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新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?集体备课教案一、教学目标1、知识目标:学习本单元的词汇和句型结构1)词汇:zoo, animal, tiger, elephant, koala, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, smart, cute, fun, ugly, intelligent, friendly, shy, kind of, Africa2)句型结构:why, what, where 引导的特殊疑问句;用because表示原因;表示性质、品质的形容词的使用及程度的表达。Why do you want to see the lions? / Why do you like lions?Because theyre cute/interestingWhat animals do you like?Where are lions from? / Where do lions come from?They are very dangerous. They are kind of . 2、能力目标:描述动物,并能表达对某种动物的好恶。3、情感目标:热爱动物,保护大自然,维护生态平衡。二、教学重、难点1、重点:学习本单元的词汇,用what、why、where引导的特殊疑问句,用because表示原因以及形容词的使用。2、难点:准确使用形容词对自己感兴趣的事物进行描述。三、课时安排:The First Period: section A 1a-1c The Second Period: section A 2a-2c(grammar focus)The Third Period: section A 3a-4The Fourth Period: section B 1-3The Fifth Period: section B 3a-4The six Period: 单元复习及self checkThe First Period(Section A 1a-1c)Step 1 请同学用英语说出自己知道的动物名称并板书。出示课前准备好的各种动物图片,向学生展示各种动物的英语表达方法。(tiger, elephant, koala, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, etc.)Step 2 教授以上所展示的单词。Step 3 将图片按1a中的样子贴在黑板上,仿照动物园的导游图布置,要求学生将单词卡贴在相应的动物图片下。教材中对应配对练习(1a)。Step 4 活动:用黑板上所贴的图片学习对某种动物的喜爱及原因完成任务需要的词汇及句型结构:1. 教授词汇:cute, interesting, fun, smart, beautiful等形容词,2. 展示句型结构:I like lions.Lets see the lions first. Why? / Why is that? / Why do you want to see the ? / Why do you like ? Because they are cute. 教学中:注意want to do sth.的句型教学的复习。Step 5 听录音(1b)。在1a中勾出所听到的 动物。Step 6 活动:讨论在动物园中最先参观的动物,并给出理由。Step 7 Pairwork.1. 根据1c结对练习。2. 对话表演。Step 8 Homework Read the words and conversations on P13 skillfully.The Second Period: section A 2a-2c(grammar focus)Step 1 Revision1. Free talk. 2. 使用各种动物图片,复习动物名称,谈论喜好及程度。A: What animal is it? B: Its a tiger. A: Do you like tigers? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. A: Why? / Why not? B: Because theyre very (kind of) 词组:kind of 有几分3. 以pairwork形式进行对话,复习上一节课内容。 4. 本环节将very, kind of的用法,可将Section B第一部分中的ugly, scary等词提前教学。Step 2 让学生看P14动物图画,练习对所看到的动物的喜好(程度)及原因,并表演对话。Step 3 听录音,完成练习(2a)。Step 4 听录音,完成练习(2b)。Step 5 活动:为自己的同学选择生日礼物。调查同伴最喜爱和不喜爱的小动物及原因,然后为他 / 她准备一份动物玩具作为生日礼物。使用下列表格:NamesAnimals he/she likesReasonsAnimals he/she dislikesReasonsStep 6 汇报为同学选取生日礼物的情况,可采用情景复现的方式(小组对话),也可以采用汇报结果的方式。Step 7 Grammar focus Go over the Grammar Focus, explain it if necessary.Step 8 Homework Read the words and conversations on P13-14 skillfully.The Third Period: section A 3a-4Step 1 Revision1. Free talk. 2. 使用各种动物图片,复习动物名称,谈论喜好及程度。A: What animal is it? B: Its a tiger. A: Do you like tigers? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. A: Why? / Why not? B: Because theyre very (kind of)3. 以pairwork形式进行对话,复习上一节课内容。Step 2 Work on 3a and 3b1. 出示动物玩具或图片:a panda,a lion,a koala,请学生表达对这些动物的好恶。2. 复习并介绍国名China, Australia, South Africa。3. 句型结构Where are pandas from? Pandas are from China.(注意另一种表达,Where do pandas come from? Pandas come from China.)4. 可以对这些动物的习性等做简单介绍,将Section B中的部分词汇和表达在此处介绍,如:eat grass, sleep during the day, at night, eat leaves,lazy, meat等5. 完成3a 和3b.Step 3 Pairwork 1. 学生练习谈论对上述三种动物的喜好,产地及简单习性。 A: What animals do you like? B: I like pandas. A: Where are pandas from? B: They are from China. They are lazy. They like eating . 2. 出示另外几种动物,如:an elephant, a giraffe等,要求学生对这几种动物开展谈论,包括喜好、产地、习性等信息,展示对话。 词组归纳:be from=come from 词 组:south AfricaStep 4 Homework Read the words and conversations on P13-15 skillfully.The Fourth Period: section B 1-3Step 1 Revision 对话练习。让学生对所熟知的事物进行对话,并陈述喜爱的理由。Step 2 出示八幅动物图片,对所出示图片中的动物进行描述,要求学生用别的形容词对所见到的动物进行描述,接受学生所给出的各种不同答案。介绍形容词:ugly, friendly, small, shy, beautiful, cut, scary等。 要用到的句型:What do you think of the tiger? Its scary. Step 3 活动:对步骤1中的图片进行谈论。 完成任务所需要的句型结构:1What animals do you like?I like elephants.Why do you like elephants?Because they are cute.What other animals do you like?I like , too.Why?Because . 词性:friend- friendly Step 4 学生练习并表演对话。Step 5 听录音(3遍),完成练习(2a, 2b)。Step 6 活动:采访你的伙伴,他/她的父母/老师喜欢什么动物。 What animals does your father/mother like? He/She likes Why does he/she like ? Because they are .Step 7 选择部分同学在全班汇报采访结果。Step 8 Homework 1. Read the words and conversations on P13-16 skillfully. 2. Pre-view 3a, Section B.The Fifth Period: section B 3a-4Step 1 Presentation1. 展示四幅图片,就图片提出问题,要求学生进行回答。教师可采用先通过提问进行引导的方式,过度到让学生自由谈论。 What animal is this? Where is it from? What is the eating/doing? Do you like it? How much do you know about it?2. 在此步骤中,将3a、3b语篇中的词汇进行教学。 教学grass, sleep, during, at night, leaf, meat, relax, lazy等词汇。3. 展示词组:at night play with eat grass during the day Every day Step 2 初读。回答问题: Who is Molly? Who is Ling Ling? Who is Bi
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