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七年级下册英语暑假作业答案2022外研版第一题 1.D 2.H 3.E 4.F 5.I 6.A 7.J 8.C 9.B 10.G第四题. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.C练习二(力量提高)其次题 1.to live 2.sitting 3.friendly 4.is putting 5.teacher”s 6.countries 7.mine 8.to grow练习三一、SHEFIAJCBG二、1、friendly2、lying3、twelfth4、twenty5、countries6、dog”s7、has8、child9、wooden10、busy三、1、my favourite place2、more than ten rooms3、share a bedroom with Amy4、live on the fifth floor5、can”t wait to do .6、与不同7、在同一时间8、至少9、长的飞机旅行10、烧饭四、BDADBCBDCC五、speak toWho”sfromstudycall numbertell六、1、about2、of3、with4、near5、near6、to7、After8、to练习七五,dbcbddccdb六,way ok along on drive how take by and七,1,drives car to factory2, i”m afaid3,trying to4,shall take5,going to hold6,straight see bright7,the way to8,going to rain take umbrella9,who shall invite10,are looking forward to visiting练习八二,badabdabbc三,1,robbers2,are planning3,turning4,seeing5,foreighers6,cheapest7,surprised8,will do9,raing10,doesn”t eat四,to way go along pass go by find you right五,1,favourite football player above2,straight on until traffic lights3,surprised there wrong with work4,wait to run towards5,failed in6,later more fine art7,will take to8,choose any like
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