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四大时态综合练习43题-(一般现在,一般过去,一般将来,现在进行)1. most of us _ doctors. A. were B. am C. is D. are2. Mr Zhao doesnt like swimming, _? A. didnt he B. did he C. does he D. wont he 3. Most people _ TV. A. enjoy to watch B. enjoy watch C. enjoy watching D. enjoys watching4.Father _ his cap and went out. A. put on B. puts on C. had put D. will put on5.Both of the two dictionaries _ very useful. A. are B. is C. was D. am6. Betty _ morning exercises yesterday. A. not did B. dont do C. didnt do D. wont do7. The door of her room _ every day. A. are not cleaned B. not are cleaned C. is not cleaned D. not is cleaned8. _ the water in the wet clothes _ vapor now ? A. Areturned into B. Isturned into C. Arebeing turned into D. Isbeing turned into9. _ this film _ last week ? A. Didshow B. Hasbeen shown C. Wasshown D. Wasbe shown10._ the play _ again next week ? A. Willput on B. Isput on C. Will beput on D. Willbe put on11. Mike usually _ up at six in the morning. A. get B. gets C. got D. will get12. The sun _ us light and heat. A. give B. gives C. will give D. often give13.Tom looked sad and cried , “ I _ terrible !” A. am feeling B feels C. will feel D. have felt14.At that time , things _ hard for the working people. A. is B. are C. was D. were15. Long long ago, there _ a farmer in a small village. A. are B. were C. is D. lived16. We _ a meeting these days. A. have B. had C. are having D. were having17. The oldest kind of computer _ the abacus算盘. A. is B. was C. has been D. have been18. I _ the boy in the classroom just now . A. see B. saw C. have seen D. had seen 19 The guard said, “ I am sorry. I _ .” A. dont know it is you B. didnt know it is you C. dont know it was you D. didnt know it was you20. _ we set off 出发right away ? A. Will B. Shall C. Are D. Do21. It seems it _. A. will rain B. shall rain C. rains D. is going to rain22. My little sister _ six next month. A. will be B. shall be C. can be D. is going to 23. Go down the street and turn right at the first crossing . You _ our school. A. find B. will find C. shall find D. are going to find24. Its nothing serious. Your son _ all right by supper time. A. will be B. shall be C. is D. is going to be25. Work hard, and you _ catch up with the others. A. can be B. Will C. shall D. are going to 26 Where is Jenny ? She _ in the next room. A. do some reading B. does some reading C. is doing some reading D. will do some reading27. Look! Tom _ in the river. A. go swimming B. goes swimming C. going to swimming D. is swimming28. His sister _ _ cakes. Thats why her hands are all covered with flour (面粉). A. makes B. made C. will make D. is making29. Listen carefully ! Can you hear what the professor _ ? A. talks about B. talked about C. is talking about D. will talk about30. When I got there, the Browns _ at the lunch table. A. is siting B. are sitting C. was siting D. were sitting31. The train will arrive _. A. after an hour B. in an hour C. an hour later D. for an hour32. Have you _ heard the story about Edison ? A. ever B. never C. even D. once33. The day after tomorrow _ my birthday. A. will be B. should be C. may be D. is going to be34. I _ a manager when I grow up. A. will to be B. shall be C. am D. am going to be35.Joan is not here. She _ in the next room. A. does some washing B. is doing some washing C. will do some washing D. has done some washing36. We _ about you just now. A. are talking B. were talking C. talk D. have talked37. The rain stopped ten minutes _. A. ago B. before C. after D. since38. Your mother _ you at the gate. A. waits for B. wait for C. is waiting for D. waiting for39. Mr Black isnt in. But he _ at home at about seven tonight. He usually _ back from work at a quarter to seven. A. will bewill come B. is will come C. will becomes D. is comes40. Im looking for my watch. I _ it a moment ago. A. lost B. lost
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