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三一口语2级U1 Family 1. words mother father brother sister grandpa grandma aunt(婶婶) uncle(叔叔) cousin(堂/表兄弟姐妹) niece 侄女 nephew 侄子 parents 父母 grandparents 祖父母 son 儿子 daughter 女儿 wife 妻子 hunsband 丈夫2. Sentences 1)How many people are there in your family?Therere four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my older brother and me.2)Who are they?They are my father, my mother, my older brother and me. My brother is_ years old. Im_ years old. 3)Talk about your family. / Can you ( tell me) say sth. about your family?Therere four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My fathers a manager(经理). My mothers a housewife(家庭主妇).My brother is _ years old. Im a student. Im in Zhong Guancun No.3 primary school. Im in Grade 3 class 9. I like English very much.3. adj: big, small, happy family, tall , short, fat, thin, beautiful, ugly, handsome, pretty, long , short 等 修饰人物外表4. homework 表达自己的家庭及家庭成员的情况U2 Friends1. Words: tall short strong weak pretty/beautiful ugly long hair short hair fat thin old young big eyes small eyes smart clever happy sad lovely shy2.Sentences:1) Whos your best friend?My best friend is _, and her English names _.2) Whats she like? (两个好的形容词)/ What does she look like?Shes _and _. She has _and _3) Whos he/she? (参见课本P5)具体描述一个人的特征,猜猜他/她是谁。Eg:Shes pretty and thin. She has got red hair and big eyes. She has a yellow skirt. Whos she?(指着图说:)Here is she. Shes Jenny.(附常见人名):Peter,Jenny,Helen,Joanne, Maria,Jack, Rita)4) She has got/ I have gotShe has got red hair and big eyes.I have got big eyes and black hair.5) Have you got? (eg: big eyes)Yes, I have. I have got big eyes.No, I havent. I havent got big eyes. I have got small eyes.6) Has he got?(eg: big eyes)Yes, he has. He has got big eyes. No, he hasnt. He hasnt got big eyes. He has got small eyes.7) Talk about your best friend./ Whos your best friend?/ Do you have a best friend?My best friend is Zhu Mengyuan, and his/her English name is_. Shes _years old. she s thin and tall. She has got big eyes and _ hair. She likes_ She is very beautiful. I like her very much .3. 语法点:She/ He has got. 一般疑问句 Has she got?Yes , she has. No, she hasnt. Is she/he tall? Yes ,she/he is.She/He is tall.4. Homework 描述自己的好朋友:名字,年龄,外貌,爱好,经常一起做什么等U3 date1. Words: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday week weekend January February March April May June July August September October November December month year season spring summer autumn winter 2. Sentences:1) What day is it today?(与What date is it today.以及Whats the date today加以区分)Its Saturday today.2) Is it Friday today?Yes, it is. Its Friday today. No, it isnt. Its Saturday today.3) How many days are there in March? (是小月,今年二月28天)Therere 31 days in March.4) Are there thirty days in April?Yes, there are. Therere thirty days in April.5) Are there thirty days in March?No, there arent. Therere 31 days in March.6) How many days are there in a week?Therere 7 days in a week.7) What month is it?Its October now. Its autumn. Its cool and dry.8) Whens your birthday? Its in +月份, on+某一天9) Whens your father/mothers birthday?Its in +月份, on+某一天10) How many seasons in one year? There are four seasons in one year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. 3. 语法点 时间介词 in on at 的用法 In:morning, afternoon, evening, month, season, year之前 On: day, 某一天之前 At: .oclock, noon , night 4. Homework 熟练表达星期,月份,每月的天数,自己的生日U4. Pet1. words:Animals:deer(鹿) swan(天鹅) frog zebra(斑马) panda gorilla(大猩猩)Koala(考拉,树袋熊) butterfly(蝴蝶) wolf penguin(企鹅) giraffe(长颈鹿)Shark monkey bird horse elephant snake sheep rabbit lion tiger duck cat dog parrot(鹦鹉) turtle(乌龟) crocodile(鳄鱼) hippo(河马) whale(鲸鱼)2. Sentences:1) What “animal” am I? (老师扮演动物,孩子说)Youre a/an 2) What animal is it?Its a/an 3) Say something about your pet.My pet is a _. Its name is _. Its (color). It eats _. I love my _.4) Do you have a pet? Have you got a pet? Yes, I do. Yes, I have. No, I dont. No, I havent.5) Talk about your pet, please.My pet is a _. Its name is _. Its (color). It eats _. I love my _.3. Grammar 语法点 名词单复数,be动词的搭配使用4. Homework熟读各种词汇,熟练表达自己的宠物:名字,年龄,外貌,喜欢吃什么,玩什么等U5 Home1. words bedroom, living room, dining room, study room, bathroom ,kitchen, garden, yard, balcony,basement 房间内物品:TV,lamp, table, bed ,chair , mat, stool, wardrobe, window, door, sofa, armchair, air conditioner , computer, telephone,radio, cutting board, cupboard, cooker, mirror and a bathtub,closets ,cooker, microwave oven, fridge , washing machine 洗衣机, cabinet小柜子2. sentences1)How many rooms are there in your h
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