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Unit 11Book 5词汇语境记忆Mr.West has a caf next to the escalator at Killen Department Store,which is the uncrowded Oak Block.The caf has some features.The staff often dress up as clowns and play organized games.In the middle of the caf there is a model of a water slide.The cafe is full of fresh smell created by Mr West himself. One afternoon,a man ran into the caf after parking his car and said to one of the waiters,”Sorry to trouble you.The smell is magic,which leads me in.It smells something like shampoo,but it isnt shampoo.I wonder how it is produced.If I havent offended you,I want to know where I can buy such a thing.Im always hanging out in the market to find a suitable air-cleaner for restrooms.I think the smell here is better than any other one.I never thought I can find it in your caf!”韦斯特先生在Killeen百货商店的电动扶梯旁边有一家咖啡馆。这家商店位于宽敞的橡树街区。咖啡馆有些特色。所有的工作人员经常打扮成小丑的样子,做一些有组织的游戏。咖啡馆中间还有一个水滑道的模型。咖啡馆里充满着韦斯特自己研制的清新的气味。一天下午,一个人停好车,跑进来对其中的一个服务员说:“对不起,打扰了。这个气味很有魔力,是它吸引我进来的。它闻上去像香波,但又不是。我想知道它是怎样产生的。如果没有冒犯你的话,我想知道从哪里可以买到这样的东西。我一直在市场上逛荡,想寻找适合洗手间的空气清新剂,我认为其他所有产品都比不过这里的。真没想到在你们的咖啡馆里找到了!”Unit 12 Book 5词汇语境记Marc was visiting Switzerland.Once he dropped by an old friend of his fathers in Lausanne.He was served a big dinner.At table,he showed some particular actions.Sometimes he seemed to be shaking hands,sometimes bowing.Beside him was an old lady.She asked,Sir,are you feeling uncomfortable?He answered,Not at all. All this makes me feel at home.Are you used to the custom here?the lady asked .Marc said,No,Im not used to the custom here.Im not sure what the good table manners are here.After all, I come from Colombia. Normally when Im full,I want to make myself relaxed.My fingers get used to moving like typing.Sometimes I make noise like hiccuping.When we toast,we like to express our compliment.What do you think of the custom here? “I have the same trouble as you,” the lady answered. “On such an unfamiliar land the custom means riddles to me.Before coming here,I didnt learn anything about it by myself.When the owner introduced me to a man,I didnt know which was proper,to kiss him or bow.At last I shook hands with him.I dont want to make others think that Im rude.But what should I do to make other people pleased?Maybe I should practise all like you.But is it OK to have such an experiment here?”马克正在瑞士游玩。有一次,他拜访他父亲在洛桑的一个老朋友 ,受到了盛情款待。进餐的时候,他有一些独特的举动,有时候像在握手,有时候像在弯腰鞠躬。在他旁边的是一位年长的女士,她问道:“先生,你感到不舒服?”马克回答道:“一点儿也不。这一切让我感到宾至如归。 ” “你适应这里的风俗习惯吗? ”女士问道。马克说:“不,我不适应这里的风俗习惯。我不确定这里的正确的餐桌礼仪是什么。毕竟,我来自哥伦比亚。平常我吃饱了就想让自己放松。我的手指习惯像打字一样活动。我偶尔还发出像打嗝那样令人不愉快的声音。我们敬酒时,喜欢说说恭维话。你认为这儿的风俗习惯如何?”女士回答道:“我遇到的难题和你一样。在这样一个不熟悉的国家,对我来说,风俗习惯就像谜一样。来这之前我也没有自学一下有关知识。当主人把我介绍给一位男士时,我不知道亲吻还是鞠躬是合适的。最后我和他握了握手。我不想让别人认为我是无礼的。我该怎么做才能让别人高兴呢?或许我应该像你一样把所有的动作都练习一下。不过,在这儿进行这样的试验可以吗?”
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