small eyes. She doesnt have small eyes. - Does she have small eyes? - Yes, she does./ No, she doesn主语为除第三人称单数之外的人称,否定句,在动词前加dont, 一般疑问句,在句首加do, 回答用:Yes,人称代词+do./ No, 人称代词+dont. 如:They have small eyes. They dont have small eyes. - Do they have small eyes? - Yes, they do./ No, they dont根据句子意思,用am, is, are, do ,does, have, has填空。根据句子意思,用am, is, are, do ,does, have, has填空。1. I
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