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2022年高三英语一轮复习M8 Unit3复习学案三1. range vi.(在一定范围或幅度内)变动,变化 vt.排列,归类 n变动范围;(权力、责任)范围(回归课本P34)Besides the works of da Vinci,the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings,ranging from the 13th century to the 19th century.除了达芬奇的作品,卢浮宫里还藏有其他欧洲画家从13世纪到19世纪创作的6000余件作品。归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P1637)Estimates of the damage range between $1 million and $ 5 million.估计损失在100万到500万元之间。The five men are serving prison sentences ranging from 35 to 105 years.这五个人的服刑期从35年到105年不等。We just want to get within range to use our binoculars.我们只是想进入能使用我们的双筒望远镜的观察范围。1完成句子(1)价格自五美元至十美元不等。Prices_from 5 dollars_10 dollars. (2)我给了她很大的选择范围。I offered her_ _ _options.2.They wrote on subjects_from child labor to the use of state troops to break strikes.ArangedBrangingCto range Dbeing ranged3.What is the cost of your shirts here,sir?It depends on which fashion you want to buy,and the prices _from 100 dollars to 500 dollars.Aincreases BrangesCreaches Ddiffers2. distributevt.分发;分配(回归课本P35)His younger brother,Theo,tried hard to sell and distribute Van Goghs paintings to buyers,but he was never able to negotiate a successful sale.他的弟弟西奥非常努力地向买主兜售和推销凡高的画,但从来没有做成一笔成功的买卖。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P589)The Red Cross is distributing food and clothing to the refugees.红十字会正向难民分发食品和衣物。(牛津P581)The money was distributed among schools in the area.这笔款项是在本地区的学校中分配的。Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed.注意让你的体重分布均匀。4完成句子(1)老师把新书发给小学生们。The teacher_ _ _ _ _ _ _. (2)他们将利润平分了。They distributed the profit equally_themselves.5. (xx年广东汕头调研考试) The work was_well among the students and was pleted to everyones satisfaction.AdistributedBcontributedCspread Ddecorated6.It was too dark to_anything more than their vague shapes.Adistribute BdismissCdiscount Ddistinguish3. abandonvt.放弃,丢弃,遗弃n放任,放纵,狂放;无拘无束(回归课本P37)In fact,he abandoned them and starting from scratch,created a style of art known as cubism,which is a type of abstract painting.实际上,他放弃了它们并且从头开始创造了一种艺术风格,称之为立体主义,是一种类型的抽象画。归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P1)The baby had been abandoned by its mother.这个婴儿被母亲遗弃了。(朗文P2)The suspect abandoned the car at Llewellyn and Hamilton Avenues.该嫌疑犯将小汽车丢弃在卢埃林大街和汉米而顿大街交汇处。They abandoned all hope of capturing the castle.他们放弃了夺取这座城市的一切希望。He abandoned himself to feelings.他陷入了情感之中。易混辨析abandon,desert,quit,resign,give upabandon强调“完全、永远的遗弃”,尤其指遗弃以前感兴趣或负责任的人或物。give up最为普通,可代替其它的近义词。desert强调“违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等”。quit强调“突然或无意地弃去”,常指“停止”。resign意为“辞去,放弃”,指辞去某一职位,尤其指通过正式通知,放弃某一特权、权利、要求、希望等。表示“抛弃,离开”abandon与desert同义,abandon可接动名词或名词作宾语,不接不定式。表示“放弃,停止做某事”时,abandon与give up同义。She abandoned her child.He was forced by the scandal to resign the office to which he had been elected.She quitted her job.He gave_up smoking last year.7完成句子(1)他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。He_ _ _and went away with all their money. (2)人们发现那辆破损的自行车被扔在河边。The broken bike_ _ _by the riverside. (3)他自暴自弃。He_ _ _despair.4. bargainn便宜货;划算的买卖 vi.讲价,讨价还价;讲条件,谈判(回归课本P43)Tourists paid him small fees for these early works,and considering his later fame,they got a real bargain.游客们买这些早期作品付给他极少的钱,想想他后来的名气,他们真的非常划算。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P137)The family refused to bargain with the kidnappers.这家人拒绝和绑架者谈条件。(牛津P143)In the market dealers were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee.在市场上经销商正和种植者就咖啡的价格进行商谈。Finally the two sides struck a bargain.双方最终达成了协议。The car was a bargain at that price.那辆车的价格真便宜。8完成句子(1)这件夹克衫这么便宜,真划得来。This jacket is_ _ _ at such a low price. (2)他和卖水果的人讨价还价,直到他把水果便宜地卖给他。He _ _the trader_the price till he sold him the fruit cheaply. (3)他跟妻子讲条件说“你看好孩子,我做饭”。He _ _ _with his wife that“You take care of the children and Ill cook”5.stickvt.& vi.粘贴;张贴;阻塞,卡住,陷在里(回归课本P47)Choose small shells so they will not be very heavy when they are stuck onto the card.挑选一些小的贝壳,这样当把它们粘贴到卡片上时它们就不会很重。归纳拓展stick a stamp on a letter在信封上粘贴邮票stick sth.into.把插入/刺入stick to坚持;粘贴stick in卡在中,陷入中get/be stuck in陷入中例句探源(牛津P1980)She finds it impossible to stick to a diet.饮食老受限制,她觉得受不了。(朗文P2021)It was so hot his shirt was sticking to his back.天太热,他的衬衫都贴在背上了。The key has stuck in the lock.钥匙卡在锁里了。Dont stick your arm out of the car window.不要把胳膊伸出车窗。 9Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact,he_his opinion.Astruck atBstrove forCstuck to Dstood10How unfortunate!We were_in a storm and our car was_in the mud yesterday.Aset;struck Bcaught;setCcaught;stuck Dlost;caugtht6. have an appetite for.喜爱,渴望(回归课本P37)He had an appetite for life and enjoyed exploring the workings of obje
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