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人教版八年级英语上学期第六单元检测题一、单项选择。(每题1.5分,共70分) ( )1. We are sure _the football match. Awin Bto win Cwinning Dwins( )2.His resolution the life in the next year.A. has to do with B. is good at C. is next to D. cross from( )3. You are coughing! You should take some .A. medicine B. meat C. hamburgers D. juice( )4.Make sure _ their best to help people in need. A. to try B. trying C. try D. for try( )5. I am going to learn foreign language next year. A. other B. another C. the other D. others ( )6.What is he going to do when he _ some money? A.is going to save B.save C.saves D.will save( )7.Im going to travel _. A.a place interesting B.a interesting place C.somewhere interesting D.interesting somewhere( )8.That sounds _. A.like good B.like a good plan C.likes good D.likes a good plan( )9. Lots of students are interested in soccer, so we are going to _a soccer team this term. A. grow B. have C. do D. make( )10. There _ a sports meeting in our school next Friday. A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D.is ( )11. -Look ! It is going to rain. -Yes. Lets that all the windows are closed. Acare about Bmake sure Clook for Dbring out( )12. . Im going to study in a better middle school. I want to _ A. eat more vegetables B. get good grades C. keep fit D.take acting lessons.( )13 . -What are you reading, Toney? -Gullivers Travels(格列佛游记) _ Jonathan Swift A. on B. by C. for D. with( )14. _ are you going to study English? I study English by reading more. A. How B. When C. Where D. What( )15.Im going to write articles and _ them _ magazines and newspapers. A.take; to B.send; to C.bring; to D.get; to( )16. I am _ volleyball tomorrow. A. practice B. going practice C. going to practice D. go to practice( )17. He decides to work_than last year. A. more hard B. much hard C.much harder D.a little hard( )18. Lin Tao and Ling Hai_ a swin tomorrow. A.are going to has B.is going to have C.are having D.are going to have( )19.How are you going to be ?Im going to practice basketball every day. A. a basketball player B. a teacher C. a pianist D. a pilot( )20. does he want to be when he ? He wants to be a computer programmer. A. What, grows up B. How, grows upC. What, grow up D. How, grow up( )21. The boy wants to be a(n) . He studies math really hard. A. writer B. cleaner C. engineer D. artist( )22. My New Years r esolution is to travel to Qingdao. . A. That sounds great B. Sorry to hear that C. Sure D. Id love to( )23.Is she going to be actor? Yes. She is taking lessons on weekends now. A. a, actor B. an, actor C. an, acting D. a, action( )24. - Are you going to have a picnic _ ? - I hope so. A. every Sunday B. next Sunday C. last Sunday D. on Sundays( )25. There is going to _ a talent show on Friday.A. is B. be C. have D. has( )26.Im going to be an English teacher and _ Eng lish every day.A.practiceB.enter C.do D.keep( )27.He promised his father _ all subjects at school.A.study B.to study C.studying D.studied( )28.He may come,but Im not su re _ that. A.about B.on C.with D.to( )29.When he grows up,hes going to do _.A.what he wants to do B.what does he want to doC.what he want to do D.what will he want to do( )30.Do you think your resolution is too difficult _?A.keep it B.to keep it C.to keep D.keep( )31.There are many clouds coming.It _ rain soon.A.will B.is going to C.looks like D.likes( )32.Why did the child _ crying last night?Acame on Bcome on Ckeep on Dkept on( )33.The _ of the word “physical” in Chinese is “身体的”Amean BMeans Cmeaning Dmeanings( )34._ the beginning _ this term,he made a resolution. AFrom;on BAt;of CFrom;with DOn;of( )35.Are
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