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AFRICAN MINERALS LIMITEDHazard Reporting & HSE InspectionsBMS-P-0409Rev 1Page 4 of 4HAZARD REPORTING & HSE INSPECTIONSDocument Custodian:Manager HSEDocument Checked:Document Approved:TABLE OF CONTENTS1.0SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES22.0PROCEDURE22.1.General22.2.Hazard Identification22.3.Hazard Reporting22.4.Hazard Control - Hierarchy of Controls22.5.Project HSE Implementation Plan22.6.Daily HSE Inspections32.7.Weekly HSE Inspections32.8.Monthly Formal HSE Inspection32.8.1.How to use the Project Monthly HSE Inspection Form33.0RELATED DOCUMENTS4 GRD MINPROC LIMITED1.0 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVESThis procedure defines the requirements for project hazard reporting and inspections.There are no restrictions on the distribution of this procedure within the Company.2.0 PROCEDURE2.1. GeneralPotential causes of injury and damage can be effectively eliminated through regular hazard inspection programs and the implementation of corrective actions.2.2. Hazard IdentificationHazards can be identified by the following processes: informal, on an as see basis during normal work activities; structured, through a formal inspection program.2.3. Hazard ReportingPersonnel are required and are to be encouraged at all times to identify and control hazards on a see and fix basis where it is in their ability to do so.Hazards that are identified, but outside a persons ability to immediately rectify, should be made safe with barricades, warning signs etc. and immediately reported to the Supervisor.Identified hazards should be recorded on a Hazard Notification form where rectification cannot be completed immediately or where the same hazard is continually being identified. 2.4. Hazard Control - Hierarchy of ControlsWhen assessing the risks of identified potential hazards, always consider risk reduction using the hierarchy of controls method, note that PPE is the last resort method of control.The hierarchy of controls is simply described as the preferred order of control measures: Elimination of the hazard (i.e. eliminate the risk of a fall) Substitution of the work method (use of EWPs and scissor lifts, assembly of steel on the ground in modules) Engineering controls (modify tools to prevent slippage, tie-off ladders) Isolation of the hazard ( put physical barriers in place, cover up holes etc, use of fall restraint equipment e.g. inertia reel lanyards) Administration controls (signs, bunting, JSAs, procedures, site rules) PPE - Personnel Protective Equipment (fall arrest harnesses and shock absorbing lanyards)2.5. Project HSE Implementation PlanThe Construction Manager shall upon occupying the site commence the HSE System Implementation, which is included in the Project HSE Plan. The system shall be used to record HSE implementation progress.Once the system has been implemented satisfactorily the Construction Manager shall instigate the use of the HSE Supervisor Daily Checklist form to maintain a high level of risk management.2.6. Daily HSE Inspections Personnel nominated by the Construction Manager shall perform weekly workplace hazard inspections. The nominated person may be any member of the Project Team.The HSE Supervisor Daily Checklist form shall be used to record daily checks.2.7. Weekly HSE InspectionsPersonnel nominated by the Construction Manager shall perform weekly workplace hazard inspections. The nominated person should have a basic understanding of HSE management systems.The weekly inspection is based on a non-scored version of the HSE Monthly Site Audit and Inspection and will permit assessment of the HSE implementation on-site. The purpose of the HSE Weekly Site Inspection is to identify any matters that may have been overlooked through the normal daily HSE management process.The HSE Weekly Site Inspection form shall be used to record weekly inspections.2.8. Monthly Formal HSE InspectionFormal HSE inspections using form HSE Monthly Site Audit and Inspection will be completed monthly on each project site. These may be held more frequently if deemed to be necessary by the Construction Manager.The purpose of the HSE Monthly Site Audit and Inspection is to conduct a formal internal assessment of HSE implementation in accordance with the relevant HSE Plan.The HSE Monthly Site Audit and Inspection form may also be used for external corporate audits that will be conducted in accordance with the HSE Management Plan by the Manager HSE or delegated representative.All personnel will make themselves available for participation in the HSE inspection activity as required. The make up of the inspection team shall be decided by the Construction Manager and be fully documented.At the conclusion of the hazard inspection, the inspection team shall meet with the Construction Manager, or a nominated representative and the Pr
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