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2022英语六级词汇备考:必备高频词汇(四)take note of 留意(到)take notes 记笔记nothing but 只有;只不过think nothing of 把看成寻常to say nothing of 更不必说give notice 通知have notice of 接到通知take notice of 留意,留心now and then 时而,不时from now on 今后,从现在起just now 现在,眼下;刚刚now that 既然,由于a number of 一些,很多any number of 很多beyond number 多得数不清to the number of 合计数为without number 多得数不清的a hard nut to crack 麻烦的问题nail up 把钉牢;把(门)钉死on the nail 马上;当场;在争论中by name 名叫;用名字by the name of 名叫in the name of 以的名义;代表name after 用的名字作名字by nature 生性,本性上in nature 性质上;实际上in the nature of 具有的性质的near by 在四周near to 接(靠)近;几乎要not nearly 远非,相差很远in the negative 否认地,拒绝by all nerves 高度担心,神经紧急lose ones nerves 变得惊慌,不知所措neither.nor. 既不也不at night 天黑时;在夜里by night 在夜间;趁黑夜night after night 一夜又一夜地night and day 日以继夜地none but 只有none the less 仍旧,依旧not at all 不点也不;别客气not but that 虽然not in the least 毫不
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