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Unit6 Going Home Lesson1 Dialogs and Vocabulary 合肥市兴华苑小学 周晓姝 Teaching aims: 1. Language knowledge 1) To know the new words: kind, polite, funny, hard-working, writing a postcard, reading a book, talking to friends, shopping. 2) To know and be able to use the following sentence patterns: A) Ill miss you. Ill miss you ,too. B) Take care. C) What are you doing?Im . 2. Language skills 1) To learn some new words and use them in communication. 2) To learn some sentence patterns and use them in communication. 3) To learn how to ask and answer the activities be doing now. 3. Sentiment Enjoy talking with friends 4. Learning strategy Try to understand the language knowledge in the simulated situation. Main points:Use the language knowledge in communication.Difficult points:Understanding and using the sentence patterns: A) - Ill miss you.- Ill miss you ,too. B)- Take care. -Bye. C) -What are you doing?-Im . Teaching aids: multimedia, pictures, tape recorder and so on. Teaching Procedures: 1.Warm-up.1) Greet the class and introduce myself .2) Sing a song.hello2. Presentation 1. Learning new words: polite kind funny hard-working. 2. Teach the target language : Hes Shes . I think so, too.3. Ask some Ss to introduce their friends.4Teach the target language : - Ill miss you.-Ill miss you ,too.-Take care!-Bye.5. Play a game.(Drive the train)(老师开火车,在学生上车时说“Nice to meet you.” 学生需要回答“Nice to meet you ,too.”才可以上车!等到转会原位都时候,老师说“Ill miss you.” 学生回答“Ill miss you ,too. Take care!” 老师回答”Bye.”学生方可回到原位做好。 6. Teach the other words :writing a postcard, reading a book, talking to friends, shopping. 7. Teach the target language : -What are you doing?-Im . 8. Sing a song: “Im studying English” 9. Play the tape, Ss listen and point to the dialogs.10. Rewind the tape again, Ss listen and read the dialogs.11.Play a game:听音乐传盒子教师把drawing a picture, writing a postcard, shopping, studying English, reading a book 等词条折叠后放进一个盒子里。音乐开始,学生按顺序传递盒子。音乐一停,拿到盒子的学生在盒子中抽取一张词条,教师引导其他学生提问:What are you doing? 抽到词条的学生根据词条上的短语边做动作边回答:I am . 教师播放的音乐可以是本课时歌曲What Are You Doing? 也可以是其它歌曲。3.Wrap-upListen and chant.“Monkey, Monkey, What are you doing?”4. Homework 1) Listen and read the dialogs.2) Copy the new words four times. Blackboard DesignUnit6 Going Home Lesson1 Dialogs and Vocabularykind - Ill miss you. writing a postcard -Ill miss you ,too. reading a book polite - Hes Shes .-I think so, too. talking to friendsfunny -Take care! Bye.hard-working - What are you doing? shopping -Im .
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