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实用英语口语对话练习:节日和纪念日你们在中国也庆祝母亲节吗 A:Do you celebrate Mother”s Day in China?你们在中国也庆祝母亲节吗B:Yes.we do.是啊! When is Mother”s Day?母亲节是什么时候? A:When is Mother”s Day?母亲节是什么时候?B:The second Sunday of May.五月的其次个星期日 When is Father”s Day?父亲节是什么时候? A:When is Father”s Day?父亲节是什么时候?B:The second Sunday of June.六月的其次个星期日 Do you celebrate Christmas in China?你们在中国也庆祝圣诞节吗 A:Do you celebrate Christmas in China?你们在中国也庆祝圣诞节吗?B:oh,yeah.It”s party time for everybody.是啊,那可是大家大开派对的时候昵. Our daughters are gonna cook for us on our tenth anniversary.女儿们在十周年纪念日那天为我们下厨. A:Our daughters are gonna cook for us on our tenth anniversary.女儿们在十周年纪念日那天为我们下厨.B:Should we feel happy or worried?我们应当感到快乐还是担忧啊? What are these fireworks for?这些爆竹是要做什么用的? A:What are these fireworks for?这些爆竹是要做什么用的?B:They”re for New Year”s Eve.是除夕要放的。 Be careful with those firecrackers!当心那些爆竹! A:Be careful with those firecrackers!当心那些爆竹!B:These are sparklers only.这些只是仙女棒而已! Hurry!Cover your ears!赶快!捂住你的耳朵! A:Hurry!Cover your ears!赶快!捂住你的耳朵!B:It”s gonna be a big one.会有一个大的。
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