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How to make a happy familyAbstract As we all know, nowadays the divorce rate has been increasing day by day. Divorce not only does harm to every member in the family, but also make a negative effect on society. Therefore, how to make a happy life becomes more and more necessary. This thesis aims to introduce some methods to make a family full of joys and affection.Key Words Relationship; husband and wife; parents and children1. Relationship between husband and wife is a decisive factor.Astonished, the divorce rate had increased by nearly 40 percent in 2009. Whats worse, it shows an upward trend. Most of them are the generation of 80s. Some of them married by impulsion and divorced just because of trifles in daily life. As a matter of fact, its difficult to make a happy and permanent family. It requires us to think twice to get married before marriage and cherish joys and affection in the family after marriage.1.1 Before marriageWhy do people get married? And what promotes a marriage between a man and a woman?Some people say that they get married just because they get older and older and face great pressure from family and society. If they are still single, they will be regarded as a monster and be isolated by people surrounding. Some girls admit that they married because the person is handsome, rich or powerful. On the other hand, boys will marry a girl with her beautiful appearance. Actually majority of people today getting married is more based on requirements matching appropriately. Thus, most of them dont have opportunity or desire to think of true love between men and women.But as far as I am concerned, true love between husband and wife is still the most important factor to make a happy family even if in advanced society today. At last they must admire and like each other. If a man and a woman get married just thinking about substance, material or appearance, they will meet a large number of difficulties in their lives after marriage. Maybe they will be complain even quarrel with each other just because trifles in daily life. They also hate each other because different values. Therefore, people should think seconds and make a rational analysis, take account of true love before marriage. 1.2 After marriageHow to preserve a wonderful and strong relationship between husband and wife?There are some tips next.() Respect and love.Respect and love is the basis for spousal relationships. As we all know, living in the world, if only you respect others and then others respect you. At school, it is true; in office, it is true, too. Not to say in family, family members have dinners together, live together every day. They couldnt bear each other sooner or later without respect and love.() Be kind. Over time when we know someone a long time, we often start becoming unkind over the years. Thus, sometimes people take their partner for granted, thinking that they are a permanent fixture. We will use impolite even hostile tone when we are upset and angry with their spouse. And they will regret with what they said later. Relationships between spouses that are good should be kind. You do work to keep what you will be regret later from happening all the time by thinking about how you would talk to others and whether you would speak to them in this way.() Be thoughtful.Thoughtfulness is another important factor in great relationship between spouses. When people just get married or just start dating, they do thoughtful things like sending cards, buying flowers, or doing other thoughtful things. But when days go, people may not be showing love as much as before. In fact, surprising your spouse and taking time to be thoughtful can help you to make sure you have a great relationship with your spouse.2. Relationship between parents and children is an important factor.Children are the most important members who make joys in a family. But it is based on the good relationships between parents and children. Can an unhappy even hostile child make laughter in a family? Or can a people live a happy life in embarrassing conditions? The answer is definite no. How to keep harmonious and satisfactory relationship between parents and children? Similarly, I have some advice next.2.1 Parents should believe children and give them more freedom.Generational gap inevitably exists in parents and children. The generation of 80s and 90s seekfor individuality. They hate the traditional way that parents give orders which they have to follow. They want to make decision on their own things, they tend to do what they really like and play with their good friends who their parents may not like. They like to wear popular clothes and cut fashional hair style, and so on. Parents usually can understand personality of them and then have involvement in their daily life. Parents will force children to take part in summer school or other art training. They prohibit their children to play computer games
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