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外研社高中必修三英语知识点 重点(短语): 1. be equal to sth. 等于, 与相等 2. lay stress on sth. 强调某事 put stress on sth. place stress on sth. 3. have an influence on/upon sth. 对某事有影响 influence sb. to do sth. 影响某人做某事 4. bring up 哺育,(训练);提出(话题等);呕吐 bring down 使倒下,消减 bring back 恢复,使想起 bring in 收(庄稼);引进 5. It is/was a time when 那是一个的时期 6. be at war with. 与.交战 7. follow/take ones advice 接受某人的建议 8. travel from state to state 周游列国 9. as a result 结果 10. live a life 过.的生活 lead a life 11. be born good 人之初,性本善 12. in some ways 在某些方面 13. The reason why is that 的理由是 The reason for sth. is that 某事的理由是 14. a sense of responsibility 责任感 There is no sense in doing sth 做某事不明智/没意义 make sense 有意义,讲的通 make sense of 懂,理解 15. make contributions to 捐赠;做出奉献 16. argue with sb about/over sth 就某事与某人争辩 argue for 据理力争 argue against 反对 17. in good condition 状况良好,保存的好 in poor condition 状况不佳,破烂不堪 on one condition 有一个条件 on condition that 假如,条件是,只要 (后接从句) on no condition 决不 18. in conclusion 最终,总之 reach a conclusion 得出结论 arrive at a conclusion draw a conclusion come to conclusion 19. for the first time 第一次,首次 no faster than 和一样不快 = as slowly as 语法要求: 一:限制性定语从句:用来修饰某个名词或代词的从句,叫定语从句。 引导定语从句的关系代词:that,which,who, whom, whose, as 关系副词:when, where, how, why 留意:1. 介词放在关系代词前面时,介词宾语只能用which代物,用whom代人。 2. 在限制性定语从句中,当关系代词在从句中担当介词宾语而介词在句尾时,关系 代词可省略。3. 有时为了行文需要,定语从句中的关系代词和局部谓语动词可省略。 外研社高中必修三英语学问2 重点短语: 1. masses of/a mass of 很多,大量 the masses 群众,平民 in the mass 大体而论,总体上 2. a weather forecast 天气预报 3. give/make a forecast 预言,预报 = give/make forecasts 4. cut out 剪除;切掉;割掉 cut up 切碎;使难过 cut of 切断;停掉;隔绝 cut in 插嘴 cut down 砍掉;消减,降低 5. be caught in 被困在(风、雨、雪)中 6. catch up with 赶上;跟上 catch hold of 抓住,握住 catch sight of 观察 7. prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻挡某人做某事 =stop sb.(from) doing sth. =keep sb from doing sth. 8. so + 形容词或副词 + that 如此以致于 so + 形容词 + a(n) + 单数可数名次词 + that so + many/few + 复数的可数名词 + that so + much/little (少的) + 不行数名词 + that 比拟:such + (adj.) +名词+ that 如此以致于 9. dig up 挖出 10. be/get caught in 突然遭到(风暴等) 11. wake up 熟悉到、意识到 12. advise sb.to do sth 建议某人做某事 13. one after another 一个接一个 14. be concerned for/about/over 对关怀,担忧,忧虑 be concerned with/in 与有关 as far as sth.is concerned 就某事而言 15. complain to sb 向某人诉苦/发牢骚 complain about/of sth 埋怨某事 16. take in 吸入(空气);哄骗;体会;收容 take away 带走 take off 脱下,拿掉,起飞 take on 担当 take up 举起,开头做;占据 17. give out 分发;发出(气味、热气);创造;用完 give up 放弃 give in 屈服;让步,投降 give off 送出;发出(光等) give away 赠送;放弃;泄漏;出卖 18. in a nutshell 简言之,概括地讲 in a word 总之,一句话 in brief 简言之 in short 长话短说,概括起来说 19. if possible 假如可能 if any 假如有的话 if necessary 假如需要的话 if so 假如是这样的话 if ever 假如曾经有的话 if not 不这样的话 外研社高中必修三英语学问3 重要短语: 1.be experienced in/at 在方面有(阅历) 2.sth.occurs to sb. 某事被某人想起 it occurs to sb. + that-clause 某人突然想到 it occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人突然想到做某事 3.A good idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一个好办法 strike sb.+介词+the +详细部位 打某人的某个部位 eg. strike him on the back 打某人的背 hit sb in the face 打某人的脸 pat sb on the shoulder 拍某人的肩膀 be struck by 被所打动,被迷住 4.bury oneself in sth. 埋头于、用心致志于某事物 be buried in 埋头于,用心致志于 5.pick up 拿起,捡起,卷起,收听,接(人) 6.end up 到达或来到某处 7.end up with sth. 以某事作为完毕 end up doing sth. 以做某事为完毕 come to an end 完毕,完结 8.by the time 到的时候(常与完成时连用) 9. on the same latitude 在同一纬度 10.refer to 指代,参考 11.on average 平均 12.of all time 人类历史上,有史以来 13.in ruins 严峻受损,破败不堪 fall into ruin 已成废墟 bring sb. to ruin 消灭某人 14.warn sb. (not)to do sth. 警告某人(不)干某事 warn sb. of sth. 警告某人留神某事 15.at all 完全,毕竟,全然,竟然 not at all 一点也不,根本不,别客气 after all 究竟,终究,归根究竟,别忘了 above all 最重要的是,首先,尤其是,特殊是 first of all 首先 16.see sb.do sth. 观察某人干了某事 see sb.doing sth. 观察某人正在干某事 重要句型: By the timedid, sb. had done sth. By the timedo/does, sb. will have done sth. There was the possibility of It is possible that 外研社高中必修三英语学问4 重要短语: 1.on a high/low income 高/低收入 2.income tax (个人)所得税 3.with the development of 随着的进展 under development 在进展中 4.take measures to do sth. 实行(措施)做某事 make to ones (own)measure 按某人的尺寸制作 5.figure out 理解 6.up to 直到, 到为止,多达 7.be up to=be fit for 胜任,适合于 up to=be busy(in)doing sth. 正在做,从事于 .
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