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四年级上册英语练习题一、单项选择。(此题100分:1-6题每空1分;7-8题每空2分;9题每题3分;10-13每题1分。)1. Let clean the door. A . me B. my C. we 2. Where is my book?- It is your bag? A. in B. on C. at3. I my English teacher. A. like B. have C. likes 4. Im . Let me help you. A .long B. strong C. short 5. He has _ hair, big eyes and small ears. A. white B. big C. long6. are you? - I am in the living room. A. What B. What C Where7. Would you like bread? A. any B. you C. some8. can you see in my room? A. What B. Where C. Who 9. Every thing ready. A. at B. is C. are10. What would you like dinner? A. to B. on C. for 2.选择最佳选项.( )1. I love my _. A. pear B. parent C .parents ( ) 2. My _has _members . A .families , three B . familys , three C .family , three( ) 3.Do you have a _ . A. uncles B. uncle C .aunts( ) 4.He is my _ .A. brother B. brothers C .sister( ) 5 .-Who is he ? - He is my_.A. sister B. aunt C .uncle3、单项选择,请将正确选项字母标号填写在题前括号内。( ) 1. - _ in the classroom? - Some desks. A. Wheres B. Whats C. What are D. Whos( ) 2. - How many _ do you have? - Twenty.A. Englishs book B. Englishs books C. English books D. English book( ) 3. My friend _strong. He _ short hair. A. is; have B. is; has C. are; have D. are; has( ) 4. -Whats _ plus _? - Its fifty.A. twenty three; twenty seven B. twenty-three; twenty seven C. twenty-three; twenty- seven D. twenty three; twenty-seven( ) 5. - _ are the rules? - Two yuan.A. How much B. where C. How many D. What( ) 6. I _ French fries. A. would B. like C. am( ) 7. - _ is the boy? - He is my brother. A. What B. Who C. Where( ) 8. Let _ clean the windows. A. me B. I C. we( ) 9. - _ is in the classroom? - Li Ping. A. What B. Where C. Who( ) 10. My father is _ the living room.A. in B. under C. on( )1. M y sister is the study. A. on B. in C .at ( ) 2. The book is the table . A. from B. to C .on ( ) 3. this a table? A. Is B. Do C. Have ( ) 4. they near the table? A. Do B. Have C. Are ( ) 5.Let us our glasses . A. changed B. change C. changing ( ) 6. the door please . A. Set B. Open C. Sit ( ) 7.What you see in my room? A. is B. are C. can ( ) 8. are you ? I am in the living room .A. What B. Where C. How ( ) 9. I my kitchen. A .am B. like C. likes ( ) 10. I a new eraser. A. have B .am C. is4、选择正确的答案,把序号写在( )里。( )1、- your sister? -She is a student. A、Whos B、Whats C、What( )2、- that girl? -She is my friend. A、Whos B、Whats C、Who( )3、- his name? -His name is ZhangPeng. A、Whos B、Whats C、Who( )4、He is a baseball player. He looks .A、strong B、thin C、young( )5、They are members in my family. There are my dad,my mom and . A、2 ; me B、3; me C、3; I5择优录取我最棒。( )1. a big breakfast . A. What B .How C .Have( )2. Wait see. A .or B .and C .for( )3. I would like some ,please . A. vegetable B .vegetables C vegetablees( )4. What would you like ? . A.I would like some rice and soup .B. I like some rice and soup . C. I would like some rices and soups( )5.Mom ,can I help you ? A. Let me show you . B. Yes, pass me a plate ,please .( ) 6.I would like some milk ,please .A . Sure ,here you are . B. Thank you very much .( )7.Dad ,what is for dinner ? A. Wait and see. B. Let me try .( )8. Pass me a knife , please . A. Thank you . B. Here you are .( )9. Good night A. Help yourself. B. See you tomorrow .( )10.I like Chinese food . A. Me too. B. Oops, sorry.6根据情境,选择正确的问句。( )1.当你想知道米饭多少钱时,你会问:A .How much is the rice ? B.What is the rice ? ( )2.当你想知道晚餐吃什么,你会说:A.What is for lunch ? B.What is for dinner ? ( )3.当你想知道对方喜不喜欢蔬菜,你会问:A.What would you like ? B.Do you like vegetables?( )4.当你想知道对方晚餐想吃什么,你会问:A.What would you like for dinner? B.What would you like for breakfast?( ) 5.当你很饿时,你会说: A.I am full . B.I am hungry.7.情景会话。( )1. Let us clean the classroom . ( ) 2. What would you like for dinner ? ( ) 3. What is your brother ? ( ) 4.How many people are there in
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