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2022年高考英语一轮复习方案 阶段评估检测 (4)(含解析) 第卷第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1It is our hope that more trees _ here next year.Ahave been planted Bwill be plantedChave planted Dwill plant2She likes walking best because there is _ like walking as a means of keeping fit.Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything3Gathering data from the oceans, which _ 71 percent of the Earths surface, is important to _ climate change.Acover; understand Bcovers; understandingCcover; understanding Dcovers; be understood4It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site.Athat Bwhen Cwhile Das5He is always helping people without expecting anything _Ain turn Bin charge Cin return Din trouble6To get a wellpaid job, _Ait is absolutely necessary for one to have a good educationBone will surely have to have a good educationChaving a good education is something we will surely doDa good education is surely something we can do without7I _ to go on a diet, but the dishes at the party were simply impossible to resist.Ahad intended Bam intending Cintend Dcould intend8Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues _ with her stories.Aamused Bamusing Cto amuse Dto be amused9The building _ now will be used as our reading room.Abuilt Bto be built Cbeing built Dis built10Although the statistics you have collected tend to be fairly _, you have to do the evaluation yourself.Aaccurate Bridiculous Curgent Dshallow11As is known to us all, English books of this kind _ well in middle schools.Asell Bsells Cis sold Dare sold12Hello, could I speak to Mr Smith?Sorry, wrong number. There isnt _ Mr Smith here.A/ Ba Cthe Done13I hear that your father is very rich._? He is very mean to me. For him, money is everything.AWhat if BWhat for CSo what DForget it14The pilot said he could only _ for another hour before he would have to land the plane because of lack of fuel.Ahold out Bhold down Chold up Dhold back15I found a very beautiful coat in a shop this morning, and Im going to buy _ this afternoon.Ait Bthis Cone Dany第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Playwright Bertolt Brecht, known for The Threepenny Opera, once said, “From the start it has been the theatres business to entertain peopleit needs no other passport than fun.” My mother would have _16_. She didnt know Brecht, but she always said the _17_ should be to entertain people, and make them _18_ hard.Born in 1910, my mother was the first director I ever met. Even from a young age she was an entertainer _19_ thought performing was not just a hobby or even a profession _20_ a way of living that was as _21_ as breathing or eating.When I _22_ and moved to Hollywood as an adult, I would later create 14 primetime TV shows and _23_ 17 movies. During my five decades in show business, I never forgot my mothers advice to find the humor in _24_. I never wanted to _25_ the world. I wanted to entertain the world and not put people to sleep. If my mom had been born at a(n) _26_ time in history she might have bee a stage actress or a performer herself. _27_, she groomed my two sisters, Penny Marshall and Ronny Marshall, and I to work in the _28_ of entertainment.She _29_ a kind of power and respect from her basement _30_ a director that even Orson Welles and Martin Scorsese would find enviable. I will never stop_31_ my mothers message, and I will never stop missing her. _32_, as a present to my mother I built The Marjorie Ward Marshall Dance Center at my alma mater, Northwestern University. _33_ I visit the building it helps _34_ me that to entertain people and make them laugh is what my own _35_ has been all about.16A.rejected Bobjected Cagreed Dlaughed17A.criterion Bconsequence Cdoubt Dgoal18A.weep Blaugh Cgrow Dremain19A.which Bwhat Chow Dwho20A.but Balso Cthan Dhowever21A.private Bshabby Cessential Dsupreme22A.built up Btook up Cgrew up Dset up23A.bring Bdirect Cwatch Dlike24A.one Banything Cnothing Dthing25A.change Bcreate Cruin Dforget26A.abnormal Bdifferent Calternative Dpulsory27A.Therefore BBesides CMeanwhile DInstead28A.stage Bboundary Cfield Dprocedure29Amanded Bordered Cpresented Dattracted30A.for Bas Clike Dto31Aing on Bbringing on Ccarrying on Dcalling on32A.In mon BIn a word CIn fact DIn person33A.However BWherever CWhatever DWhenever34A.ask Btell Cremind Dinform35A.career Bhobby Cadvice Dhumor第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分
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