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中考复习练习-易错题1006一. 词汇A.根据句意及所给中文完成句子1. He _(掉下) a book from his hand, and he didnt know.2. As we know, spring _ winter.3. On Sundays, we have a _(极好) time in the park.4. Its _(真的) that our scientists have made and used a lot of robots.5. He looked _(生气) at what I said.6. How _(高) the kite is flying in the sky!7. Please open the door _ so that the large animal can go _ it.8. My brother is busy doing his maths _(练习).9. The colour blue _(brings into being) the feeling of harmony.10. All the schools begin in _ (the ninth month) in our country.B.选用所给词的适当形式填空 surprise be bad health close 1.If you cant see it clearly, you can have a _ look. 2.In the high jump, Wang Hai did _ of all. 3.If you want to keep _, you must take more exercise. 4.It was a _result that the boys lost the foals. 5. Our English teacher is easygoing. We all like _ with him. thirsty badly happy oftener safe 6. Of all the students, Li Ping does _. 7.-How _ do you go to the cinema? -Every few days.8.We are in trouble. We are_for help than anytime.9.When he saw the boy was in danger, Edison rushed out and carried him to _.10.Health is the greatest _ in ones life. C. 用所动词的适当形式填空 join step be do listen come 1.Look! Here _ (come) the bus.2.The big woman _ (step) on my foot, but didnt say sorry to me.3. -Has Sam finished his homework today? -I have no idea. He _ (do) it this morning.4.-_ you _(listen) to the radio? -No, you can turn it off.5. This even _ one of the biggest fund-raising events since 1981.6. Could you tell us if he _ us in the game the day after tomorrow? write have prefer hand be fall 7. Look! On the table _(be) some meat and fish.8. Dont enter the office. All the teachers _ a meeting.9. I think he _ asleep as soon as his head touches the bed.10. I _ red to other colours when I was a boy.11. Jim _ an e-mail to his uncle when I came into the classroom yesterday afternoon.12. -_ you _ your exercises-books? -No. They are still on that desk. come drop learn lie rain have 13. I hear you _(learn) to sing a new English song during your stay in Shanghai. Would you please sing it for us?14. -The temperature _(drop) below zero. How cold it is today!15. Look! Our history teacher _(have) a new bike today.16. After reading the evening paper, he_(lie) down and soon fell asleep.17. Look at the clouds. It_ (rain) soon, I think.18. -Jim, supper is ready. Be quick! -Yes, I _, Mum.二选择题( )1.This pair of shoes is too small, can you show me _? A.another pairB.other pairC.another oneD.other one( )2.-Do you know where Lili is now? -No, but I saw her _ under the tree. A.to standB.stoodC.standingD.was standing( )3.Bad luck. She couldnt _ his _ shoe that morning. A.find, otherB.find, the otherC.look for, second D.find out, another( )4.-How much will I pay for the meal? -Thirty dollars will _ all you want to have. A.useB.coverC.costD.spend( )5.The doctor did what he could _ that child. A.saveB.to saveC.savedD.saving( )6.Maybe there is something wrong with my car. I cant _ it. A.moveB.beginC.startD.work( )7.How do people usually _ in the office? A.put onB.dress upC.wearD.dress( )8.Im only _ thirsty, and a cup of coffee will be enough _ me. A.a little bit, forB.a bit little, forC.a little of, toD.a bit of, to( )9.-Can I _ my ruler back, please? -Sorry, I forgot to return it to you. A.borrowB.lendC.haveD.carry( )10.-There _ four dollars in my pocket, right? -Yes, but four dollars _ enough, you know. A.are, isntB.is, arentC.are, arentD.is, isnt( )11.Helen and Beibei are _ age and _ grade. A.the same, the sameB.the same, in the sameC.at the same,in the same D.in the same, the same( )12.Hes hardly seen to do such a foolish thing, _he? A.hasB.hasntC.isD.isnt( )13.It is said that to teach a man fishing is better than _ him fish. A.givingB.to giveC.giveD.gave( )14.-Do you prefer grapes _ bananas? -I prefer grapes _bananas. A.to, forB.or, toC.than, toD.or, than( )15.Lets ask that man. He _know the way to the station. A.
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