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新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 59听力Is that all?就这些吗?Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does the lady buy and chalk?听录音,然后回答下列问题。这位女士有没有买粉笔?LADY: I want some envelopes,please.SHOP ASSISTANT: Do you want thelarge size or thesmall size?LADY: The large size, please.LADY: Do you have anywriting paper?SHOP ASSISTANT: Yes, we do.SHOP ASSISTANT: I don”t have any smallpads. I only have largeone. Do you want a pad?LADY: Yes, please.LADY: And I want some glue.SHOP ASSISTANT: A bottle of glue.LADY: And I want a large boxof chalk, too.SHOP ASSISTANT: I only have small boxes.Do you want one?LADY: No, thank you.SHOP ASSISTANT: Is that all?LADY: That”s all, thank you.SHOP ASSISTANT: What else do you want?LADY: I want my change.New Word and expressions 生词和短语envelopen. 信封writing paper信纸shop assistant售货员sizen. 尺寸,尺码,大小padn. 信纸簿gluen. 胶水chalkn. 粉笔changen. 零钱,找给的钱
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